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Chocolate Carolina Reaper Sauce

Fermented a ton of Reapers and Elephant Garlic with some sourwood honey in a 2.5% brine. Silicon self-burping lid. Pumped the excess oxygen out, and let it go for a month and a half. I really should let it go longer, but it seemed like it had bubbled its last bubble, so what the Hell?

Put the peppers and garlic in the blender and let it do its thing. I added a little bit of vinegar, but not as much as I did in the last sauce. Added about half the brine as well.

Heres where it got a bit crazy. It needed sweetness but it also needed depth. So, honey, palm sugar, cardamom, cinnamon and... Dutch Process Cocoa, and a fair amount of it. I also added some cumin and ancho chili paste I made from reconstituting them in bourbon.

It has a fairly deep, smoky flavor. Minimal vinegar flavor. And the chocolate comes out somewhere in the middle of the whole experience. Oh... and its hot. Like... ragingly hot. This one makes your lips tingle. Its a fairly even burn, and the flavor of the Reapers really shines through all of that.

It is, however, a touch on the bitter side. Im afraid if I add more sugar, itll become too sweet. I could add more vinegar, but that might make it too vinegary. Any suggestions on finishing this sauce?
Added a bit of black vinegar and red wine vinegar. That seems to have helped with the bitterness. Somehow, it also seems hotter. Im literally sweating from dipping the end of a knife in the sauce to taste it. I dig the flavor, for the three seconds you can taste it before Reaper Madness sets in.