Chocolate Covered Peppers!'s a bit late, but my AWESOME girlfriend ordered me Chocolate Covered Peppers for Valentines Day! Mostly Jalapenos, but a few others in there as well. Needless to interesting combo! Pepper-chocolate-pepper flavor. Thoughts?

Also...I just figured out I might have to start a GLOG!
I think I'm gonna have to marry this girl one day...even though she hates that my baby plants have taken over the spare bedroom. She did buy me an awesome chocolate covered pepper themed
PS..I think she hates that I make her "look at my plants....they're growing and...and...." every time I see her.
I'm trying to picture how that would taste but drawing a blank. Sweet and spicy, the closest I'm coming is Mexican chocolate brownies, which have cinnamon and chocolate. Or maybe Aztec hot chocolate? Seems like it'd definitely be worth a try or two.
Definitely a lovely gift and best (belated) wishes to the couple!
Flavor was...actually...meh...but it's the thought that counts! I don't normally eat jalapenos without putting them in something I cook/make. So, think of it as taking a bite of a fresh picked jalapeno, but with chocolate. Weird, but worth a try.
MotorCity said:
Thanks! I can't wait to Marry this girl!