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hot-sauce Chocolate Plague - where did it go

I wrote a review of Chocolate Plague hot sauce when it was being sold on ebay.  I am absolutely sure I saw it at the Puckerbutt site sometime after a friend shared his stash from ebay.  Someone wrote me about the review asking where he could purchase the hot sauce.  I went to Puckerbutt to find him the link but could not find it listed with their hot sauce.

Does anyone have a clue?
It was a limited run and the bottles were signed by Ed and Steven. Proceeds went to a charity of some sort. They're supposed to be restocking at some point and it will be cheaper as it won't be a signed and numbered limited edition
Scorched, friend bought signed version on ebay. When I later saw it offered on the web site, had not noticed that too was the limited edition.  Kind of assumed that since the plan was to have regular production available threw Puckerbutt that it had already happened.  Forget what friend paid, but due remember I thought oh damn he is rich.  Works for Ford has a house keeper come in once a week.  Yep, rich and lazy.  How in the hell does that happen?
ajdrew said:
  Works for Ford has a house keeper come in once a week.  Yep, rich and lazy.  How in the hell does that happen?
     Your friend sounds either like he is a Ford engineer or one of the folks in charge of hiring recent grade-school graduates to become Ford engineers.
Hybrid, nope.  He's one of the guys who maintains the AC at the factory where he works.  I shouldnt say he is lazy.  Its just that he hire someone to do about anything he wants done.  I guess when you have no wife and no kids, you dont think about saving money by doing it yourself.  Still, it just seems alien to me.
From my understanding... Chocolate Plague could be announced and made available just about anytime now. The last I asked/talked to Ed (and later asked again several employees at the store) it was just simply stated that it was past due from the co-packers and no direct knowledge was known (or given) when it was to arrive. I was initially told 2 months ago that it would be in within a month, that was last month- so now it's just waiting until its arrival. Even when it does come in, that does not automatically mean it will go into full availability right away... who knows how long it might be 'sat on' until the deemed opportune time to release it. I imagine it might be made available to locals first before full fledged distribution is done.
The new batch I can say -as I was told- will be both hotter than the initial run (the expensive/for charity/signed & auctioned off bottles) and will retail what sauces like that usually run (guessing the 10-15$ range...)
So, we just have to wait!  :)