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Chrisjeep7's Pepper Patch....Maybe

I have been lurking on THP for a year or so after my first season netted me one (1) pepper to eat and was an unmitigated disaster. So, after much reading and planning i have raised a new crop from seeds (most), bought plants, and overwinters.

For me the overwintering process was a HUGE success but my normal season netted me jack squat. so apparently i am an overwinterizer expert....just don’t ask me to actually grow any peppers.

On to the photos.
The first pic is of my new raised bed, I had horrible luck in containers last year (mostly overwatering) so I built this at the end of the season. It is mostly black kow compost, turface, composted pine bark fines and peat. Its 8’x3’ the south temp fence is a windbreak due to the unending south wind we get.

Picture 035 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr

all the peppers were started at the same time and planted april 8th 2011 (i think too early)
from bottom right to left
1. Cayenne
2. Serrano
3. Mucho Nacho (bought)
4. Cayenne
5. Orange Hab
6. Black Hungarian Wax (bought)
7. Jalapeno M
8. Jalapeno M
9. Tabasco (overwinter)
10. Unknown Wax (bought)

in between i planted cilantro for salsa and it repells bugs (aphids) i am told. the peppers are 18" apart
this hab just sits here and looks much sadder than all the others. also its slightly yellow with small leafs.

Picture 038 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr
could this be due to cold temps?

next is my first overwinted tabasco. it is very bushy but also just kinda sits with no real growth. the unknown waz pepper in the background was ripped up by the wind before i built the fence.

Picture 040 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr

in my other raised bed i have 2 bells (i thought were dead due to a freak freeze) i just left them there and they started up again after all the old leaves fell off. dont mind the stupid onions, they were all in one bed before a cat tore them up and somehow spread them all over my pepper bed???

Picture 041 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr
They don't look bad really. My orange habs have been troublesomes growers this year too. I started 20-something varieties and the orange habs have been, by far, the slowest growers next to, ironically, the red hab and red savina. Everything else is more than double the size.
Thanks for the well wishes.

I did have to pull up the hab and jal due to some major cat damage. I potted them up and threw the aji and wax in the garden.

The hab and jal are in the er now...we will see how resilient they are
well, its been slow growing to say the least! i live in OK and in the past month we have had 18" of rain (8" in one night), twisters, baseball size hail, temp swings from 38*F in the morn to 90*F by 6:00PM, straight line winds of 70MPH...and aphids!

For those who baby their pepper plants let me tell you they are tough little suckers!

All my peppers have set and are flowering out despite the attempts by the Okie weather to destroy them! they look like complete hell with yellowing leaves from all the rain, torn leaves from hail, distorted leaves from massive aphid infestation however; they are still doing their thing. :lol:

a tip for people wanting bushy plants is to plant out leggy peppers in the Oklahoma spring with a constant south wind of 20-50mph, they were forced to get tough or die :hell: my plants are only 24" tall or so but the stems on one cayenne is over a 1/2" thick :eek:

pics will follow when the water recedes from last night’s storms
Well the peppers have been doing well despite some of the issues i have been having.

all the leaves on my pepper plants seem to be very small but green with some crinkling. no aphids that i can find and i have been spraying them with neem oil every 2 days. they seem to have stunted for a long time but now with temps near 100*F they are setting pepper w/o flower drop :crazy:

note this is my Aji Habanero with lots of buds but is this fert burn? or what?

Aji Habanero by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr

this cayanne is he same way, lots of flowers and peppers but very short shrubby and small leaves.

IMG_0147 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr

Black Wax in the same bed seems to be doing fine...

IMG_0151 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr

and this hot wax also has funny looking leaves, again in the same bed but is still setting peppers even if it look like a hobo

IMG_0155 by ChrisJeep7, on Flickr

i have also had a few peppers that moved to the great beyond...
1 red hab, 1 tabasco, 2 bells, 1 hot wax (i dont like them anyhow)

and i added one red savina habanero and one numex super chile to take the place of the sissy peppers that gave up on life...