Christmas Island Rock Phosphate

i have been looking for dolomite everywhere.. still can't find any. do you know if Christmas Island Rock Phosphate can be used instead?
i believe there is some overlap with calcuim content but the two would complement one another not replace. for phosphate i think you could get away with banana peels or bone meal as a replacement.

it is really is too bad that your area of the world is lacking in products that i can find readily in common retail outlets.
you might have better luck finding chemical fertilizers? if you are indeed looking for sources of phosphate(i assume thats what Christmas Island Rock Phosphate is for?) why not look for Mono-Potassium Phosphate or Mono-Ammonium Phosphate i would think the salts would be way more available. BTW wikipedia says domenite is ca and mg bound to a carbonate and no phosphate?
i believe there is some overlap with calcuim content but the two would complement one another not replace. for phosphate i think you could get away with banana peels or bone meal as a replacement.

it is really is too bad that your area of the world is lacking in products that i can find readily in common retail outlets.

Thanks for comment. Looks like I still have to look for dolomite for my calcium know near where I work there is a place called dolomite hills but its a housing area now.
you might have better luck finding chemical fertilizers? if you are indeed looking for sources of phosphate(i assume thats what Christmas Island Rock Phosphate is for?) why not look for Mono-Potassium Phosphate or Mono-Ammonium Phosphate i would think the salts would be way more available. BTW wikipedia says domenite is ca and mg bound to a carbonate and no phosphate?
Thanks for your comment. I was looking more for calcium. I got a very bumpy leaves problem.i have tried egg shells but it has to be baked first.i don't have an oven.:(.
Thanks for comment. Looks like I still have to look for dolomite for my calcium know near where I work there is a place called dolomite hills but its a housing area now.

Thanks for your comment. I was looking more for calcium. I got a very bumpy leaves problem.i have tried egg shells but it has to be baked first.i don't have an oven.:(.
you can try calcium nitrate or calcium sulfate, the latter isnt terribly soluble in water. again i imagine that finding the chemical salt would be easy, but thats just a guess. you might find it hard to buy in small quantities however.
depending on how much you are looking for how about a handful of rolaids or tums(you may have a generic product, as long as it contains calcuim carbonate).

i currently have a tray of ground eggshells in the oven cooling down. you could just put the eggs on the bbq or on a woodfire(you would get a double whammy, woodash and eggshell). as far as i am aware the only reason one bakes the shells in to remove any chance of salmonella bateria poisoning due to raw egg juice left behind on the eggshell.
Frying or baking then also removes most of other stuff in the egg shell ie junk. leaves calcium, not water soluble ,vinegar breaks it down and makes it water soluble. try it you'll like it.So will the plants
you can try calcium nitrate or calcium sulfate, the latter isnt terribly soluble in water. again i imagine that finding the chemical salt would be easy, but thats just a guess. you might find it hard to buy in small quantities however.
i have to go to an agriculture shop they supply to farms and plantation... but 100 kg bags!! crazy.. found one shop like that, thats where i found the Christmas Island Rock Phosphate need to buy in kilos. He was recommending me to go look at another bigger agriculture shop in the city. they might have dolomite...errr how much do we use for a potted plant?? or per plant?
Why would you need to bake the egg shells?
i was told that the egg shell take a long time to break down. so we need to bake them to break down faster ?

depending on how much you are looking for how about a handful of rolaids or tums(you may have a generic product, as long as it contains calcuim carbonate).

i currently have a tray of ground eggshells in the oven cooling down. you could just put the eggs on the bbq or on a woodfire(you would get a double whammy, woodash and eggshell). as far as i am aware the only reason one bakes the shells in to remove any chance of salmonella bateria poisoning due to raw egg juice left behind on the eggshell.
i thought you were the one who told me to bake my eggs shells before using it so that it breaks down faster..hmmmm...

rolaids.. when i put it in google.. i found many news of RECALLS for roloids..hmm johnson & johnson should just convert them to fertilizer fertilizer.

i made a compost tea with eggs shells,yogurt and grass cuttings... since you were telling me of salmonella.. can i use them for plants? hmm juice stinks...

Frying or baking then also removes most of other stuff in the egg shell ie junk. leaves calcium, not water soluble ,vinegar breaks it down and makes it water soluble. try it you'll like it.So will the plants
so after baking i should use some vinegar on the shells ?? how much ?
Use the rock phosphate at 1 handful per sq metre. it is a longer action but will also last much longer in the soil. It wont flush out like the salts and is much better in the long run. Buy a small bag of garden lime to have a quicker action but use the rock phosphate as well.
Use the rock phosphate at 1 handful per sq metre. it is a longer action but will also last much longer in the soil. It wont flush out like the salts and is much better in the long run. Buy a small bag of garden lime to have a quicker action but use the rock phosphate as well.
how about potted plants? can we use it when there are plants or when we are preparing the raise bed?
i got garden lime for my lawn. can i use that ? how much to use for potted hot pepper plants?
should i mix in water and feed them in liquid form ?
yes, selling dolomite. its in the gardening supplies at the one i go to. At Mid valley.

Its in a paper bag.
how about potted plants? can we use it when there are plants or when we are preparing the raise bed?
i got garden lime for my lawn. can i use that ? how much to use for potted hot pepper plants?
should i mix in water and feed them in liquid form ?

Just a light dusting on the soil surface and calcium carbonate is fairly quick to release if you have a healthy soil. The micro-organismism in the soil use and make citric acid which the plants roots exude as well which breaks down nutrients to a plant available form. (quick answer)