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Christopher Phillips Leukemia Fund

It`s been a long time since I was last here. I`m posting because we now have a live site on Donationto.com, to benefit our good friend Christopher Phillips. 
On 11/4/15 Chris was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). This is a very serious cancer that affects the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow. If you have any questions about this disease or Chris, please ask in the comments. I will be back to check regularly.
Chilima said:
I have no idea who this dude is but I know how hard cancer can be on your family. So here goes some peanuts to the jar.
Best wishes
Good for you, thanks so much for your generosity. Chris goes by cmpman1974 on here.
If you`ve grown any superhots, chances are he was instrumental in acquiring seeds from the source and distributing them to the community at large. He also named the 7-pot Primo. It isn`t only superhots, but he is probably most known for those. 
ajdrew said:
Thought; Many of us have business and personal web sites.  How bout promoting the fund by linking?
Anyone who has a web site and feels like they could add a link to the fund, please feel free to do so.
All funds from the web site go direct to Chris. There is no middleman.
If anyone is in good with Jim Duffy, Pepper Joe, Ed Curry or any of the other folk running really busy websites maybe you could ask them if they could link to the fund from their front page.  I do not know how google knows how much traffic a site has, but from what I understand a front page link from a big traffic site will help the smaller new site in the search engines like google.
Get well Chris. If you are able to come down to Florida, Moffitt saved my wife's life, and because it is a clinic, wrote off the huge bill. It is a wonderful place and people come from even different countries to go there.

My cousin as well!
ajdrew said:
If anyone is in good with Jim Duffy, Pepper Joe, Ed Curry or any of the other folk running really busy websites maybe you could ask them if they could link to the fund from their front page.  I do not know how google knows how much traffic a site has, but from what I understand a front page link from a big traffic site will help the smaller new site in the search engines like google.
I saw that you have the fund raising site feature on your own website. Thanks a lot, I truly appreciate that. For anyone wishing to know what web site that is, here ya go,
Both Jim Duffy and Ed Currie have been involved in this from the start and I believe Ed is putting the fund raising web site on his website front page sometime soon. Jim will be having a sale to benefit Chris in the near future. I do not know Pepper Joe.
Any other suggestions for sellers with websites, please let me know or contact them yourselves if you know the person.