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Citrus/fruity peppers

Being new to hot peppers. It was always hard for me to believe that a person can actually taste the flavor of a pepper "citrus" beyond the heat. Now after biting into a yellow fatalii. I'm in love with it. Now I can see where people say it has a citruscy taste:aroma. So aside te fatalii. What are other peppers that have a similar taste to it

I know I read in another thread that people love wild brazil. But taste is subjective. So I'd like to first go with the citrus ones. All info is appreciated.

My all-time citrusy-flavored pepper only has a little bit of heat to it - that's the aji habanero. But the flavor is so wildly unexpected and sweet, the little guys are just too fun to pick off the plant and eat right then and there.
Yellow 7's ,Trinidad Treasure , Aji limon& Amarillo(lots of Baccatums have this).....
As with all food(eg:wines, beers etc...peppers) the citrus is not the exact description, but a description of something that the closest reference that is similar or is "evoked" by the taste of said item. Ie-the taste sensation "brings to mind" these flavor descriptions, because we can only use familiar reference to describe a flavor that is not specifically identifiable. :high: CLEAR??!!

Ah...and yes the Lemon Drop!
I'm sooo in love with the Fatalii!!!!

I'm also very new the this wonderful world of superhots....so exploring their flavors is a true adventure!

Last Fall, ChileAddict stopped by with some beauties to taste test, and I flipped for the Yellow Scorpion Cardi and his Lemon Drops.
Both had that bright citrusy flavor. But the YS Cardi is right up there with the Fatalii for my all time favs! :)
Nowhere near as hot as Fatalii but as others have already said Aji Lemon / Lemon Drop is great (although some say it tastes like soap?).

A new favourite of mine is Aji Russian Yellow... similar to Aji Lemon but tastes almost passionfruity to me. And apparently Aji Pineapple is good too. Haven't tried it myself yet but it is reported to taste like, wait for it... pineapple.

If you're looking for something with more heat, tried my first Cumari do Para not long ago and WOW. I place the flavour up there with Fatalii. Very similar to Wild Brazil I believe?
How similar is the taste of a Fatalii to a yellow 7 Pod? I'm currently growing yellow 7s, which are the first superhot pepper I've actually tried outside of sauces. I was thinking of growing the Fatalii next season but honestly wasn't crazy about the yellow 7 taste.
Yellow bird/cumari

How similar is the taste of a Fatalii to a yellow 7 Pod? I'm currently growing yellow 7s, which are the first superhot pepper I've actually tried outside of sauces. I was thinking of growing the Fatalii next season but honestly wasn't crazy about the yellow 7 taste.

Personally, I really haven't been a big fan (understatement) of most other yellow Chinenses that I have tried (including Yellow 7) but something about the Fatalii that is different. First time I tried one, I couldn't beiieve how much I liked it!

Same story with Cumari do Para. I dunno... maybe certain tastes just end up growing on you?
+ 1 on Datil

Personally, I really haven't been a big fan (understatement) of most other yellow Chinenses that I have tried (including Yellow 7) but something about the Fatalii that is different. First time I tried one, I couldn't beiieve how much I liked it!

Same story with Cumari do Para. I dunno... maybe certain tastes just end up growing on you?
My Cumari is just now setting pods - I'm eager to taste them!
- my first planting did not germinate.