What's the consensus on plant hormone administration and fruit production? How well do commercial products work? Are they harmful to beneficial micro-organisms? Which products are best? Any insight would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm a 2nd year grower. Last year I just had one super hot, a red bhut. I started late and the plant didn't start flowering until right around when the weather got hot. My plant grew susprisingly large all and all considered. It was well over 5' tall and had quite the canopy. It flowered like crazy and all but a few flowers dropped. When September came about it podded up like crazy. I got nearly 300 pods out of it.
My move to a single family home was deferred a year so I'm still in a condo with limited garden space. I have that same bhut, a 7 Pot Jonah and a TS Butch T. My plants are getting quite large and robust and I do have some pods forming. I'm frustrated about the flower drop I'm experiencing and we're entering a heat wave. I can't do much about the weather and I'd really like to have more of an early harvest.
I'm not concerned about getting more green leafy growth out of them. I'm looking for more pods and, above all, an earlier harvest. Could artifical hormones get me that? If so, at what cost?
Talk to Kevin(wayright), he will give you good info on the the "cheats." If you are at all interested in it do not listen to anyone till you talk to him.
Thanks millworkman, I just shot waywright a PM. I'm quite curious to hear what he has to say.
I'm just trying to get some information from people in the know.
If it was so helpfull then it would be used in agricultural production.
These are used in commercial agricultural production.
Capsicum, I do appreciate the feedback but I feel that:
1) You're over-simplifying some complex issues
2) You've never used any of the countless commercially available plant hormone products out there
Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
But that goes back to just supplying plants with the needed nutrients, and good grow conditions.
I can't do much about the weather and I'd really like to have more of an early harvest.
If you are interested I will dig out my book that has the relevant table. I thought I saw the numbers posted on here too, but I can't seem to find it now.
Checkout a glog by wayright, he shows a picture with what appear to be hormones, he does not expand on them. But look at his previous glogs, his plants are huge.
Having tried liquid karma for less than a full season, I find it hard to accept a person's view on the big picture with so little experience.