I have been around peppers for awhile, but still am a bit confussed. You wonderful pepper people often use words like chenese (sp), annum (sp), and pubs. I understand that these are pepper types, but is there a chart of some kind so im better aware of what kind goes into what category?

It looks like I favor the Baccatum.
I love the AJI peppers and Brazillian starfish, Bishops crown .
The fruity taste is apealing andbthe heat level is perfect for me.

On another note, I much prefer the Bhuts to the scorpions. I find the scorpions matalic and harsh in flavor. The ghosts are fruity and, though they burn your face off, are pretty tasty.
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You like the Aji's that's good. Couple of them headed you way! I like them too, anything hotter than Habanero to me tastes horrible.
The list you sent me in the DM has been researched and Im THRILLED. They all are in OUR wheelhouse. My buddy loves "those little yellow ones".