This deal is CLOSED for the time being, but may open up again very shortly, after I clear this round of SASBEs!
10 of 10 SASBEs claimed so far:
timorkiller (shipped)
BadPants (shipped)
Helldozer (shipped)
smokemaster (shipped)
Sanchez (shipped)
brownb4 (shipped)
DonLava (shipped)
scottmanb (shipped)
fioggia (shipped)
So it's that wonderful time of the year again...where most of us in North America sit inside drinking heavily and daydreaming about plantout while we organize our seed collections.
Confession: It'll be 83F here tomorrow.
HOWEVER, I am organizing my seed. I have a TON of self-saved stuff from this year. Most is not isolated, but some is. I've also got quite a few commercial varieties that I'm culling from my grow list. Some I didn't like. Some I have waaay too many of to stay viable for years. Some were fine but I want more of what I want.
Anyway, here's the deal. I am long on seeds and short on time. And I want very few varieties in return. So most of these I'm happy to do some SASBEs for. But I'll take a limited number of SASBEs at first. If you're looking for something on the list, please let me know and I'll do my very best to get all your requests in. However, if I run out, then I'm out. I'll designate that here as I can.
For new or newish growers, if you'd just like a "grab bag", please send the SASBE (please see here for how to send a proper SASBE! - http://thehotpepper....-to-do-a-sasbe/ ) and let me know that. I'm happy to try and mix it up a little more for you.
If you DO see something I'm looking for (listed below), please know I'll be more atuned to specific requests and will try and prioritize your re-pack. For those that have interesting crosses you'd like to share and feel kind enough to pack a seed or three with the SASBE, I'll graciously accept them for a fun grow out.
Thanks for understanding on the time issue.
I'll take up to ten SASBEs at first and then we'll see what I've got left. Will probably send a half-dozen or so of each variety if I have that many. Less if not. Please post here first so we can all keep track, and then PM me. I'll send along my address as promptly as I can.
Hope this all makes sense and sorry for the ramble. Kids, sleep, beer, work, you get the idea...
All the following would be "pure" seed. I use that term loosely with the BBs, but you know what I mean. Commercial seed. No 2nd generation on the hybrid. Isolated seed on the others. Please be honest with me on this. You get free seed regardless.
Aji Limon
Biker Biller Jalapeno (still looking for straight-from-Burpee seed)
JD Special C-Tex Tomato
Matt's Wild Cherry Tomato
Non-Isolated Stock (Self Saved)
Costeno Amarillo
Mustard Habanero
Dulce di Minervino
NuMex Jalmundo
Chiero do Norte
Criolla Sella
Chocolate Habanero
Guampinha de Veado
Black Pearl
Sweet Pickle
Aji Omnicolor
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
Bonda Ma Jacques
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Barro do Robiero
White 7-Pot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Fatalii (Red X)
Texas Tepin (wild gathered in western Travis County)
Zimbabwe Bird
Congo Trinidad
NOT Yellow Bhut Jolokia (These are reddish orange, brutally hot, huge plant - seed originally from Trade Winds)
Non-Isolated Stock (Other Sources, if grown out will be noted as true)
Trinidad Scorpion Red
Greek Pepperocini
Rocoto (Red and Orange)
Uvilla Grande
Red Bell
Hot Portugal (grows true)
Bahamian Finger (from a Bahamian market, grows true)
Naga Jolokia (grows true)
Isolated Stock (Source in Parentheses)
Piquillo (CPI)
NuMex Jalmundo (CPI)
R Naky (CPI)
Buran (Seed Savers Exchange)
Jimmy Nardello's (Seed Savers Exchange)
Santa Fe Grande (Seed Savers Exchange)
Miniature Red Bell (Seed Savers Exchange)
Shishito (Trade Winds)
10 of 10 SASBEs claimed so far:
timorkiller (shipped)
BadPants (shipped)
Helldozer (shipped)
smokemaster (shipped)
Sanchez (shipped)
brownb4 (shipped)
DonLava (shipped)
scottmanb (shipped)
fioggia (shipped)
So it's that wonderful time of the year again...where most of us in North America sit inside drinking heavily and daydreaming about plantout while we organize our seed collections.
Confession: It'll be 83F here tomorrow.
HOWEVER, I am organizing my seed. I have a TON of self-saved stuff from this year. Most is not isolated, but some is. I've also got quite a few commercial varieties that I'm culling from my grow list. Some I didn't like. Some I have waaay too many of to stay viable for years. Some were fine but I want more of what I want.
Anyway, here's the deal. I am long on seeds and short on time. And I want very few varieties in return. So most of these I'm happy to do some SASBEs for. But I'll take a limited number of SASBEs at first. If you're looking for something on the list, please let me know and I'll do my very best to get all your requests in. However, if I run out, then I'm out. I'll designate that here as I can.
For new or newish growers, if you'd just like a "grab bag", please send the SASBE (please see here for how to send a proper SASBE! - http://thehotpepper....-to-do-a-sasbe/ ) and let me know that. I'm happy to try and mix it up a little more for you.
If you DO see something I'm looking for (listed below), please know I'll be more atuned to specific requests and will try and prioritize your re-pack. For those that have interesting crosses you'd like to share and feel kind enough to pack a seed or three with the SASBE, I'll graciously accept them for a fun grow out.

Thanks for understanding on the time issue.
I'll take up to ten SASBEs at first and then we'll see what I've got left. Will probably send a half-dozen or so of each variety if I have that many. Less if not. Please post here first so we can all keep track, and then PM me. I'll send along my address as promptly as I can.
Hope this all makes sense and sorry for the ramble. Kids, sleep, beer, work, you get the idea...
All the following would be "pure" seed. I use that term loosely with the BBs, but you know what I mean. Commercial seed. No 2nd generation on the hybrid. Isolated seed on the others. Please be honest with me on this. You get free seed regardless.

Aji Limon
Biker Biller Jalapeno (still looking for straight-from-Burpee seed)
Matt's Wild Cherry Tomato
Non-Isolated Stock (Self Saved)
Costeno Amarillo
Mustard Habanero
Dulce di Minervino
NuMex Jalmundo
Chiero do Norte
Criolla Sella
Chocolate Habanero
Guampinha de Veado
Black Pearl
Sweet Pickle
Aji Omnicolor
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
Bonda Ma Jacques
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Barro do Robiero
White 7-Pot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Fatalii (Red X)
Texas Tepin (wild gathered in western Travis County)
Zimbabwe Bird
Congo Trinidad
NOT Yellow Bhut Jolokia (These are reddish orange, brutally hot, huge plant - seed originally from Trade Winds)
Non-Isolated Stock (Other Sources, if grown out will be noted as true)
Trinidad Scorpion Red
Greek Pepperocini
Rocoto (
Red Bell
Hot Portugal (grows true)
Bahamian Finger (from a Bahamian market, grows true)
Isolated Stock (Source in Parentheses)
Piquillo (CPI)
NuMex Jalmundo (CPI)
R Naky (CPI)
Buran (Seed Savers Exchange)
Santa Fe Grande (Seed Savers Exchange)
Miniature Red Bell (Seed Savers Exchange)