free CLOSED >MORE< Free Seed - payback time

motorcity is F#1
TheBuck78 is F#2
sreinhard88 is F#3
Just to clarify the list.  
(When the previous reference to Offer F was made there was no Offer F in existence yet - he was just indicating what he'd like to see offered)
Hey, this is awesome, hope I'm not too late, I am a total Noob, been lurking for months, joined last week and this is my first post.
I will take the Newbie Option A - #1
Thanks, great idea.
OK - got you all down.
Either this is a bad time of year to give away seed with free shipping or my selections are not too appealing!
I any event, this is dragging along so I'm going to wrap up the drawings by the end of next week.  I'll start with the offers with the most requests.  Anyone else wants in - feel free to do so until I mark the offers closed.
I'll contact each winner as I draw them for shipping addresses.
I spooled up a random number generator and drew some winners:
Offer B - number 1 winner is rebelgrower3
Offer D - number 5 winner is 7potquezada
Offer F - number 3 winner is sreinhard88
Winners please PM me your mailing addresses and I'll get your seed out to you next week.
Anyone else who wants in on the remaining drawings please indicate your choices soon.  I will be wrapping them up shortly.
cone9 said:
I spooled up a random number generator and drew some winners:
Offer B - number 1 winner is rebelgrower3
Offer D - number 5 winner is 7potquezada
Offer F - number 3 winner is sreinhard88
Winners please PM me your mailing addresses and I'll get your seed out to you next week.
Anyone else who wants in on the remaining drawings please indicate your choices soon.  I will be wrapping them up shortly.
PM sent, thanks again for an awesome offer!
Updating my initial post since E is gone.  I'd be happy to have any offer, but Offer C (#1?) and Offer K (#1?) look wonderful.  
Many thanks for paying it forward Cone9!
Tim Vader said:
I wanted to jump on this weeks ago, but my sign up date was after the dates you'd listed :(
Offer A is the only one restricted to newbies.  The rest are open to all.
Offer A - number 1 winner is blorvak
Winners please PM me your mailing addresses and I'll get your seed out to you next week.
Anyone else who wants in on the remaining drawings please indicate your choices soon.  I will be wrapping them up shortly.