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CMPMAN1974 2013 Grow Log

That Lava is a beast......
The stem on that pod looks like some of mine.........it happens when I find a cool looking pod and continue to check it out every few days. All the turning and twisting eventually separates it from the branch........... :shocked: .
Glad to see you're getting the ripening pods.....the weather is near perfect here, I'm sure your plants are enjoying the same.....boomage..
yes, good shots. I have a micro tripod for my cam but rarely use it because its so small (no jokes please >:-) ;) Anyway. I try to get good shots but they rarely match-up to Chris'. Nice variety.
Yeah, I did.  That was a hard shot to get.  I think I'm having more fun doing the photography this year than pods. Haha.  There is SO much to learn on that aspect.  It's pretty neat and challenging. 
MGOLD86 said:
Beautiful pod shots Chris!  Did you use a lightbox with a flash for that lava shot?  Beautiful!
It's really cool looking.  The coloring is unique.  First time I grew this one. 
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
i likes! the green bean!
I totally agree.  I just bought some post production software (Aperture) and have been shooting in RAW.  It is really awesome when you get the look you want, but a total PITA when you dont.  I find my self taking WAY more photos than last year, just to make sure I have "THE" shot.  I am reading a lot of websites devoted to using the software and am looking at eBooks on it as well.  There is so much to learn. 
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
i likes! the green bean!
It does look pretty cool. I take it, it doesn't turn red (or any other color these days)?
How the taste and heat on this one.
I think I'll skip the apocalypse. I hope to live i bit longer :P
super nice shots. A lot of scary looking pods Chris....I wouldn't want to bite into half of those! It's that time of year for all of the pod porn to start flooding out of the glogs!