• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974 Growing Log - 2014 Season

Time to start sowing seeds in a few weeks.  I am undecided on exactly what I will be growing this season.  All I know is I'm looking forward to seeing some sprouts after this crap winter so far in Michigan!  Will update once there is something to actually write. LOL.
Good luck to all in 2014!!  Hope it's the hottest season ever!
Chris,  I know you have several mad scientist creations and I'm thinking they all look as gnarly as the pimenta chris fat red f4.  I am envious in a positive way.  As usual great job, my friend !!!!!
That F4 is lookin' pretty cool, Chris. Great flower shots as well!
Been pretty cool up here, too, but a slow start is better than a no-start. Look forward to the photos to come.
Barley-pop57 said:
Chris,  I know you have several mad scientist creations and I'm thinking they all look as gnarly as the pimenta chris fat red f4.  I am envious in a positive way.  As usual great job, my friend !!!!!
^ that
Hi Chris glad to see you still pop in, i know your pretty busy and i hope your feeling ok your pepper and flowers lok great, I've decided to do a wild grow next year, should be a lot of fun.
I've gotseveral wild varieties but looking for more I''ve got one of your C.frutescens (Mancho) growing in a 5 gal. the thing is close to 6 feet tall really crazy, the small fat pods are tasty and have plenty of heat for their size I plan to do a bottle or two of wild powder as I'm not keeping most of the seeds because most will be mixed crosses , but I plan to over winter all but one or two plants. I will bag a few so that I will have extra seeds.
That Chacoense cross flowers is wild looking and love that pepper you have been working on looks pretty wicked.
Drop me a Email when you can.
Hi George.   Great to hear from you as always.  I'm still alive and kicking and growing peppers.   We've had a real weird season with the weather here.  A few weeks ago we had the worst rainfall recorded in a single day in over a 100 years!  It was 6+ inches of rain in two hours.  lol.
Things are small in the garden, but I'm getting ripe pods finally so I'm happy.  Lots of weird stuff out there this season.  I wish I could post here more, but there just isn't enough time in a day to do everything.  I'll do what I do best - photo updates.  Enjoy.....

Bump, good to see you back on here Chris... 6+ inches of rain in 2 hours, yikes so thats why California is so dry. We don't get this so called rain.. Have a great weekend
I was wondering if you were growing any super hots this year Chris. That Apocalypse looks like dripping lava :fireball: Anyway, very nice varieties.

Red Bhutlah
Hey, Chris.  A little late to the show, but you
have some nice stuff going on there!  
How did the season turn out for you?