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media Coconut water

There is a Canadian company that uses Macrocystis integrifolia, they want $185 for a case of 4 bottles, I think they only sell it by the case lot.... not going to pay $ 185.
Thanks for listing the product you have as I will also be able to search for it; I guess seaweed is a very broad term and I should also be focusing on Kelp.
BC, if it helps, I use Maxicrop from Ohrstrom's. It's pretty common in big box distributions down here, but again, I'm real unfamiliar with Calgary. Best I know there is a good client that's from there and had his father-in-law come visit us last week. Said he garaged his Miata in October and just brought it back out two weeks ago. I do not envy y'all's long winters. :)

edit: Trying to find out how to get it where you are and it seems more difficult than I would've thought. So strange how distribution networks work (or don't).
HawaiiAl said:
Burning try some sea weed fermented it will surprise the hell out of you on how well it works. tomato plants doubled in size in 4 days. take fresh or dried sea weed in a bowl add water let set over night (will be mush) put into blender cut up as fine as you can.Place into a large jar or container plastic or glass what ever you have,
Add 1/3 water,1/3 molasses 1/3 sea weed cover with any porous paper put in dark place for 1 week strain, you can place old sea weed at base of plants. mix two tablespoons of liquid to 1 gal of old water(left set out for 24 hr. to remove chlorine) spray plants its the best way to use. will also Make soil fluffy. try it you'll will like it. = AjarnV spray leaves at night or very early in the AM i know you don't like to spray leaves because of heat. Its the best way to give to plants

Amen to that, I've been using seaweed emulsion on my tomatoes and they grow insanely fast. Hardly can keep up between potting up. My peppers are too small to use full strength to actually see any difference so go figure.
Eephus Man said:

Look this joint up:


Ask for nori (not a person, but a type of dried seaweed) if you can't find something there (or ask for nori at your local market). They should be able to hunt you down a few different kinds.

G'luck and let us know how it goes.

Might also try Amaranth Whole Foods or other 'health food' type stores.

Look for the unsalted nori. Most nori I find in my area are usually salted / flavored. =D
this has turned into a seaweed discussion, haha.

Alright, gotta try out the seaweed emulsion one of these days.
kiddc said:
this has turned into a seaweed discussion, haha.

Alright, gotta try out the seaweed emulsion one of these days.

Still pretty awesome if there's good results with coconut water though. Cheap and easily found locally, where I am at least.
HawaiiAl said:
most asian stores have it, when i don't have time to go collect it, I use dryed works just as well. let us know how it works for you. get unflavored type, As Japanese stores carry it in differant flavors here on the Islands.

Well Al, you've really done it this time! I am now an addict to making all of my own ferts. Until I can get seaweed (about an hours drive to the Gulf) I'm using algae from our outdoor fish bowls (we grow Lotus in them and also have fish in there). There is also a 2 leaf floating plant called Nan (?) that grows like mad; so I'm drying it out and mixing with the algae.
Our local food shop (restaurant) has been saving eggshells for me also; so now I have an unlimited source of calcium. Add to that the coconut water and I'm-shittin-in-tall-cotton as they say, thanks.
AjarnV said:
Well Al, you've really done it this time! I am now an addict to making all of my own ferts. Until I can get seaweed (about an hours drive to the Gulf) I'm using algae from our outdoor fish bowls (we grow Lotus in them and also have fish in there). There is also a 2 leaf floating plant called Nan (?) that grows like mad; so I'm drying it out and mixing with the algae.
Our local food shop (restaurant) has been saving eggshells for me also; so now I have an unlimited source of calcium. Add to that the coconut water and I'm-shittin-in-tall-cotton as they say, thanks.

you can use the water from where you have your fish everytime you clean the containers and water your plants. pretty high in nitrogen I hear among other good stuff (but there's a high amount of ammonium in it too, poisonous for plants? not sure). But I've seen my grass get real healthy and happy with it from getting the dirty water from my fish tanks back when I had them.
franzb69 said:
you can use the water from where you have your fish everytime you clean the containers and water your plants. pretty high in nitrogen I hear among other good stuff (but there's a high amount of ammonium in it too, poisonous for plants? not sure). But I've seen my grass get real healthy and happy with it from getting the dirty water from my fish tanks back when I had them.

Hey Franz,
The fish are my wife's territory (it's a Thai thing) and she never changes the water; just adds to it to make up for evaporation. I think it's like a closed system; fish, plants, snails, and Lotus. They're not conventional aquariums; just very large Terracotta bowls on Terracotta pedestals. I'm collecting rain-water which is really good for the plants.
I have to wait for a few days for the pots to dry out before I can try out the coconut water; maybe tomorrow or Sunday. Cheers.

AjarnV said:
Hey Franz,
The fish are my wife's territory (it's a Thai thing) and she never changes the water; just adds to it to make up for evaporation. I think it's like a closed system; fish, plants, snails, and Lotus. They're not conventional aquariums; just very large Terracotta bowls on Terracotta pedestals. I'm collecting rain-water which is really good for the plants.
I have to wait for a few days for the pots to dry out before I can try out the coconut water; maybe tomorrow or Sunday. Cheers.


Sort of like a fish pond then? I still cleaned my fish pond every few months whenever we were expecting visitors. Mine had koi in it. Had to stop keeping fish in the pond since cats started hanging out in my house (even if we had tons of dogs, my dogs couldn't scare a cat even if it wanted to, but they're great against rats. lol). They kept eating my koi! and the heat from the sun was just too much for them, getting boiled alive in their own pond. The help helps me drench the garden with the dirty water from the pond after and they get really nice and green after a couple days.
AjarnV said:
Here's another link showing the nutritional values for coconut water;


Pretty impressive; it seems to cover all the vitals. Cheers.

seems odd that coconut water's a bit on the acidic side and yet still contains a lot of sodium (relative to everything else in it).

looks good alright.

let us know what happens. if good things happen then i'll start watering my plants with a diluted solution too. =D
franzb69 said:
seems odd that coconut water's a bit on the acidic side and yet still contains a lot of sodium (relative to everything else in it).

looks good alright.

let us know what happens. if good things happen then i'll start watering my plants with a diluted solution too. =D

Wow, Burning Colon has really opened up a fascinating subject. Cheers BC.
Coconut water is sterile until opened and readily mixes with blood; it was used for transfusions during WWII by both the Japanese and the British when no blood was available. Amazing!
sterile until opened up from the coconut.

kinda hard to get if your far from the beach. i'm quite a ways from the nearest source of fresh coconuts (25 km?).

transfusions huh? interesting. sticking them in bags and then into people. hmmm.... lol.
Well, experiment started; because I use Terracotta pot's AND it's been hotter than hell (still 37+ everyday) my runts all dried out enough to give them a shot of coconut water.
The bags have 300ml of coco water in them and I added 900ml of RO (reverse osmosis) water to that (1200ml total). I took pictures of all 5 plants.
I've got 7 plants that are doing fine; didn't feed them.
I'll be reporting back regarding results. Cheers.
looking forward to the results.

found this at the local hardware store:


bought for around 4 dollars.

it claimed it was organic so I gave it a try.

it said that it's coconut based. so I guess it should be pretty similar to coconut water only a bit more concentrated? not sure.

here's the breakdown:
N - 8
P - 8
K - 8

organic matter 4-5%
crude protein .7-.8%
magnesium - .04%
calcium - .04%
iron 1091ppm
manganese .55ppm
copper 6ppm
boron 9ppm
molybdate 2ppm
and a chelating agent (whatever this is)

instructions: 5ml per liter
application - once a week

14 days after transplanting

don't really have pepper plants large enough to try on, but i'll give it a try on my maters and whatnot for the meantime. can't hurt I guess. will also be reporting whenever I some results (good or bad).
Wow, Burning Colon has really opened up a fascinating subject. Cheers BC

I've had over a year to goof off, I really should be out looking for a job but I am having too much fun raising my girls. I spend my days researching various topics, only if I could get paid for my knowledge. It drives my wife nuts when we go out shopping and people, for whatever reason just want to talk with me, just come right up and start talking and when I talk about growing peppers and tomatoes people listen and many times small crowds form. I stopped in at a local garden centre looking for seaweed fertilizer and after searching high and low decided to ask the knuckleheaded clerk, of course they don't know and have to ask someone else, who had to ask someone else, who had to ask someone else....small crowd of store employees... then I decided I would give them a lecture on the value of seaweed fertilizer, customers overheard, next thing several of them gather listening.... everybody wants seaweed fertilizer now! (I told them to visit thehotpepper.com for growing knowledge).

BC, if it helps, I use Maxicrop from Ohrstrom's. It's pretty common in big box distributions down here, but again, I'm real unfamiliar with Calgary. Best I know there is a good client that's from there and had his father-in-law come visit us last week. Said he garaged his Miata in October and just brought it back out two weeks ago.
It's good to know brand names, I haven't seen that brand or any seaweed fertilizer. Yesterday was Texas day for me, not only forum chatting with eephus but as I am walking to school to get the girls, saw a truck with Texas plates, get to school and one of the people waiting for their grandkids was from Texas. We share a common oil & gas industry and cattle... here is another useless fact ... Canada is the single largest supplier of oil to the US.

So, today, after I finish this post and finish my glass of orange juice, I am off to T&T Chinese supermark to look for packaged seaweed(hope I can read the ingredient labels) and fresh coconuts. Then I am going to scrape the thick green algea from the fish tank that houses my guppies(kids will be happy to see the guppies again). Then, I will strain my small container of corn silk tea that I started last night. Plant some tomatoes because it is finally warm enough. Check on my other experiment, wheatgerm tea.

Gotta go, it takes a good half hour to get across the city and I have to be back before 1pm to pick up the girls - ciao
If your wife thinks your nuts, wait a year to see what she thinks about you. My WIFE knows I'm crazy and nuts, you ought here her every time she walks into the
garage with all my collection of bottles, buckets with weird brown looking stuff in them. Remember all the concoctions you make have live Beneficial Micro-organisms in them, store bought stuff is ALL DEAD or it would explode on the shelfs, big mess. Fish water is also great for plants,algae helps too. I'm real happy to see other people starting to use all this home maid stuff. Good luck with it. if I can be of help please feel free to ask.

Ps: have not seen any difference between fresh or dried seed weed, plants like all.
Looks like I'm going to have to find a religion because there must be a God! I stop for gas, price was down 5cents a litre. Right across the street is a small Korean grocery store, I go in and buy a bag of dried seaweed and kelp $5.00 for the lot. All this 5 minutes from my home. Get home, fill two buckets with water, one for seaweed the other for kelp; as I reread the nutrition label, I noticed the kelp had a high sodium count and the seaweed had none, I found this unusal as both come from the ocean - I licked the kelp and yep it was salty, so I kept soaking and dumping the water. Hopefully all the salt has leeched out.

Thanks for assistance Hawaii..... my garage looks like yours and because our winters are so cold, you should see the house - been doing this for 20 years. Basement has my bathroom(everyone's to afraid to enter), then my growing room where all the seedlings are, the laundry room also doubles as my wine room. Told the wife and kids they are going to have to start peeing in a bucket so we can take advantage of nitrogen and save on water. Just got the stare! Then I surprised her, told her I wanted to raise some chickens, local topic in the city - some residence want to be able to raise chickens and our city council has been debating it(they voted it down yesterday). I was raised on a farm and we had chickens, my job as a boy was to fetch the eggs .... got the stare again.

I was surprised how thick the seaweed has ballooned up, had to transfer it from a 2 gallon pail to a 6 gallon. I think I will start with just the seaweed, put some in the blender and strain it and dilute with water. I don't think I will add the molasses just yet.
Mark: if your not going to use molasses watch your mix very close because it will turn very quick use it before it turns or starts to rot. The molasses is to feed the bacteria so it will multiply to break down the sea weed to make the nutrients available for the plants. try it let me know if works. Alex

ps the bacteria needs sugar to grow and start the fermention cycle, without it will die quickly