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media Coconut water

HawaiiAl said:
Remember all the concoctions you make have live Beneficial Micro-organisms in them, store bought stuff is ALL DEAD or it would explode on the shelfs, big mess.

Not true. Does yoghurt explode for example?
Alex, I brought a handful of seaweed into the house and put it through the food processor, it is now in the container with water about 1 quart including the seaweed mash, can I use it immediately or do you recommend a time frame to allow the nutrients to enter into the water?

Of course I will strain the seaweed out and put just the water into a misting container, perhaps that is when I will stir in some molasses or do I need the molasses to draw out the nutrients?. Then, I will lay the mash at the base of the plants in their containers.

That's for the warning on the rot cycle, I googled searched "how to make seaweed fertilizer and some sites have it in pails for 3-4 months before using.
wondered when arboc was going to show up.

................. I had some rhubard wine that exploded, it actually became a sweet rhubarb champagne and extremely tasty.... tasty but volatile! (like nitroglycerine)
Mark if your going to use it right away let it set for 24 hours. then mix it 2 parts water to 1 part weed. If you add molasses let it set for 5-7- days you will get a coat of yeast about 1/8-1/4 put it into your compost pile if you don't have a pile mix in the ground around your plants the liquid left will smell sweet, it is strong and will burn if used straight, the first time you spray no more than 2 tablespoons to the gal of dechlorinated water, Than you can move up to 4 tablespoons pr gal.

I mix sea weed, molasses, water, strain after it ferments. Have Fun Alex
Burning Colon said:
I've had over a year to goof off, I really should be out looking for a job but I am having too much fun raising my girls. I spend my days researching various topics, only if I could get paid for my knowledge. It drives my wife nuts when we go out shopping and people, for whatever reason just want to talk with me, just come right up and start talking and when I talk about growing peppers and tomatoes people listen and many times small crowds form. I stopped in at a local garden centre looking for seaweed fertilizer and after searching high and low decided to ask the knuckleheaded clerk, of course they don't know and have to ask someone else, who had to ask someone else, who had to ask someone else....small crowd of store employees... then I decided I would give them a lecture on the value of seaweed fertilizer, customers overheard, next thing several of them gather listening.... everybody wants seaweed fertilizer now! (I told them to visit thehotpepper.com for growing knowledge).

It's good to know brand names, I haven't seen that brand or any seaweed fertilizer. Yesterday was Texas day for me, not only forum chatting with eephus but as I am walking to school to get the girls, saw a truck with Texas plates, get to school and one of the people waiting for their grandkids was from Texas. We share a common oil & gas industry and cattle... here is another useless fact ... Canada is the single largest supplier of oil to the US.

So, today, after I finish this post and finish my glass of orange juice, I am off to T&T Chinese supermark to look for packaged seaweed(hope I can read the ingredient labels) and fresh coconuts. Then I am going to scrape the thick green algea from the fish tank that houses my guppies(kids will be happy to see the guppies again). Then, I will strain my small container of corn silk tea that I started last night. Plant some tomatoes because it is finally warm enough. Check on my other experiment, wheatgerm tea.

Gotta go, it takes a good half hour to get across the city and I have to be back before 1pm to pick up the girls - ciao

This is a classic post. You're a funny dude, BC. Just wait till you discover the joys of crochet, fantasy baseball, and home brewing.
Alex, thanks for the input, guess I shouldn't have mixed all the seaweed at the same time, now I got a really big bucket of sea sludge, I have a 4' X 4' composter that I just purged, there is post somewhere on THP with pictures.
I think I got the formula right, the 1 quart container has about 1/3 of the mash on the bottom, the rest with water. I can continue, mixing and blending tomorrow. I will give the kittens their first dose tomorrow.

Eephus, thank you for all your input as well, its not that I am a funny dude, I have a computer science degree(from the 80's) and diploma in software development(2002). When I went to school you had to take behaviour psychology to understand human behaviour in order to ask questions to draw information out of people and that's what I do, ask questions, to draw information out of people to identify what is important to them and if the answer doesn't make sense, ask the question in a different manner in order to get a consistent answer. I was trained formally in solution selling techniques, IBM/Xerox/Digital add all this in with my 2nd degree blackbelt, trained by Japenese instructors, my life growing up on a farm, spending countless hours developing complex computer solutions in radio frequency(before 2.4 and bill gates) and you get someone who has done a lot of neat things. Did I forget to mention my baking certificate, yep, before college and after highschool I spent 3 years as an apprentice baker. All that was to help out mankind and help my fellow humans bring out the best in themselves. Kind of funny when you think of the millions of dollars that I generated for companies over the years. I am sure my story is not that different from anyone elses on the forum.

My DNA has Italian background and thus the brewing component, I brew my own wines from grapes and local fruit, I have brewed my own beers, I set up a crochet course in the back yard for my girls to play, not sure what fantasy baseball is but don't think I would spend the time on it. My next venture is to figure out how to build a cost effective solar water heater for my girls pool. It is 15' X 48" and damn is it cold, even with a solar blanket. I have watched some youtube videos and have a good idea of what do next. I have also been studying deep water hydroponics and think I have all the necessary tools to make one like the posts you see from Yaargh.

9:30 and this is when I sent my girls to bed and I snooze as well but around 3am I will be back online listening to coast to coast and viewing THP for any new posts.

Night all,
Mark I just thought about this you can make tea with the sea weed. Place in a bucket full with water place a fish tank pump. place hose into to bubble in the water, only needs 2 tbl molasses bubble for 24 hrs. use as soon as you stop bubbling.
I'll check the pail in the garage this morning and I have an extra pump with aeration stone and will place that into the pail with an ooze of molasses.
I will also strain the indoor mix and put it into a misting bottle and give my first shot to selective plants - just to test if I have the water ratio correct; I'll also add a small ooze of molasses to it as well.
Kind of excited to see if this is really going to make a difference, I have 2 fatalii seedlings that are about a half inch in height and haven't moved much in couple of weeks.
Mark go to wayright2tenstart post I posted some pictures of the plants I'm spraying with sea weed extract. Alex
I followed that thread, I think thats where I got the idea to research GA3 & Megagrow, then started digging deeper to find how I could make a product, I found a product today that has kelp(forget the name) bottle looked like 375ml and they wanted $25.99 for it. My sludge cost $ 2.49.

I used up the first batch that I processed yesterday, then processed another batch, this time I added the molasses, wait until wifey sees that by the kitchen sink.

I actually started experimenting with fulvic acid(humic) that a former customer sent me, they made organic fertilizers and he sent me some samplers and one of their fertilizers. I didn't see any homerun results from it. Never did open their organic fertilizer - hopefully won't ever have to. (company was called Bioz Agri Products, product was called RainGrow - don't think they are around anymore).
First week completed, I just finished processing(grinding) all the seaweed and spreading it around my garden. I have the tea in a separate pail.

I have been misting some of my plants with the tea but think I will have to cut the formula as it may be too strong. Some of my tomatoes are showing leaf burn and one of smaller habs has kind of gone limp(drooping leaves) and just looks sad, I have given it a shot of epsom but something upset its tummy.

Where I have mixed mushed seaweed into the soil, the soil has taken on a fluffy appearance. I have a first year habanero that has really increased in size and a carribean red hot that has done the same. My fatalii looks larger(which is the plant that I really care about), I have 2 smaller fatalii that have made some minor improvements but the soil around them has taken on a white mold(fuzz), I think I will just give them water next feeding.

My perennial flowers have shown a great flowering improvement as have my blueberry plants, in 5 years they have never produced a blueberry, most likely due to the cold. I put some seaweed mash around the blueberries today but I have noticed a lot of new leaves.

Let's see what happens next week.

.....damn, they just announced the possibility of frost tonight, all the plants are on the deck right now after 3 days of being inside, except yesterday when I put out my larger plants for an hour or so to give them a rain bath.
my tomato plants have increase in size to almost 5 1/2 foot as of today and loaded with tomato's, pepper plants have doubled in size also loaded with peppers, from spraying two weeks ago, Sprayed again today. Will take pictures tomorrow. if I can post.
">this tomato plant sprayed with Sea Weed two weeks ago
ok cool thanks

just saw them.

wow that is a huge difference!

i guess i was right to buy the seaweed/fish/guano combination thingy that i found at the hardware store.