• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Coheed's winter '13/2014 grow

So my 2013 plants are still outside and producing but I have started a few different seeds to grow indoors through the winter. I also realized that I had basically everything I needed to build a DWC bucket so I jumped into that as well. Anyways here's just some general pictures of some of the more rare/interesting things I've got growing now.

First is the 007 Butch T

MA Daisy Cutter (yes I intentionally cut some of the leaves off)

Hydro Daisy Cutter

Bhut Jolokia Light Green (from Bjarne)

Bubblegum 7

Bubblegum #2

Naga Suomi X Pimenta De Neyde

Bhut Orange Copenhagen

B.O.C #2

That's basically it. I have 3 C. Lanceolatum that have just broke the surface and the seeds that have sprouted from my GA3 experiment. But those pictures are in that thread. I haven't even began to think about what I will be planting for the main grow. I have until January to figure that out :-P
Hola Vincenzo,
something to keep you busy this winter, other than chasing the little one around.  Mine is almost walking.
what's 007 Butch T?!? Is it your own cross?
Durham Bull said:
Hola Vincenzo,
something to keep you busy this winter, other than chasing the little one around.  Mine is almost walking.
what's 007 Butch T?!? Is it your own cross?
Hey Sy, yea that's basically all it is. Just wanted to have something growing once it turns cold here. No, the 007 is a hybrid that Butch Taylor discovered when he was first working on the regular Butch T Scorpion. He named it that because it supposedly has an inverted stinger that made it look like a female body part like. Think of the bond movie 007 pu**y galore. That's what I've heard about it anyways.

Yea Oriah has been walking around for a couple months now. She is getting pretty fast lol.
Nice start to give you something to look at during the winter, been meaning to get back to growing a few wild rare ones like the lanceolatum, but have been so busy with all the super and ultra hots that I have forgotten about the little wild ones that got me started growing and eating hot peppers, my first rare one was a Praetermissum that grew to 7ft. in one season, really  nice pepper plant it had several hundred peppers on it..
Devv said:
Looking good, I guess you're doing a year round grow.
Keep it green!
Technically I guess I am. I'm not going to do anything too crazy and try to get them huge or producing though. If they do start getting too big I'll just have to keep cutting them back/pruning them. Just a little something to keep me busy really.
Gotta keep them growin'....RAWHIDE!

Work your magic buddy. Looking nice.

I bought some interesting indoor house plant seeds from around a the world. They say some of them could take months to germ....so I started some pepper seeds too lol

I'll keep an eye on this one for sure.
Gotta keep them growin'....RAWHIDE!

Work your magic buddy. Looking nice.

I bought some interesting indoor house plant seeds from around a the world. They say some of them could take months to germ....so I started some pepper seeds too lol

I'll keep an eye on this one for sure.
So the daisy cutter went into hydro on Nov 6th. I was doing a complete cleaning and everything and thought I'd see what those roots were looking like as the plant itself has grown considerably. It was 3" from top of net basket to the tallest point of the plant. 11 days later and the roots had finally reached the water and exploded because now it's 7"

The root system was basically non-existant when I put it into the dwc. It was only a 3" seedling, so really just the main root and maybe 3 or 4 shoots. This is how they look tonight. 11 days in hydro.

Now you understand why hydro plants get so much bigger, so much faster than soil plants.
megahot said:
Lookin good Vincent! I cant wait to try hydro! Im convinced. LoL
I love it man. You can get a fully mature, pod producing plant in about 5-6 months avg. I swear if I had the room I would grow everything hydro.

Since I'm not cloning anything in the aeroponic clone machine, I am considering attempting to grow the 007 aeroponically (not sure if that's even a word lol)