No offense taken. Please note, I was referring to a coco coir + nothing grow.
The method that I was talking about involves no perlite, nothing more than Coco Coir and the coco specific nutes + additives. Like I said, it's really and truly a hydroponic grow. (requiring even the PH be adjusted in the water, as there is nothing to influence PH in the pot other than the nutrient solution) And I've never seen a better grow. I did look at Guru's grow, and I don't mean any disrespect - cause that's one hell of a crop - but the coco coir was a more rapid and bountiful grow. Again, no disrespect, because it's a different system, and it's not fair to compare the two. I respect Guru's grow on its own, without being compared to anything else, while appreciating the coco grow as an interesting innovation.
Personally, I can't fathom the upfront cost. I priced out the straight coco vs and organic grow, and upfront cost alone was at least 2X using the straight coco, + the expense of continually dumping nutrients into the system. A process which accelerates with the seasons and plant growth.
So, I'm doing an organic grow in SmartPots.