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Completely Random Comments

Thankfully, I was at the hospital as an outpatient. We had some time to kill. The food in the cafeteria is better than that for inpatients
It takes year's to build up trust, and only seconds to destory it.

-Get ahead in the world.
-But you can never go back.

Trust is the most valuable thing we have, so I try to conserve it. - Mark Twain
I wonder why US just HAD to get to Afghanistan.

There DOES EXIST over 20 TRILLION dollars in over 200 BILLION barrels of oil in Turkmenistan- and in 1997, now Chevron - former Unocal DID invite the Taliban to Sugarland Texas to ask if they would be a problem for Halliburton's planned Turkmenistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan pipeline - they offered the Taliban 100 billion -

Google it - Google sugarland Taliban - BBC covered it.

Taliban said no - they wanted more - they wanted schools, roads, and power lines, Unocal said no deal.

3 years later Bush is prepped and questionably elected, ask yourself - who could YOU BUY for 20 trillion expected down the road.

All US land combined is 12 trillion, well, WAS it's closer to 6 trillion evaluated now after the to date unprosecuted housing scandals and crimes. You could buy the ENTIRE US nearly 3 times over land wise with the oil revenue alone out of Turkmenistan.

That probably fits closer as to why Bush just HAD to go - I was surprised to find out he KNEW Pat Tilman was killed by friendly fire but STILL used that tragedy as a cheerleading effort to gain Congresses favor to further invade Afghanistan.

It puzzles me how much damage may have been done chasing profits from failed energy resources that clearly - even NASA just came out and said - oh yeah - this climate change ? it's due to co2. More oil and more coal ? just advances the thermohaline breakdown.

If you were President and KNEW the Gulf Stream was slowing and would eventually stop ? How responsibly would you handle it ? Would it be responsible to tell people ? But that leads to looting Katrina style. Or would you not tell people, and just try and prepare as best as you could for the losses.

The data is out - the gulf stream IS slowing - east coast is already facing higher sea level rise due to less salinity than other regions of the world. The insurance companies - I saw them on C-Span two years ago with maps in hand stating that 400% rise in coastal property insurance was JUST NOT ENOUGH. Christy- head of the EPA had those same maps up - Cheney came down in person and told her to remove them- she was later removed from head of the EPA. She spoke about this on PBS - the maps are even gone from the internet time machine which takes snapshops- the maps which I recall seeing- showed 114 in Atlanta by 2014- oh yeah - AND DROUGHT in Georgia - not all of the south east - just Georgia region for some reason. Texas is already gone. I see 100+ in Minneapolis now - that's not right.

I'm enjoying starting to grow hot peppers, but I am QUICKLY focusing on a local solar solution to power my air conditioning - my water distiller - and of course, my lights especially for wintering my vegetables as food commodities predicted for Q2 and Q3 2013 post the midwest drought are expected to go through the roof. You WILL see $7 for 4 ears of corn. You WILL see $2 a tomato. You WILL see $4 a loaf of bread. Markets have this all locked in via commodities futures. This winter is the time to start growing your own food- unless you can afford to pay those prices.

Well the thread SAID anything on your mind...

Gulf Stream stopping means hundreds of millions in Europe die.

Pentagon showed ice age hits in YEARS not decades. Last time this happened 8,000 years ago Europe was covered by 1/2 mile sheet of ice.

In 2004 the US Pentagon did an internal report that predicted the gulf stream would halt by 2014. That's two years ago. Catastrophic climate change was expected to take place within several years of the gulf stream stopping - as in Europe immediately enters the deep freeze and does not come out of it.

The MAIN cause right now is the quick melt from Greenland- that's where the global conveyor belt / gulfstream current sink - off the coast of Greenland as it has higher salt content - now though ? the rapid glacial melt runoff is diluting that saline so the current isn't dropping - alas higher sea levels RIGHT NOW on east coast, Cape Cod is setting RECORD sea level growth. Personally ? Boston really screwed up -not that you don't want to dig tunnels UNDER the city on a sea port city- that's a bad enough idea alone- but the HIGHEST sea level rise in US is Cape Cod area.... Boston gets one hurricane that goes north ? it's in trouble as in THIS YEAR. All of a sudden the funds used to 'bail' out the global financial entities that more or less hold the nation hostage due to economic systemic risk ? Would probably be better put on reserve to LITERALLY bail out Boston and New York City in the up and coming years.

Everything I've mentioned is out there - you can google all of these subjects and learn more. It's no joke - gulf stream IS slowing -and Europe this year ALREADY showed signs of STRANGE record snow falls as we had record high temps- leading to drought... All of this matches the US pentagon's study in 2004.

We REALLY may have pushed things over the edge. You can't just START UP the gulf stream again - it's going down - and it WILL stop - and when it does - it's a WHOLE new way to live- US DoD predicted Gulf Streams topping in 2014. It's 2012.

The only winning model is to make sure you have your own power -the grid this year has failed, india demonstrated what it means for 600 million people to go without power. US ? the Grid where I live ? is already overloaded - the demand will only go higher. Next year I wager we see 110 in Arkansas, and 105 in Kansas city, Chicago is hit HARD this year too.

CIA may have been wrong about yellow cake but US DoD sure was right about 114 in Atlanta in 2014- as a NORM.

Makes you wonder why Cheney would personally come down and demand those maps be removed from the website.

Why would someone want to retract that data ?

Seems a crime to hold back that information. Seems it's taboo against the entire species to intentionally hold back climate data that could otherwise help people prepare a bit better.

Well- I'm off to water my 5 new plants I put in the ground. Yes, it's a little late for in the ground in PA, but I'm counting on 85 until mid November this year to my favor- and I'll clone off the ground parents end of year and bring in the new children for the winter- grow them in the attic- have them ready for spring !

Hmm- I WONDER if coutnries of the world could go deposit salt at the tip of Greenland into the oceans !

Seriously - WHY NOT ?

Seems like it could ONLY HELP !

A LOT OF SALT mind you !

I could have taking the day off and done something......but I'm here........at work

Sheesh- I took the last 3 years off.