• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Compmodder26's 2014 Grow Log - Supers ripening

So my 2012-2013 season has offically come to a close.  All of my plants are now composting with the exception of one plant.  I picked the final 3 pods off of my 7 Pot Brown this weekend.  Potted the mother down to a 3 gallon pot and gave her a haircut.  She's in her new home for the winter.  Crossing my fingers as this is my first time to try overwintering a plant.


I will be back on in a bit to post my grow list for 2014.
There won't be much activity on this glog until mid-late January.  That's when I'll be starting my Chinenses.  
Stay tuned...
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice harvest. Nothing like fresh pods. Those Brown Mama pods are huge. I hope they get that big as well. What kind of taste did they have? Thanks for the update.
Thanks Chuck, couldn't agree more about the fresh pods.  And I'm crossing my fingers that Mama Brown will put out just as huge pods this year as last year.  As for taste, here's a review I did of one of them last year:
chile_freak said:
Really nice grow! How do those jimmy nardello taste, I've heard they are really tasty!
I love the taste of Jimmy Nardelos.  They have that certain annuum taste you get from Jalapenos and Bells, but they have zero heat and are VERY sweet.  Probably some of the sweetest peppers you'll ever eat.  Thanks for the kind words Paul!
That was a huge pod.Thanks for the review on the Nardelos. Was wondering what they were like. Great fun review Brian. I new it was a good pod as soon as your eyes glazed over. Have had that same look many times in the mirror saying to myself. What have you done? Thanks for sharing.
Went to the garden today to check on the plants.  Still seeing steady growth on most of them.  Some are still a fair bit yellow, so I'm thinking I will give them a bit of a boost in the next few days.  I am excited that my Bishop's Hats are starting to pod up.
Left sub-plot:

Middle Sub-Plot:

Right Sub-Plot:

Bishop Hat Pod:

Poddage on Mama Brown.  I think I count over 30 pods set on her now.:

OCD Chilehead said:
Very cool Brian. The only pests I have seen are leaf hoppers. That's pretty nice having some predators patrolling the garden.
Consider yourself lucky Chuck.  I've got aphids all over my peas right now.  But luckily I've been spotting some ladybugs and their larvae, as well as A LOT of lacewing eggs.  So I'm letting the aphids go for now so that I can foster the beneficials more.
So at the end of our street, they are starting to build an assisted living facility.  They've cleared the land of trees, and all around are piles of shredded trees.  A local tree trimming company apparently has seen these and thought it would be a great place to dump their loads (probably illegally).  At any rate, I've been inspecting the piles the chipped wood they have been dropping, and while most of them appear to be from conifers (no good for RCW), I found one that appeared to be a gem.  It was pure hardwood and appeared to be all from tree limbs (there were a bunch of leaves mixed in).  Seeing that, I decided I would build another garden bed in my backyard to utilized this perfect, free, RCW.  I made a 6' x 12' plot (4' x 10' planting space).  I mixed two wheelbarrow loads full of RCW into the top 2 inches of soil, then I made a 2 inch mulch layer with it.  I'm going to let this sit until next spring to let everything break down, and hopefully I should have some really rich planting soil by then.  I should also note that, as I was filling the wheelbarrow with the RCW, there was already a bunch of wonderful white rot fungus forming in the middle of the pile.
I was able to make this bed for only $25 (cost to rent a tiller for 4 hours).  Gotta love free
Went to the community garden on lunch and snapped a few pics.  Overall, the garden is doing well, my initial Nitrogen boost I gave them a couple weeks ago appears to be helping, but I think I may need to give them another shot as they still are a bit yellow, but overall doing much better than before.
Left sub-plot:

Middle Sub-Plot:

Right Sub-Plot:

This was supposed to be a chocolate habanero, but I'm having my doubts.  Most likely a cross:
Yellow Bhut:

Baby Brown Moruga:

Monster Naga:

7 Pot White:

Jimmy Nardelo almost fully ripe:

Orchid/Bishop's Hat: