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Compost tea plus what else?

I downloaded a sample of this book on my Kindle today.

There is an interesting paragraph that I want to look into more in depth.

The book states this: "Some studies show that compost tea brewed from compost with other added substances, such as molasses or humic acids, have the potential to contain Escherichia coli bacteria, which could be harmful to human health." :shocked:

Full strength

MmM more e coli please! Lol...dont read into that too much, you're breathing shit right now. :) tastes great huh?

From air born microorganisms?

This looks really good. I always wanted to try it as I have the base nutrient from botanicare and I like it a lot. What do you think?

"PURE BLEND is a hydro-organic compost solution blended with select organic ingredients from the land and sea. PURE BLEND contains all major and secondary elements, as well as an abundance of trace minerals, growth hormones, cytokenins and auxins. PURE BLEND also contains a vast array of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, natural humates, carbohydrates and organic plant acids."

From air born microorganisms?

This looks really good. I always wanted to try it as I have the base nutrient from botanicare and I like it a lot. What do you think?

"PURE BLEND is a hydro-organic compost solution blended with select organic ingredients from the land and sea. PURE BLEND contains all major and secondary elements, as well as an abundance of trace minerals, growth hormones, cytokenins and auxins. PURE BLEND also contains a vast array of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, natural humates, carbohydrates and organic plant acids."


Now that is taking it to the next level, Hydro organic, if you pull that off I give you kudos!
cytokenins and auxins are the hormones that make kelp get 200'+ long.

I blended up some kelp and added it to my worm tea today. lets see what happens. Woot for groth hormones!
My plants may never grow peppers, but they will hit home runs and play for the Giants!
From air born microorganisms?

This looks really good. I always wanted to try it as I have the base nutrient from botanicare and I like it a lot. What do you think?

"PURE BLEND is a hydro-organic compost solution blended with select organic ingredients from the land and sea. PURE BLEND contains all major and secondary elements, as well as an abundance of trace minerals, growth hormones, cytokenins and auxins. PURE BLEND also contains a vast array of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, natural humates, carbohydrates and organic plant acids."


At that price it better manicure my buds when it's harvest time! ;) :lol:

MmM more e coli please! Lol...dont read into that too much, you're breathing shit right now. :) tastes great huh?

True. I hate when something like that is mentioned in an article though and they don't expound on it. :banghead:
Hell, I could accidentally ingest a leaf off of one of my Digitalis Purpurea and go into cardiac arrest (literally!) for that matter. :lol:
At that price it better manicure my buds when it's harvest time! ;) :lol:

True. I hate when something like that is mentioned in an article though and they don't expound on it. :banghead:
Hell, I could accidentally ingest a leaf off of one of my Digitalis Purpurea and go into cardiac arrest (literally!) for that matter. :lol:

2-3 teaspoons per gallon. About 12-15 bucks a bottle right?

O yea that link I gave you was for a 2 gal case!!!

http://www.planetnat...lend-bloom.html There you go 11.50 a quart.

My fertilizer costs me 8 cents per gal mixed full strength in water and has Ca and all needed nutrients, so I know how it is to want to keep cost down.
An interesting note I found here:


Is It Worth th[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] [background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]E[/background]ffort?

As a m[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]thod of foliar f[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]d[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background]g and to [background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]ncourag[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] ov[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]rall plant h[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]alth, it s[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]ms hard to b[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]li[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]v[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] that [background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]compost[/background] t[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]a would not b[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] b[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]n[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]ficial, [background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background] much th[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] sam[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] way that tak[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background]g vitam[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background]s is g[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]n[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]rally thought of as b[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background]g good for p[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]opl[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]. Still, it is important to r[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]m[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]mb[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]r it is not a magic bull[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]t. For build[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background]g soil, f[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]rtility do[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]s not r[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]plac[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] th[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] us[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] of cov[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]r crops, [background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]compost[/background] its[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]lf, and th[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] us[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background] of rock m[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]in[/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]rals and bagg[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]d organic f[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]rtiliz[background=rgb(255, 255, 170)]e[/background]rs.
Hey guys, got a newly developed question due to some gardening finds today that goes hand in hand with that link posted by CarvinGuitarist. I had some issues recently with what looked like some bacterial leaf spot...so I sprayed H202 on them two days ago...it seems some of the spots have quit spreading...great! Well, I haven't hardly seen any beneficial bugs on my plants and I found aphids on my plants today...

So here is the question...I was wondering if anyone has had experience using a spray mixture composed of H202 and soap to make a bacterial and aphid controlling spray...Or, should I hold off, brew a new batch of the compost tea, and see if that halts them....

Oh, I can only get bagged mushroom compost right now (Black Velvet Mushroom Compost from Lowes)....so take into consideration as it may not be the ideal compost to use.

Thanks guys
Brew for a day, or just til it forms head? ....basically the exact same as the fish tea? Do I spray full strength on the foliage or dilute?
Free grass out of the yard, water, and molasses will make some of the best Aact you ever sprayed your plants with. Its free

Composted or grass clippings?

What Amendments do you recommend?
Manure, guano, rock dust?
I have a boat load of Worm Castings, is this enough or do I need more? The more the better right?

I would personally stay away from manure as it has a possibility, although a slight one, of harboring E. Coli.
If you are certain of it's source and don't believe it would have E. Coli then go for it. I don't have manure anywhere here so I see no need for it.
Brew for a day, or just til it forms head? ....basically the exact same as the fish tea? Do I spray full strength on the foliage or dilute?
The fish "tea" is called hydrolysate (fish flesh and water). Its for "feeding". Aact teas are bubbled compost, castings, or plant scraps in water. It is used to innoculate growing mediums with fungi and bacteria. Two different trains of thought going on there. With AACT you soil drench or foliar spray at full strength. WIth hydrolysate, you can dilute depending on how much fish you use to how much water you use.
Composted or grass clippings?

I would personally stay away from manure as it has a possibility, although a slight one, of harboring E. Coli.
If you are certain of it's source and don't believe it would have E. Coli then go for it. I don't have manure anywhere here so I see no need for it.

Both, fresh green grass = heavy protozoal and more composted material generally = heavy fungal.
The fish "tea" is called hydrolysate (fish flesh and water). Its for "feeding". Aact teas are bubbled compost, castings, or plant scraps in water. It is used to innoculate growing mediums with fungi and bacteria. Two different trains of thought going on there. With AACT you soil drench or foliar spray at full strength. WIth hydrolysate, you can dilute depending on how much fish you use to how much water you use.

Both, fresh green grass = heavy protozoal and more composted material generally = heavy fungal.

Taking notes.

So I was like WTF are protozoal?
So i did a little google and ill share what I found.

Protozoa are single-celled animals that feed primarily on bacteria, but also eat other protozoa, soluble organic matter, and sometimes fungi. They are several times larger than bacteria – ranging from 1/5000 to 1/50 of an inch (5 to 500 µm) in diameter. As they eat bacteria, protozoa release excess nitrogen that can then be used by plants and other members of the food web.

Protozoa play an important role in mineralizing nutrients, making them available for use by plants and other soil organisms. Protozoa (and nematodes) have a lower concentration of nitrogen in their cells than the bacteria they eat. (The ratio of carbon to nitrogen for protozoa is 10:1 or much more and 3:1 to 10:1 for bacteria.) Bacteria eaten by protozoa contain too much nitrogen for the amount of carbon protozoa need. They release the excess nitrogen in the form of ammonium (NH4+). This usually occurs near the root system of a plant. Bacteria and other organisms rapidly take up most of the ammonium, but some is used by the plant. (See figure below for explanation of mineralization and immobilzation.)
Another role that protozoa play is in regulating bacteria populations. When they graze on bacteria, protozoa stimulate growth of the bacterial population (and, in turn, decomposition rates and soil aggregation.) Exactly why this happens is under some debate, but grazing can be thought of like pruning a tree – a small amount enhances growth, too much reduces growth or will modify the mix of species in the bacterial community.
Protozoa are also an important food source for other soil organisms and help to suppress disease by competing with or feeding on pathogens.
crap lost the link it was on usda some where

Thanks Guru for teaching me even more...
i am going to have to try this grass clipping compost tea!

Hey CAy, you can come over after i cut the grass and grab some clippings for your teas if you like!
i am going to have to try this grass clipping compost tea!

Hey CAy, you can come over after i cut the grass and grab some clippings for your teas if you like!

I got the hook up bro, I bribe my landscaper with free plants. :shh: but if you cut before he does I may just use that as an excuse to come hang out and have a beer!

Making this as soon as I get off work...should the aphid control be noticed quickly or not? Just want to wipe their asses out!

Its a bit of work as you need to get every part of the leaves and all of them, but it works fast.
Not sure it "kills" them fast, but the water knocks them off and that's it, they are gone.

If you want to use this as a bug defense, I recommend doing it a little more often. Also I'm sure you know already but just in case, try to be 100% sure your Tea is Aerobic.

I put the dripping from my worm bin on my pumpkins to test it out and I think it caused a bought of powdery mildew, due to its anaerobic state.
Damn man...your always up when I'm working...what time is it over there?

I'll do my best to make it aerobic with the pump I have...I'm almost just tempted to spray the plants down with this neem, sulfur, and carboxyl~yada-yada (anti-fungus) spray concentrate stuff I bought, but it will kill everything I think.

The H202 treatment made the plants look better already...but it didn't do crap for the aphids...I guess I could spray the above concentrate an kill everything and then follow behind that in a few days with freshly brewed vermicompost tea.
Damn man...your always up when I'm working...what time is it over there?

I'll do my best to make it aerobic with the pump I have...I'm almost just tempted to spray the plants down with this neem, sulfur, and carboxyl~yada-yada (anti-fungus) spray concentrate stuff I bought, but it will kill everything I think.

The H202 treatment made the plants look better already...but it didn't do crap for the aphids...I guess I could spray the above concentrate an kill everything and then follow behind that in a few days with freshly brewed vermicompost tea.

Just knock then off with the sprayer
I have a little douglah that was getting something like Spot, I hit it with tea and it worked. No new damage and the new leaves are flawless.
I think the good stuff eats/replaces the bad stuff. My other theory is that its something like BT, Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacteria that is bad for them.

I am a terrible insomniac! its 1:21am haha. Check out the worm guide and let me know what you think, I have been working on the formatting.
Two things: mixing sulphur and neem isn't a good idea, from the things I've read. Also, do a search on BT toxin and Monsanto's uses on nearly all the food in grocery stores. You'll probably decide against using bt after that.

BT explodes what ever animals stomach that eats it...