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Composted Manure

So knowing people really is the key. I have been given unlimited access to composted horse manure. I can only call it " Black Gold"... although there is another thing named that.. oh well.

I will post some pics tomorrow... since i can barely lift my fingers to type this.

As i was digging and filling the truck bed.. i came across 40 to 50 huge red worms ( tons smaller ones)... Compost with a side of free worms??!!??? i kept on saying.. " this is Beautiful"... the horse farm owner just shook her head... Wait till see gets a few super hots as payment.

I know this might not be the best forum for this post.. but i am ecstatic over the find.. and even my wife doesn't really get why i am in such a good mood right now. "Honey...? you can barely move from shoveling Poop all day.. how can you be happy??!!??".. Wait dear you'll see.
It's all good!!

I'll be having my 40 yd^3 of cow manure delivered next week some time which I call it black gold too!!
Not real sure on this but does horse poo need to sit for a while prior to using it in a garden? Needs to "cool" a little.
This is composted stuff so its ok Patrick, you are right about uncomposted horse poop being "hot" though. Its one of the cooler poops though. Compost it up for best results! :P
Not real sure on this but does horse poo need to sit for a while prior to using it in a garden? Needs to "cool" a little.

Yes it does Patrick. I am planning on making tea out of a lot of it, and with the embedded worm population.. i got to let the little buggers eat and poo as well for some time. What i found was composted ( almost a full year decomposing) horse manure, much too my overzealous excitement.. YAY!!! My father schooled me on this many years ago.. when i was forced to garden and at 9 or 10, didn't like it much.. Dang i was a stupid kid. Cheers!...

Patrick. I have been drooling over your grow list posts and pics since i joined.. thank you sir fro the input and the peppa porn.. HA!
I envy you both, I am surrounded by bullshit! Not the good kind :)

The Bullshit is my day job.....

My big problem with horse manure is all the bloody weeds.
I prefer cow manure when I have the choice. A lot less weeds due to the multiple stomachs digesting more seeds
Most of the manures I use are several years old and very well composted.