• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

Hello friends!

To keep me from adding more peppers to my grow list for the season I am now starting my 2016 glog. I'm still a week or two out from starting, but the prep is starting.

The quick breakdown of last year is: I started really late (first time grower), I wanted to do only super hots for the lols at first. Combined with a terribly cold and not particularly sunny summer, I got extremely few supers, if any on some plants, and I had to many plants of the same variety. I had a few annuums that did OK.

The theme this year is variety. I'm trying to grow peppers that are aesthetically nice looking, as well as trying to spread out the heat levels and trying some from each of the 5 popular sub species.

The progress so far is that I think I have a pretty good finalised list. I'm planning on getting seedling starter soil any day now. I need to dig out the root trainer pots, I think those will work better and will save me from having to pot up too soon. I will only keep two of the same kind, one as back up, and the back up will probably be given away once the main one is established. There may be an exception to this, I might need a few more jalapeño plants, last summer I was making both jalapeño marmalade and chilli candies, that were hugely popular so I might need to up production on those. I have 34 different varieties on my list and this should be manageable.

Without further ado, this is the list.

Cayenne Golden Started 24/2 - 3 plants
Cayenne Yellow (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 2 plants
Farmer's Market Jalapeño Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Jalastar Started 24/2 - 5 plants
Mulato Isleno (Bricklayer) Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Piquin (EvanWilliams1988) Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Purple Piquin Started 3/1 - 2 plants
Takanotsume Started 24/2 - 1 plant
Zimbabwe Bird Started 23/2 - 1 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Jobito Started 9/1 - 3 [/SIZE]plants
Aji Margariteño Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Beni Highlands (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Bonda Ma Jacques Started 12/1 - 2 plants
Chupetinho Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow(JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Habanero Jelly Bean Started 3/1 - 0 germinated
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Orange Apple (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero White Bullet (EvanWilliams1988) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Habanero White Bullet (Tsurrie) Started 3/1 - 1 plant
Malaysian Goronong Red Started 12/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet MOA (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet Tobago (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Trinidad Seasoning Started 12/1 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Omnicolour ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px])[/SIZE] Started 24/2 - 1 plants
Aji Pineapple (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 3 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bishop’s Hat
Brazilian Starfish (rghm) [/SIZE]Started 1/1 - 3 plants
Lemon Drop (Seed Train) Started 24/2 - 2 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Charapita (Rory) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Chuncho [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 0 germinated Absolute failure, will probably not grow.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Prik Kee Noo Suan [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 3 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Tabasco [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Oro Already have two plants from end of last summer
Habanero Manzano ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px]) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Locato Red [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Peru Bitdumi [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rio Huallaga [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rocoto Mini [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants

Chinese Pot Started 12/1 - 2 plants

I know that I have missed some credit, so many people have been generous to me with seeds this past year, for that I'm grateful. I look forward to the coming season.
Tiny Update
All my seeds have been started now. Some are already in the ground, quite a few are still in paper towels. The germination rates are looking good so far. Both the piqiun and white hab seem to be a no show for now, so I put down some seeds for purple pequin that I got as a bonus from pepperlover and white hab seeds from tsurrie that I got off the seed train. I believe one of my winter projects may be a bishop's hat, so I haven't put down seeds for that yet. 
Oh, and I bought new cells for the root trainer and 100 litres of perlite (and maybe some seeds, but we don't need to talk about that...)
Tiny picture update. 
It's fairly obvious which plants are from the first planting round and which are from the second. The early ones seem to get ready for that take off where they start growing into monsters. They rely on natural 100% organic sunshine. 


These are most of my plants, I have a few scattered around as well. I have roughly 70 plants at the moment, I will bring the number down to 40-45. Most will go outside, a few will stay in the window their entire life. Our nights still go into the minuses, so there's no chance of bringing the plants out into the green house or conservatory yet. 
Comptine said:
Cheers! We have roughly 12 hours now, gaining quite a bit every day. I'm following this site to see the development - http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/sweden/orebro
It's about the same as here. But if only there was sunny every day. This weekend is going to be very nice for a change, which is perfect for ski jumpers in planica ... And also for my peppers. They'll jump right out of the cups :)
tsurrie said:
It's about the same as here. But if only there was sunny every day. This weekend is going to be very nice for a change, which is perfect for ski jumpers in planica ... And also for my peppers. They'll jump right out of the cups :)
We've had two super sunny days just now, it's been amazing. Temperatures went all the way to 12 degrees. I'm hoping this sunshine will stay for a bit. 
Picture update. 
Plants are slowly coming along. 
Some of these desperately need to be planted up. I'm going to see if I can possibly squeeze them in somewhere. 

It's amazing how much faster annuums and baccatums grow compared to chinenses ond rocotos. 

I also wanted to show you these, they are some of my overwintered plants. I started a few seeds way to late last summer, and I've managed to keep 5 alive that have yet to bear fruit. The large one is Aji Oro, i have two of them, the other one I experimentally put outside in the conservatory. Our nights seem to have stopped going below freezing, and it's always a degree or two warmer in the conservatory, so I'm curious to see how it does out there. The other two pictured are Aji Panca and Bishop's hat (which I cut down after taking the picture). I also have a Colombian Yellow in a different window.
The potting up has started, the root trainers are getting a bit crowded, so I'm trying to squeeze a few into the windows. Took my two Aji Oro plants outside to the conservatory, the rocotos seem to enjoy the weather, and I'm sure they get more sun out there too. 
Pictured are Aji Margariteño, SB MOA, Malaysian Goronong red and Trinidad Seasoning. 

I also just started germinating my sweet peppers, there will be 4 varieties, mostly purple ones.
Whoa! These are really kicking it into gear! 

See the green pots on the right on the picture above, well, I decided to repot them too, to give them a bit of a nudge to grow as well. They are tiny compared to the ons above, and started at the same time actually. 

I believe my over wintered Aji Panca is setting fruits! This is very exciting! 
I can't believe how fast things are starting to grow now. We're at about 13,5 hours of sunlight here now, and the plants are lowing it. The plants also seem to enjoy new pots, so I'm desperately trying to squeeze them into odd widows. 
The first ones to be repotted are really filling out their pots.

The second ones haven't gotten it quite yet. 

This third set I repotted today. It's another Aji Jobito, a Chupentinho, a Malaysian Goronong Red and a Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow. I'm trying to pot the peppers I'm giving away in pots I won't miss, so the Jobito got a smaller one than the others. 

Two of the rows in the root trainers have now been repotted, I'm hoping this will give the remaining ones more light. The second batch peppers are beginning to catch up as well. Not sure it's visible but these have all gotten 'reflectors' made from aluminium foil and cardboard. 

Tomatoes and peppers in this tray. 

I got out and gave the interior of my greenhouse a wash today. Scrubbed all the roof and sides clean. After that I moved the large pots out so that I have them all in the same place. 

I went ahead and laid a few out to see if my greenhouse plan sketch was accurate. I was able to fit in one more pot than expected between my cucumber pots (the rectangular ikea boxes). Now I just need to decide what to put in that extra pot, MORE cucumbers maybe? 
Weekly picture update! 
Aji Margariteño, SB MOA, Malaysian Goronong red and Trinidad Seasoning.

The tiny Aji Jobito is not quite as tiny as anymore, but it's a slow one. Also pictured are Bonda ma Jacques, Mini Rocoto, Rio Huallaga Rocoto. 

Aji Jobito, a Chupentinho, a Malaysian Goronong Red and a Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow.

Aji Jobito, Aji Margariteño, Beni Highlands and Scotch Bonnet Tobago.

Tiny plants.

Tomato and chilli plants.

Not so tiny root trainer plants. They seem to still have a lot of root space, it's the leaves I'm worried about. Squeezed in the sweet peppers in the empty cells.

My two Aji Panca fruits are getting big.

And my over wintered Peruvian Purple has had a lot of flowers, one decided to stick. 
bpiela said:
Nice poddage.  How do you like that Peruvian Purple?  I am growing it for the first time this year.
Honestly, I didn't like it at all taste wise, it was extremely bitter. We're mostly keeping it because it's a pretty plant. Most of the fruit was given away last year. 
Comptine said:
Haha, had to go and have a look at the flowers, it doesn't have any markings so I'm assuming annuum? 
Hi Alana, According to Dave DeWitt... the Aji Panca is a C. Chinense. I tried growing them a couple of years ago at 44 degrees N. Lat. and they grew beautifully and set many pods, but the frost killed them all before they could ripen. It's fantastic that you have some with pods already. There's not much heat to them, but they have a sweet, berry-like flavor that makes them popular where they're native, and drying them concentrates the flavor somewhat. Good luck with your grow this year!
stickman said:
Hi Alana, According to Dave DeWitt... the Aji Panca is a C. Chinense. I tried growing them a couple of years ago at 44 degrees N. Lat. and they grew beautifully and set many pods, but the frost killed them all before they could ripen. It's fantastic that you have some with pods already. There's not much heat to them, but they have a sweet, berry-like flavor that makes them popular where they're native, and drying them concentrates the flavor somewhat. Good luck with your grow this year!
Yeah, I had a read about them, got my seeds off pepperlover, and she said that 'the flower belongs to Capsicum Chinense, the pod shape and growing habit resembles Capsicum Baccatum, more confusing the taste comes from Capsicum Annuum'. I'm growing these for flavour, everywhere I read they seem to be getting great reviews. Only reason they have fruit now is because the plant is over wintered. I have a Columbian Yellow that's also from the same time that's about to flower. I'm a little spoiled to get a fruit or two now, I only hope the bulk of my plants give me a good harvest in a few months. Thanks for the luck wishes!