• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

Hello friends!

To keep me from adding more peppers to my grow list for the season I am now starting my 2016 glog. I'm still a week or two out from starting, but the prep is starting.

The quick breakdown of last year is: I started really late (first time grower), I wanted to do only super hots for the lols at first. Combined with a terribly cold and not particularly sunny summer, I got extremely few supers, if any on some plants, and I had to many plants of the same variety. I had a few annuums that did OK.

The theme this year is variety. I'm trying to grow peppers that are aesthetically nice looking, as well as trying to spread out the heat levels and trying some from each of the 5 popular sub species.

The progress so far is that I think I have a pretty good finalised list. I'm planning on getting seedling starter soil any day now. I need to dig out the root trainer pots, I think those will work better and will save me from having to pot up too soon. I will only keep two of the same kind, one as back up, and the back up will probably be given away once the main one is established. There may be an exception to this, I might need a few more jalapeño plants, last summer I was making both jalapeño marmalade and chilli candies, that were hugely popular so I might need to up production on those. I have 34 different varieties on my list and this should be manageable.

Without further ado, this is the list.

Cayenne Golden Started 24/2 - 3 plants
Cayenne Yellow (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 2 plants
Farmer's Market Jalapeño Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Jalastar Started 24/2 - 5 plants
Mulato Isleno (Bricklayer) Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Piquin (EvanWilliams1988) Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Purple Piquin Started 3/1 - 2 plants
Takanotsume Started 24/2 - 1 plant
Zimbabwe Bird Started 23/2 - 1 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Jobito Started 9/1 - 3 [/SIZE]plants
Aji Margariteño Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Beni Highlands (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Bonda Ma Jacques Started 12/1 - 2 plants
Chupetinho Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow(JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Habanero Jelly Bean Started 3/1 - 0 germinated
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Orange Apple (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero White Bullet (EvanWilliams1988) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Habanero White Bullet (Tsurrie) Started 3/1 - 1 plant
Malaysian Goronong Red Started 12/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet MOA (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet Tobago (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Trinidad Seasoning Started 12/1 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Omnicolour ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px])[/SIZE] Started 24/2 - 1 plants
Aji Pineapple (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 3 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bishop’s Hat
Brazilian Starfish (rghm) [/SIZE]Started 1/1 - 3 plants
Lemon Drop (Seed Train) Started 24/2 - 2 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Charapita (Rory) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Chuncho [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 0 germinated Absolute failure, will probably not grow.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Prik Kee Noo Suan [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 3 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Tabasco [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Oro Already have two plants from end of last summer
Habanero Manzano ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px]) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Locato Red [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Peru Bitdumi [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rio Huallaga [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rocoto Mini [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants

Chinese Pot Started 12/1 - 2 plants

I know that I have missed some credit, so many people have been generous to me with seeds this past year, for that I'm grateful. I look forward to the coming season.
Devv said:
Nice grow ;)
Just totally different than mine as far as climate goes. It must take some time to sort out the temps in the greenhouse?
I'm way late pepper-wise this year and afraid I've missed the boat for pod setting. The 90's are here in 2-3 weeks :tear:
Good luck this season!
Devv said:
Nice grow ;)
Just totally different than mine as far as climate goes. It must take some time to sort out the temps in the greenhouse?
I'm way late pepper-wise this year and afraid I've missed the boat for pod setting. The 90's are here in 2-3 weeks :tear:
Good luck this season!
Yeah, not the ideal climate for pepper growing, but I make do. How do you mean with the greenhouse temps? 
If I understand it correctly you guys don't go below freezing much at all, so you should be able to grow peppers all year round? 
It's been a while since I did an update, so I figured it's time. We had amazing weather where the highs went to 30C, and then a brief cold spell where the lowest temp was 3,6C. I think we're coming into a warm spell again. I potted up 16 plants today, only 3 left now, I just ran out of soil. 
This is a nice group shot. 15 of the plants potted up today. I put them under a tree canopy where they get filtered light to harden them off. I believe most are anuums, a pub and bac might be in there too. 

The greenhouse chinenses are adding some size now. I believe I must have watered them too much initially, the leaves all went a bit yellow, they seem to be doing a lot better now though. 

These have been outside for nearly 2 weeks now. 

Over wintered Peruvian Purple in the back has one mature fruit already. The Prik Kee Nu Suan in the front was also repotted today.

Over wintered colombian yellow, it has about 20 fruits, and none have the shape advertised. 

My Aji Oro is really budding up now, the first flower did not set unfortunately.
Great looking plants. I find watering is the scariest, hard to test, even waiting for the drooping leaves. The Peruvian Purple look awesome!
Thanks for the update :)
Everything is looking great Alana! I particularly like the look of your Pubiscens varieties. It makes me feel like such a slug to have started my peppers so late after looking at yours... :P  Keep up the great work!
dragonsfire said:
Great looking plants. I find watering is the scariest, hard to test, even waiting for the drooping leaves. The Peruvian Purple look awesome!
Thanks for the update :)
Cheers! I think I underestimate how long the soil can hold on to water when the plants are in big pots. When they were tiny seedlings I had to water every few days, not watering for two weeks seems odd. 
stickman said:
Everything is looking great Alana! I particularly like the look of your Pubiscens varieties. It makes me feel like such a slug to have started my peppers so late after looking at yours... :P  Keep up the great work!
Thanks! The pubs are new for me this year, I have high expectations. You may have started yours later but you also have a more favourable set up. I don't have any grow lights so they have been slow up until recently. We're finally getting a lot of sunlight, and now the heat too. I'm hoping they'll explode with growth soon. I must say, your plants look like they're already as big as mine, so you probably started them just at the right time. 
Comptine said:
Yeah, not the ideal climate for pepper growing, but I make do. How do you mean with the greenhouse temps? 
If I understand it correctly you guys don't go below freezing much at all, so you should be able to grow peppers all year round? 
 My brother lives way up north in Ohio, he has a greenhouse and it gets really hot when its sunny out. Even when the temps are cool.
I can grow pepper most of the year here. New plants don't do well until after March, as I plant in the dirt. I can grow until December. Each year is different, some years I need to bring the potted ones inside, but not last winter. They don't really grow, they kind of go dormant.
Your plants look really nice and I'm sure they will do really well ;)
Wishing you continued success!
OCD Chilehead said:
I really enjoyed your glog. Your plants look very happy.

Wishing you the best of luck this season.

Thanks for checking in! 
Devv said:
 My brother lives way up north in Ohio, he has a greenhouse and it gets really hot when its sunny out. Even when the temps are cool.
I can grow pepper most of the year here. New plants don't do well until after March, as I plant in the dirt. I can grow until December. Each year is different, some years I need to bring the potted ones inside, but not last winter. They don't really grow, they kind of go dormant.
Your plants look really nice and I'm sure they will do really well ;)
Wishing you continued success!
Yeah, it can be sunny out, a little cool, I'll have both windows and the door open and as soon as I step into the greenhouse I'm still boiling. It's an odd one, but I mostly have heat loving plants in there, so it should be fine. I'm growing aubergines for the first time this year, and melons, both in the greenhouse, so hopefully I'll get some sort of harvest. 
Trident chilli said:
Lovely looking plants Alana ... you must be pleased with your efforts
I am! Thanks for checking in John. I think this year the weather has been much better than the last, and the plants are showing it. I was looking back at old pictures, this time of year my tomatoes were about 15cm tall, this year a lot of them are about to flower. The peppers are all doing great too, they are either already opening their first flowers are at least showing buds. 
Right, a brief picture update today. I didn't snap pictures of all plants, but a few. 
They never look much bigger every time I look at them, but when comparing pictures they do seem to grow. 
The greenhouse chinenses. Still a little overwatered, but I'm trying to be good and avoid it. 

Zooming in a little xD

They may not be putting on much hight, but they seem to want to bush out. 

Side branches coming on, and the top has branched off so hopefully some buds soon.

And a few of the grill area peppers, annums, rocotos and baccatums. We've had 4 days of rain, but the plants seem to be cool with that.

Nearly all have flowers at some stage of development.

This Golden Cayenne has buds everywhere, even on the side branches. I'm pleased, cayennes are quite versatile since a lot of people can tolerate the heat level. 

That's it for today, thanks for looking. 
Plants look great Alana... how many hours of high-angle sunlight are you getting at your latitude? I've noticed that the more intense the light pepper seedlings get, the more squat and bushy they seem to grow.
My Aji Oro Rocoto was growing it's branches a bit too densely, sort of blocking off the sun to one another, so I had a crack at training them yesterday. 


And after only a day I'm getting this xD

I think we may finally have a fruit set on this one, but I'm not calling it yet. 
stickman said:
Plants look great Alana... how many hours of high-angle sunlight are you getting at your latitude? I've noticed that the more intense the light pepper seedlings get, the more squat and bushy they seem to grow.
Hmm' I'm not sure about the angle, but we get about 18 hours of sun a day. The first 3-6 hours is filtered sun, there's a tree next to the greenhouse, but the lest of the day is pretty much uninterrupted sun for the plants. 
I'm not sure if this will tell you anything, I mostly check this site to see how much daylight we'll get. http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/sweden/orebro
My Aji Oro Rocoto was growing it's branches a bit too densely, sort of blocking off the sun to one another, so I had a crack at training them yesterday. 


And after only a day I'm getting this xD

I think we may finally have a fruit set on this one, but I'm not calling it yet. 
 I don't think that is needed to get pods.
My plants are very crowded and they have pods.
az1000 said:
 I don't think that is needed to get pods.
My plants are very crowded and they have pods.
Oh, that wasn't to encourage pods, I just want the plant to look a little bushier. 
Comptine said:
Hmm' I'm not sure about the angle, but we get about 18 hours of sun a day. The first 3-6 hours is filtered sun, there's a tree next to the greenhouse, but the lest of the day is pretty much uninterrupted sun for the plants. 
I'm not sure if this will tell you anything, I mostly check this site to see how much daylight we'll get. http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/sweden/orebro
Here's what I'm talking about... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_Sun_angle_on_climate  
   Sun angle not only determines how warm it gets outside, but also the intensity of the sunlight the plants receive.
stickman said:
Here's what I'm talking about... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_Sun_angle_on_climate  
   Sun angle not only determines how warm it gets outside, but also the intensity of the sunlight the plants receive.
Hmm, well, looking at the map we're pretty much on the same level as the middle of Canada, so a lot further north than you are. We also have a lot of water surrounding us stabilising the temperature. I do imagine the sun is quite angled. Our summers rarely get hotter than 95F, and that's pretty high for us. We sit around 77-90F mostly. Night temps are around 50-65F, hotter night do happen occasionally. The poor greenhouse can get pretty warm during the day though, even with both windows and the door open. Last year I tried growing melons outside, obviously that didn't go too well. This year I've got two plants in the greenhouse, no idea how that'll look once they actually take off, but here's to a gardeners optimism! 