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concidering a THSC order what should i get?

well for next year i was thinking of ordering some seeds from neil. the thing is he sells so many that i cant realy decide.

what i know i would like would be:
coco bhut/scorpion/xtreme danger pack.
pequin/ tobasco
choco hab/fataali/white hab.

what kind of chili (med-hot to realy hot) would be fairly easy to grow in western central Manitoba Canada's shortish growing season?

so what should i add to that list. and which should i go for that are on the list.
Neil sent me a ripe yellow 7pot with an order and the taste and aroma is excellent. I'd definitely recommend it and Neil raves about them too. Can't really help you besides that as most of the ones I am growing I haven't tried before.

Oh, and if the postage isn't too dear try some of his sauces too.
SeeYouJimmy said:
Neil sent me a ripe yellow 7pot with an order and the taste and aroma is excellent. I'd definitely recommend it and Neil raves about them too. Can't really help you besides that as most of the ones I am growing I haven't tried before.

Oh, and if the postage isn't too dear try some of his sauces too.

i got nagasav coming already. since i'm sending him 3 sauces to review. and i will be doing a review when i get it.

and i'll debate the 7pot with myself.... i need to eat one of the orange habs i have to see if i can hack them. but yea thanks.
Ask him about the "Bert". I don't think it's on the site, but I got some seeds and the story behind it from him. It's a baccatum, unfortunately my plant died but I'll try again next year.
i'll do that i cant seem to find any pics though. so i have no idea what it is. (besides being a chili)
Can't tell you any more than it's a baccatum, and that Neil got seeds from a 10+ year old plant if I remember correctly.

Your question is almost impossible to answer. If you don't know what you'll like, how can we? Annuums are usually fast and well suited for us growers in northern climates, but I grow mainly chinense which are slower. I just start them earlier and bring them inside when we have the early frosts in august/september.
yea that is what will most likely have to happen. i'd like to try some super hots but i dont know which ones... and i would also like some high yeild quick with a med hot pod. which is why i was thinking of the pequin. they look like hot tommalies.

i'd also like a hab plant so thats whats on the list sofar.

edit lol at your post time.
MrArboc said:
Still lost... Completelly lost.

fourth month 20th day apparently is marijuana smoking day. =4:20

edit lolol to late.

anyways on topic now.

any i should think of?
ok back on topic i think i have decided.

yellow 7 pot
hungarian black
congo black

thats what i will most likely be geting.
N_FF said:
ok back on topic i think i have decided.

yellow 7 pot
hungarian black
congo black

thats what i will most likely be geting.

Gotta get at least one Naga. Neil has good Dorset seeds. I know they came from the UK originally, but I'm not sure if that will help them in Canada's cooler climate.
hmmm i thought i put a naga in there... well i was thinking of geting a choco bhut but perhaps dorset will be a good trade off.
N_FF said:
hmmm i thought i put a naga in there... well i was thinking of geting a choco bhut but perhaps dorset will be a good trade off.

Neils Dorsets is not a trade off! I got some Dorset seeds from him and I am growing one plant. A real slow starter which might partly be because I transplanted it from a one liter pot to a ten liter pot but now I can almost see it growing. No visible buds buds so far but I haven't really checked it closely for a couple of weeks. Will try to overwinter it. Beautiful plant.

I belive Neils favourite is the Bih. Maybe you/we should try that one?
i want to get a naga that i can grow. so dorset or bih depending on what other posters and neil say.
You can grow anything. I live in Jokkmokk, Sweden (look it up) and I grow seeds from Australia or the south of the US and see no difference from seeds harvested from my mystery variety I'm growing the 4th generation of now. I don't know of any hot pepper strain that is better for colder climates, you would really need many years of diligent work to selectively breed for that and I'd love to hear about anyone doing that.

Well - pubescens like colder temperatures and annuums are fast, but that is a given.
I would swap the tabasco with the super chilli. Tabascos are slower to produce which might come into consideration with where you live.
i was thinking of that also. so thats
yellow 7pot
hungarian black
super chilie
dorset naga
congo black