• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

cone9 - 2015 "Sunshine came softly a-through my a-window today"

Here we go.  It's hard to believe it's come around to the time to start seeds again.
This year's grow list is below.  My lights and germinating area are set up and ready to go.  I'll update as I really get started.  I'll be using Rootcubes again this year.  I had great success with them last season.  Seed sources are listed if they are other than saved from my 2014 grow.
UPDATED  3/8/15
Germinated/Cells sown                                                                       Date sown         Date of first hook
 \/                                                                                                          \/                                \/
[SIZE=medium]3/3   Corbaci Sweet               C. annuum  (bukowski9 - pods)         1-17-15           1-26      9 days[/SIZE]
2/2   Mini Choc Bell               C. annuum (Buckeye pepper)                1-17-15           1-24      7 days
2/3   Sigaretta de Bergamo    C. annuum (roper2008)                         1-17-15           1-21      4 days
2/2   Bolsa de dulce               C. baccatum                                           1-17-15            1-25      8 days
2/2   Brazilian Starfish            C. baccatum                                          1-17-15            1-21      4 days
2/3   Fatalii Cream                C. chinense                                             1-17-15             1-25      8 days
2/2   Lagacy Big Jim               C. annuum (roper2008)                         1-17-15             1-24      7 days
0/2   Rocotillo                         C.baccatum? (smokemaster)                 1-17-15
2/2   Sante Fe Grande           C. annuum (Big Mike)                             1-17-15            1-26      9 days
1/3   El Oro de Ecudor           C. baccatum (smokemaster)                  1-17-15            2/5        19 days
2/2   Goat's Weed                 C. annuum (blorvak)                                1-17-15             1-21       4 days
2/2   Queen Laurie                C. baccatum                                              1-17-15            1-23       6 days
2/2   Trinadad Sweet             C. chinense (justaguy - pods)                   1-17-15             1-23      6 days
2/2   Tepin x LD                    C. annuum x baccatum                              1-17-15             1-26     9 days
2/2   Scorpion Tongue,         C. annuum (Portuge)                                 1-17-15             1-24     7days     
             Hot White
1/2   Serrano                         C. annuum  (?source?)                             1-17-15             1-20     3 days
1/2   Cumari do Para             C. chinense  (?source?)                            1-17-15            1-26      9 days
2/2   Beni Highlands               C. chinense (SanPatricio - pods)             1-17-15            1-21      4 days
2/2   Dragon Tongue, Black                      (smileyguy697 - pods)          1-17-15             1-23      6 days
[SIZE=medium]1/1   Manzano, yellow           [/SIZE]C. pubescens (smokemaster)                1-17-15             1-26      9 days
2/2   Rocato, Yellow              C. pubescens (blorvak)                            1-17-15               1/29     12 days
2/2   Tiger's Teeth                 C. chinense (Nigel)                                  1-17-15             1-26       9 days
1/2   Datil                               C. chinense (blorvak)                              1-17-15              1-26      9 days
       ('Bonnie' Serrano replaced the dead Datil)
[SIZE=medium]2/2   MoA Scocth Bonnet     [/SIZE]C. chinense (Jamison)                           1-17-15             1-24      7 days
1/1   7 Pot Yellow                  C. chinense (Micca)                                1-17-15               1/27      10 days
[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]1/1   7 Pot Yellow                 C. chinense (muskymojo)                     [/SIZE]1-17-15              1-24      7 days
They are grouped (roughly) by heat level. 
Thanks...and a couple more.
Legacy Big Jim - big is right!


The whole crowd

Some pickins' from this morning - Mini Chocolate Bell, Tepin x Lemon Drop, Sarrano(first pod on the plant is an odd shape - the rest are typical), Gound Cherry

Thethethethe....that's all folks!
Finally...some sunshine!
Rocato   A couple are ripening up.  There are 2 or 3 more large greens ones on this plant near the bottom.  The top of the plant is loaded with blossoms which will hopefully yield some more peppers

Queen Laurie  I'll need to pick these soon - first of the season with many more to come.

Corbaci Sweet    Lots of these ripening now.

Bolsa de Dulce

Brazilian Starfish    This is the first BS to start coloring up.  I have two plants with many peppers (that's great as I love these!).

Cream Fatalii    

Trinidad Scorpion Sweet

/\   I just ate this one tonight.  They are quite sweet - about like a Brazilian Starfish but, of course, much hotter.  Certainly a good pepper.  
A couple pics from today
7 Pot Yellow    One is just starting to color up.  The plant is setting a lot of pods but someone has been eating the lower leaves off several of my pepper plants.

Hot White Scorpion Tongue
