• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

cone9 - The Epilogue (2014 Glog)

Well, lets give this a go - it certainly won't be up to par with some of these great Glogs but...
I just planted this morning.  Last year I started my plants in March.  This year I'm more on the ball (I hope!).
I decided to try Oasis Rootcubes.  I bought a 104 cell sheet of the 1 1/4" cubes.  They are housed in a Jiffy seed starting greenhouse atop a Milliard heat mat.  Temperature is at 78 degrees F.
Once I get some growth, light will be a hodgepodge  of T5 and cheap ebay LED bulbs.
I had pared my list down to 15 - it grew to 18 - I planted 19 with a few more seeds evincing such arguments for inclusion I'll probably be wetting them soon as well.  It is so hard to say no to pepper seeds!
Planted so far:
1/1     7 Pot Bubblegum 
2/2     7 Pot White
1/1     Aji Dulce Yellow
6/6     Aji Lemon Drop
2/2     Aji Omnicolor x unknown baccatum (SanPatricio)
2/2     Ancient Sweet
4/4     Brazilian Starfish
2/2     Charapita
1/1     Cherry Bomb
2/2     Creme Fatalii
2/2     Fatalii x Red Savina (justaguy)
2/2     Jamaican Gold
1/1     Mako Kokoo 
3/3     Manzano 
2/2     Queen Laurie - one didn't make it after a helmet head but the remaining plant is doing great.
1/1     Rain Forest - this one is growing very slowly, not a healthy looking plant.
2/2     Seasoning Pepper
2/2     Tepin x Lemon Drop (smileyguy697)
2/2     Urfa Biber
/\ cells germinated/cells planted
1/2     C. galapagoense
1/2     C. chacoense

1/2 TS Yellow CARDI

The last time I spoke to my brother he was telling me how bad the winter has been this year. He's in Vermillion.
Well I hate to tell you, as nice as those plants look, they will be monsters at plant out!
And that's the best thing about using containers, you can move them about.
Keep it green!
Today one of my C. galapagoense has graced me with a hook:

This is day 38 after the seed was sown.
C. galapagoense

A couple pics of my capsaicin hoard

Seasoning Pepper (from Micca)

7 Pot White - I just love the look of this particular plant (and I can't wait to eat them!)
Devv said:
Pretty plants!
Portuge said:
Hey David congrats on your wilds, nice collection of plants you have going...
Thanks guys.
I'm having fun with these.  I go down to the basement every day and watch my peppers grow!
C. chacoense and C. galapagoense growing albeit slowly.

I've started a lot more plants, pulling out all the extra seedlings from each pot.  I have several friends who would like some of my pepper plants.  My son also has a friend who likes the heat.  He just moved to a place where he has lots of room for a garden but not a lot of money to fund it.  So, I'm going to surprise him with an assortment of pepper and tomato plants.
Here's my plant stash:

However, I think this one may not make it!

... and a couple more plant pics:
Tomato Pepper

Cream Fatalii - seed for these came from peppers grown by SilverSurfer.  Moderate heat and so delicious!


Cherry Bomb
Just a few more pics to add to the mix.
Growing well.  The largest plants in the back row are about 18" tall.

Cherry Bomb getting a little frisky.

My wilds progressing.  The C. chocoense doing nicely while the C. galapagoence is just creeping along.

I got a late start with this after meinchoh sent me some seed (and of course I had to start one).  

The weather was so nice last weekend that I went out and raked the winter debris off my raised beds.  
The soil was dark, loose and begging for my attention.  
Then it snowed on Tuesday!
Well I see the ladies are ready, but the temps?? Still a ways out there?
Beautiful plants that will do well for you this season, congrats on your grow.
I picked up some of this at HD a couple weeks past when it was $2.   I'll add some to my beds and may use some to start another raised bed at the office (the capsaicin addiction is kicking in nicely).  My wife also uses it in her flower planters and baskets.

My raised beds at home are nearly ready to go.  I'll add some of the garden soil mix and my compost yet and then it's just waiting for the season to get here.  Mid-May is safe here (normally, but what's been normal about this year's weather?).  Maybe I'll go a bit sooner.  I hope the basement doesn't turn in to a jungle before dirt day gets here!  
The small area sectioned off contains eight asparagus crowns.  I crowded them a bit.  It's a small bed but the rest of the family doesn't eat asparagus - fools!

So far, five of the eight crowns have some spears emerging.  This is my first time growing asparagus.  I'll cut a couple spears from each crown because I HAVE to taste it this year (I've never had asparagus fresh from the garden)!  
Then I'll patiently wait until next season.  
Well...I'll wait until next year.

It's been a good weekend.  My younger son had a baseball game last night and a double header today.  We won last night and took the first half of today's games.  In the second half,we came back from being down 8 - 2 in the top of the seventh to tie and take it to extra innings but lost by one. Three exciting games against tough opponents gave us some great baseball to watch.  I've reaped a lot of enjoyment watching my three kids play baseball and softball over the past 17 years.
As a bonus, on the way to last night's game I spotted a bald eagle - the first I've been privileged to see in the area lately (I did see one about 5 years ago).  There are a couple nests close by that I was able to locate a couple weeks ago but I was uncertain if they are active nests.  The bird I saw last night was less than 1/2 mile from one of the nests.  This nest is easily seen from I77 and each time I pass I'm scanning the area for birds.   Hopefully there will be some young.
Tomato Pepper

Cherry Bomb
I moved 25 plants out to some friends last week.  That certainly made watering a simpler process, but I miss them already.  I hope they are well cared for and productive in their new homes.
Here's what's left now:

Several shots of one of my Cream Fatalii plants:

Tomatoes, a bit leggy, but ready to go as soon as the weather is.
Lots of nice things happening here, Cone.
Good luck getting everything going for the summer!
Are you close to plant out yet?
Thanks, Paul.
If time permits, I'll get some plants in containers this weekend.  Much as I want to put them out, those going in the grown will be waiting for a couple more weeks.  I don' want to rush it and get burned (frosted) in the process.
All my plants are still in Solo cups.  
The tallest plants, now over two feet tall, are all baccatums - Queen Laurie, Brazilian Starfish, Aji Lemon Drop and Aji Omnicolor x unknown baccatum.  The only variety I have grown before is last years's Lemon Drop and I really didn't now much about starting the plants then so they were pretty scrawny when set out compared to these.  I expected the baccatums to be tall plants, but these are so much taller than my other species.  I assume it is just a difference in growth habit.   The annuums and especially the chinense are shorter and densely leafed - I absolutely love the look of these beautiful plants.  They have all been under the same lights - a combination of PC, incandescent and T8.  
I'm champing at the bit to get my peppers planted.  I have a trash can of compost to hoe in and the beds are ready.  I'm just waiting on my personal confidence that the weather is ready for me.
Yeah, My Bac's are lanky too. I put tomato cages around them to help support them.
And I missed it last time, the Asparagus, good on ya for growing it! We planted 14 crowns this spring in a raised bed dedicated to them. I'm really tempted to snip a few! Most have put up 3-8 stalks. The only bad thing is the wind hammers them here.
My C galapagoense didn't make it.  It put out a a couple true leaves but stopped there.  They never greened up properly - just stayed a sickly yellowish green.  Last week t died.

On the brighter side, one Manzano and one Cherry Bomb have spent the past week outdoors, albeit a rather frigid week at times!  This is where the Manzano will stay.  It will get scattered sun through the day with an hour or so of full sun in the last afternoon.  It is the area beneath the slide tower of a wooden play center.

Tomorrow is supossed to be sunny  and mid-60s.  I expect to be planting most of my raised bed plants and some that will go in containers.