Congo peppers

I live in Trinidad, funny thing is that in the markets here there is not much distinction between the peppers sold since there are really only 2 types of peppers commonly sold in the mainstream.

1 - the seasoning pepper(not hot) or pimento as they are called
2 - hot peppers which are usually the scotch bonnet/congo type

There are no orange habanero or habanero shape hot peppers found here as is common in north america.

To find the scorpion and 7pod you usually have to go out of the normal markets and ask around but you can usually verify when you speak to someone and the refer to the rough pimply skin on those peppers.

Many of the hot peppers have a small tail on them also, dunno if that is because of some kind of crossing or if someone actually refined to get peppers with a distinct tail.
Notes from the chile taxonomist:

All habaneros are chinenses
Not all chinenses are habaneros

Congo chiles are chinenses, not habaneros........
willard - you know what we're talking about. we all know that but its easier to say & type "hab" vs saying "hab type" or "chinense"
should we say " thats 1 big chinense " it just sounds funny :lol:

why are you not jumping all over the fact people call chiles "peppers" they're NOT a pepper nor a pepper plant! but yet people still call them peppers :rolleyes:
The point of chile taxonomy is to prevent naming confusion.

Everyone has seen it, in fact the Diablo Negro thread is on point; if there are many names for the same chile, nobody can tell what you are talking about when you use the name you know.

If you make up your own naming conventions, they are opaque to others, not a good thing, especially if you are trying to impart technical information to others.

USDA is naming chiles by number only because there is sooooooo much confusion about chile names.

I think that, as growers we should not add to the noise and confusion.
willard - I understand where you're coming from & I agree, I was just trying to razz you :)
whats worse are the growers that do this (& they should know better!) they dont even bother to findout the real name of the chile their selling & then make up a name or they make up a name to make others think they have very different chile than others.
Red Large Congo

cmpman1974 said:
Happen to have any seeds of the red one available for trade? Even a small quantity?


I will let you know when I get Large Red Congo Seeds... The person has a small hand in the pic:)
That information is not correct.
Habanero is the local name for chinense from mexico and Congo is the local name for chinense from Trinidad.
Congo habanero does not make sense IMHO.
hmm I think we will get into a debate ... :)
In Trinidad it's every large pepper.
They have lots of them over there, so many kinds... I'm not sure even the locals know them all.
habman said:
That information is not correct.
Habanero is the local name for chinense from mexico and Congo is the local name for chinense from Trinidad.
Congo habanero does not make sense IMHO.
hmm I think we will get into a debate ... :)

Mark and Julian are always open to people suggesting or adding comments for their site whether it's an error or not.
Hi Habman:This is what we call Congo