Consistent heat producing pods...

most of us know that the heat in chiles can vary quite considerably within the same variety, within the same plant even, depending on a number of variables including but not limited to amount and frequency of watering, weather conditions, amount of light, length of season, plant stress etc, etc...

based on these factors and what are generally considered to be the hotter varieties such as Red Savina, Choc Hab, Gold Hab, Fatalii, Caribbean Red, Naga, Bhut etc have you found that one particular type is consistently hotter regardless of the many variables listed above. that is, have you grown say White Habs which turned out hotter than a Fatalii? have you been able to grow pods that for some reason outperformed a variety with a higher recognised heat value? if so, what/how?
frist year for the Naga,Bhut,7pot. But the Choc Hab always seems to be the same level of heat. just my opion.

What? I'm sorry I was distracted by your tag line!

That is funny. I've heard the same of the choc hab, but have yet to grow them myself. I 'm interested to hear what everyone thinks. Good question!