container container sizes

What size containers are you using and for what?
I like to go from a clear 9 oz solo cups that I germinate in to a 1 gallon container and then to 3 gallon container which is where I am now. but what about the 2 and 3 year pepper tree projects. Are 5, 7.5 and 10 gallon containers worth considering? has anyones large plants required these larger containers?
I go from 16oz cups to the ground, 2.5, 3, 5, 7, 25, 65 gal containers.  Your plants will like the extra space, always.  First year plants really need 5 gal but can make do if your production needs are not too high.  Second years will benefit from 10-25 gal for sure.  Look around at people's glogs and see what they are growing in.  A few use 25 gal totes for first year plants.
Yep the bigger the better. As my first year plants in 5 gallon buckets have already rooted threw them into the ground.
Yes, I agree with all who say bigger is better, I use 5 gallon buckets for most of my pepper plants, but I also use 18 Gallon totes and put 2 in each, and I get huge plants.  I have in the past used 2.5 and 3 gallon containers but other than small Thai chiles, or small ornamentals, you'll end up with much fewer peppers than with a minimum of 5 gallon.  I get white 5 gallon buckets from laWmart 4 for $10.  They last from season to season and as long as you have nice loose soil, they produce great plants.  Any chile plant more than a year old, however, should be in a much larger container if you want to see a lot of development.
Peppermeister Roulette
OK, Thanks for the advice. I had a whole bunch of 3 and 5 gall containers in an online shpping cart.
guess I need to start looking for some larger containers.
Currently growing in 1.5 gallon containers but I'm starting to notice that my Bhuts are getting root bound.
They also produce smaller then expected pods.
Next grow I'll be getting larger containers dunno yet which volume i'll buy.
Anyone already using the grow bags, how are they when it comes to heat buildup? I noticed on bright sunny days I have to rotate the plastic pots or the get really hot.
A couple of the links posted above have got me seriously considering trying out some bags next year, may be this year for an over wintering project.
When do you transplant them ready for the second year though guys? I assume if you're pruning it's when you begin to see new growth?
HP22BH said:
Anyone already using the grow bags, how are they when it comes to heat buildup? I noticed on bright sunny days I have to rotate the plastic pots or the get really hot.
A couple of the links posted above have got me seriously considering trying out some bags next year, may be this year for an over wintering project.
You can get white plastic grow bags in any size you need.  This is my first year using them, on my roof, which gets extremely hot during the summer.  They do not get nearly as hot as black plastic pots.  They are sturdier and more stable than I expected.