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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

stillmanz said:
10 weeks = 5 leaves lol
I did a little experiment with mine.
The ones under sunlight (well it's winter, not a lot of it is available) have about 5-6 leaves, and the ones under fluorescent lamps have 8 big leaves, two leaves still growing and some weird leaves growing on the stem.
All of that after 5-6 weeks.

Yes, I'm growing Naga Morich.
Two different sources, and both are growing the same.
To be honest, I'm not how the ones under sunlight even survived.
It's like a late sunset all day long (well until the actual sunset :lol:).

Forget fluorescent lamps, I'll be getting some MH ones for contest. :cool:
Its not always the size of the lights but how you use them.:cool: I find fluorescents are best for starting plants and nothing beats the sun for growing. My light setup is in front of a patio door which gets quite a bit of sun so it get sun during the day and lights during most of the night with a few hours of darkness
MH for green stage, and HPS for flowers and fruits. :cool:
90,000 Lumens > 1,200 Lumens. :lol:

Well it's rare having bright sunlight this time of year (Although today we have a lot of sun, just one of those rare days)... but in a couple of months from now, I'll have all the sun I need. :hell:
We don't have a lot of sun now either but lot of reflection off the snow. Here's a pic of my babied Naga from last year at about 8-9 weeks growing under fluorescent lights.

We don't have a lot of sun now either but lot of reflection off the snow. Here's a pic of my babied Naga from last year at about 8-9 weeks growing under fluorescent lights.

That's big, green and shiny. :lol:
lol, nice work.
I'm starting my seeds in one of these (AreoGarden) and transferring them into pots when they get too big for the thing.

DevilDuck said:
I'm starting my seeds in one of these (AreoGarden) and transferring them into pots when they get too big for the thing.

o0o... looks high-tech. :shocked:
What kind of light does it have? :)
DevilDuck said:
Fluorescent, of course!
Well yeah, but what kind?
I could have asked what kind it uses, but no... I want to know about the ones on it. :lol:
Wattage? Light temp? Type of lamp?

NVM, found a website selling replacements lights, and they're probably the same.
AreoGarden Replacement Bulbs. 2 Bulbs for your AreoGarden. 26 watts, 1450 Lumens (light output), 6,000 hours is the estimated life.
I was looking at those on the web today DD ---
They were all about 150$ --- I saw them at Sears but I didnt look at the price
Omri, I was only messin round with the 5 leaves thing "trash talkin" ( I guess it was a bit too subtle)

DD is that a areoponic set up, I have only played with aero a tiny bit but it charges, If I was serious about this comp I'd be using aero to start then chucking em into a nice deep ebb and flow.. I think that combo in perfect conditions is unbeatable.
Do you guys ever get on to fatalii.net? Jukka is the high priest of hydro.
I've been pep talking my seed for 2 weeks already..only 60 something hours to go on this side of the planet. I'm so confident of winning I'm not even going to enter the competition just to be fair on the rest of you. Everyone else should do the same out of sportsmanship.
By the way - I'm in for soil, but wont start until I get back home on the 3rd. I'll have a fresh pod by the 5th, it'll just be from another plant & wont be a Naga. Mere technicalities.
Good luck everyone May the best [insert here] win :cool:
Official Rules

1. The contest starts at 12:00 AM GMT, January 1, 2008. Go to http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ to see what time that is in your time zone.

2. "Start" means whatever the first step in planting is for you. That means if you soak your seeds or just stick 'em in the seed starting medium, 12:00 AM GMT is when you start. You can fill your seed cups and have lights, etc. in place before hand. It's the actual manipulation of the seeds -aside from a little fondling - that can't start until 12:00 AM GMT, January 1, 2008.

3. Use your The Hot Pepper blog to chronicle your progress and post pictures.

4. This is just for fun and bragging rights, so please remember to keep it fun. You are on the honor system.

5. When you think you have a ripe pod, post enough pictures that the judges can make sure there are no green patches.

6. Judges... I volunteered BentAlphaNerd, Devil Duck volunteered himself. Anyone not a contestant who generally checks in once a day or so interested in being a judge? Wordwiz? Podpiper? Chilliman64?

7. There are two categories: Hydroponics and Dirt. If you use any system that does not involve sticking your seeds or germinated seedlings in dirt or potting soil for the first 6 weeks of growth, you're hydro. If you disagree with my definition, you should have whined - I mean - spoken up earlier. If you're not sure about your system, outline it to the judges.

I will repeat and encourage everyone participating to use your blog to describe your technique and post pictures of your progress. Participants who haven't been members for 30 days, sweet talk one of the moderators into activating your blog.

Did I leave anything out?