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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

bentalphanerd said:
{BTW the bribes have been too small so far to mention. Are any of you even trying?....i can disqualify all of you if that's what it takes! Not that I would, I mean GMT + 1 week would be the best time for a Stalinist purge}

We have until April or May. If we bribe you now, you'll have forgotten by then.
Game on at Ol' Mman Stillanz Farm... Now how the hell do I start a blog lol. Feels a techo-failure tantrum comming on lol....(throws self to ground thrashing)
stillmanz said:
Game on at Ol' Mman Stillanz Farm... Now how the hell do I start a blog lol. Feels a techo-failure tantrum comming on lol....(throws self to ground thrashing)

Click on "Blogs" up near where it says "Home", "User CP" etc. On the left hand side you'll see 'Post to my Blog'.
My little darlings are soaking now.

So am I, only in beer. The fireworks are going off all over the place, and I am, as is traditional for New Year's Eve, comforting the dogs.
Happy New Year!!!
OK thats done...lets get busy ...lol
I planted some old Bhut Jolokia seed in a dirt planter...germination expected any day now{dont hold yer breath},
but as a backup plan .
I trimed my two mature jolokia plants and have placed them under some vegative light ,as soon as i have a few fresh cuts to root,i'll get me hydro going...no hurry really. so i guess ill do a double entry...
1 for soil...and a cutting or two in a passive hydro setup.
I guess that means I gotta pay two entry fees eh.
I will do a few nice photos after i have something to shoot.
as soon as i can make a blog ,i will continue the grow show there.

Mele Kaliki Maka
Ho oli maka iki oi

Hi all...just back from an 11 day holiday...

My little darlins' are in their seed starting mix and moistened down. Plant time 2000 GMT 1 January 2008. Looks like I am behind already.
pablo said:
Happy New Year!!!
OK thats done...lets get busy ...lol
I planted some old Bhut Jolokia seed in a dirt planter...germination expected any day now{dont hold yer breath},
but as a backup plan .
I trimed my two mature jolokia plants and have placed them under some vegative light ,as soon as i have a few fresh cuts to root,i'll get me hydro going...no hurry really. so i guess ill do a double entry...
1 for soil...and a cutting or two in a passive hydro setup.
I guess that means I gotta pay two entry fees eh.
I will do a few nice photos after i have something to shoot.
as soon as i can make a blog ,i will continue the grow show there.

Mele Kaliki Maka
Ho oli maka iki oi

I thought the contest was for using naga morich seeds...sorry dude just curious
i read that article months ago,it only states that the pods size is different..that can be done thru selective breeding and has been done that way for centurys...now show me a link with a scientific DNA analyisis
that shows them not the same plant