show-off Coolest Ripening Pics...

Great pics.  I remember when some of my peppers looked like the OP pic.  I took a bunch of pics and showed all my friends and family lol.  I think they tolerated me, but weren't that interested.  Glad to have this community to geek out with on peppers :)
I think it looks like they were dipped in paint.
It's interesting to note that some peppers start ripening from the top down, like most of the superhots it seems. And some start ripening at the tip, like Habaneros, and many annuums. And some just seem to start in random splotches.

And KAOS, what variety is that? Kinda looks like a mini Moruga scorpion or something. Nice looking plant, looks like it has some purple in the veins of the leaves.
Jubnat said:
It's interesting to note that some peppers start ripening from the top down, like most of the superhots it seems. And some start ripening at the tip, like Habaneros, and many annuums. And some just seem to start in random splotches.

And KAOS, what variety is that? Kinda looks like a mini Moruga scorpion or something. Nice looking plant, looks like it has some purple in the veins of the leaves.

I put this up for pepper ID a while back and general feeling was that it was a brain strain variety.