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Cops at front door

I'm surprised they didn't send a fully armed SWAT team into your house. For some reason the government believes that sending SWAT teams with guys in riot gear with machine guns to the houses of people suspected of growing plants is a reasonable thing to do in the "land of the free." These people should probably be institutionalized, but when it comes to the War on Some Drugs insanity is the norm.

Sometimes I kind of hope they come knocking on my door so I can tell them to get a warrant. The only problem is that they might come back with a warrant, bust in, and shoot me and then say they thought I was reaching for a gun.
I'm surprised they didn't send a fully armed SWAT team into your house. For some reason the government believes that sending SWAT teams with guys in riot gear with machine guns to the houses of people suspected of growing plants is a reasonable thing to do in the "land of the free." These people should probably be institutionalized, but when it comes to the War on Some Drugs insanity is the norm.

Sometimes I kind of hope they come knocking on my door so I can tell them to get a warrant. The only problem is that they might come back with a warrant, bust in, and shoot me and then say they thought I was reaching for a gun.
Yup, I hear ya! The whole situation was just retarded. Oh well, to see the looks on thier faces when they saw pepper plants was PRICELESS!!!
Gotta love those nosey neighbors :snooty:

Least all you have to deal with is the oinkers givIng you a hard time... My neighbors come by and pick my peppers since my garden backs up to a field, school children too, and these asshole minorities with special use permits who litter the field with trash then come pee in my garden and help themselves. County keeps givIng them warnings but never revokes the permits or issues citations for all the litter that blows into my garden. Fcukers are in for a surprise this year, growing lots of habs, superhots, ring of fire cayenne, and some other fun ones :)

I need to find one hot enough where if somebody pees on it it burns their junk.
Least all you have to deal with is the oinkers givIng you a hard time... My neighbors come by and pick my peppers since my garden backs up to a field, school children too, and these asshole minorities with special use permits who litter the field with trash then come pee in my garden and help themselves. County keeps givIng them warnings but never revokes the permits or issues citations for all the litter that blows into my garden. Fcukers are in for a surprise this year, growing lots of habs, superhots, ring of fire cayenne, and some other fun ones :)

I need to find one hot enough where if somebody pees on it it burns their junk.
That sucks! you need marouga scorps and butchT'S LOL
I worked a case in S Florida where a guy was growing weed in an apartment. Some other dopers raided his apartment, and fired an AK 47 round that went through a wall and killed a baby..

I would like for my neighbors to be involved and report things. I guess after seeing a dying baby and her crying Mom I have a different insight in this situation.
I keep on expecting a "raid" from the police brought about by my extreme power usage in late Jan, Feb and the first part of March...I am running ~2.3 Kw 16/day and 1.3 Kw for 24/day...turns out to be about 50Kw a day just for lighting....that's 1.5 MEGA watt per month...

seeds that was a deputy down there...we talked about power usage and she said the police definitely pay attention to high power consumption...

Using power consumption to get a warrant for a search is illegal (at least in NJ). Its invasion of privacy.. I know cause I've dealt with it here.. Back when I was married I had 14 Reef Aquariums (30 gallons up to 300 gallons). (yes just a little addictive). Since reef tanks are dependant on high powered lighting for the corals, I would be running upwards of 7,000 watts of light (and that didn't include a 2,000w heater and a 1/4 hp chiller, nor ALL the crazy pumps).. I had an eerie blue glow outside my basement windows from the actinics, and a very nosey neighbor.

Well, I got the knock on the door, cops were curious what I was "growing" downstairs. They asked to come in, and I asked for a warrant. No warrant, they headed back out (but not before circling my house to see if they could get a peek). I told them AGAIN to get off my property before I filed a civil harrassment suit (because well, they could search all they wanted and find nothing). Well, the one cop makes a comment that "Isn't your meter spinning a bit fast to just be residential usage?" Oh Boy, I don't think he knew what he just said.. My reply was "I pay for my electric, There's nothing illegal going on here, and I'm calling my lawyer now, would you care to listen to the conversation?" Well, the cops left, and my lawyer told me that they cannot get records from the electric company without a good reason (i.e. suspected theft of electricity), and since my bills were all current, and the "tip" was from a nosey neighbor, the electric company had no reason to produce the records for them. Using the electric company records for a reason to get a warrant is an invasion of privacy because there is no probable cause.. Just a high electric usage does not provide probable cause because, well, there are many reasons it could be high. In my case it was saltwater aquariums.. It could also be a metalworker (welding and plasma cutting can make your bill high too). He actually went down a list of 4 or 5 things that legitimate people do that could cause high electric consumption.

Needless to say, after one letter to the local PD, I got an apology letter from the PD (I guess they didnt want me to push forward with harrassment or illegal search complaint for the officer reading my meter).. So... Don't be growing stuff you shouldn't be, don't be stealing power and there's not much they can do.. After all, who's to say WHAT you use your electric for as long as it is legal??
I take offense to that, that's basically saying everyone who smokes/grows is a doper and baby killer. You just had an instance where you saw first hand the worst case scenario. Not everyone is a scumbag or baby killer; irresponsible people do stupid things all over the world. The problem isn't the grower, the problem is the gangbanger who's trying to make a quick buck off somebody else's love and hard work. If it was just nationally legalized then babies wouldn't get shot like that since everyone would have cheap buds and be happy. I'm sorry you had to experience that though, it's always tragic when somebody innocent is killed.
I take offense to that, that's basically saying everyone who smokes/grows is a doper and baby killer. You just had an instance where you saw first hand the worst case scenario. Not everyone is a scumbag or baby killer; irresponsible people do stupid things all over the world. The problem isn't the grower, the problem is the gangbanger who's trying to make a quick buck off somebody else's love and hard work. If it was just nationally legalized then babies wouldn't get shot like that since everyone would have cheap buds and be happy. I'm sorry you had to experience that though, it's always tragic when somebody innocent is killed.

Take offense, I was there when the baby died.

The killers were there for dope. If take offense to hard facts......carry on.

Are your feelings hurt now?
youre entitled to your own perspective and opinions. Yours is just focused on placing blame on the drugs when it's the people who are at fault. Like saying guns kill people, when it's really people who kill people. A gun by itself is as harmless as a couch. There will always be a demand for drugs, why not legalize the less harmful ones and have them taxed by the government; it would lessen violent crime and create a large and needed revenue for the government, that way everybody wins. As long as there is a demand supply will meet go away.
I worked a case in S Florida where a guy was growing weed in an apartment. Some other dopers raided his apartment, and fired an AK 47 round that went through a wall and killed a baby..

I would like for my neighbors to be involved and report things. I guess after seeing a dying baby and her crying Mom I have a different insight in this situation.

Anecdotes playing on people's emotions are the crutch of the War on Some Drugs, not logical thinking. There are plenty of anecdotes about cops busting into houses looking for drugs and firing a shot that killed an innocent person, often at the wrong address no less. The people could have just as easily raided his apartment to steal some jewelry, or electronics, or any other high priced item anyway.

And yet no one busts in other people's houses with AK 47s to steal their Bud Light, because its value is not grossly inflated by illegality (like it was during prohibition where there WAS massive crime involving alcohol). Unfortunately, that baby is another victim of the War on Some Drugs, not the victim of some evil plant grower.
Whatever, maybe you should Have attended the baby's funeral. Then you could spoued your nonsense to the mom.

I simply said an interested neighbor makes for a safer neighborhood.

Then you came along with weird rationale about legalizing dope.......

Maybe you should moderate your consumption of intoxicants while trying to post on legitimate threads. Your paranoia is shining through.
You seem to think that someone GROWING PLANTS causes the death of innocent babies, and I'm the one with "weird rational?" Attending a baby's funernal may be enough to impair any critical thinking skills you might have, but not mine. As for you ridiculous assumption that I do "dope" (what is this the 1950s), the only drugs I do are alcohol, caffeine, and capsaican. And I can't even remember the last time I was drunk. Fortunately these aren't a target of the War on Some Drugs yet.
I simply said an interested neighbor makes for a safer neighborhood.

Maybe.. But not a nosey neighbor with an axe to grind.. Why couldn't my neighbor just come over to meet me? 6 years in that place and THEY were the anti-social ones (I know because I was friends with every other neighbor, and they didn't socialize at all). All the neighbors that took the time to talk to me also got an education about conservation of our oceans, and most of them had jaw-dropping reactions to a 300g reef tank.

Some people jump to conclusions too easily, and then it creates situations for innocent people.. Sorry, but we aren't in Orson Well's "1984". Big Brother does NOT have a right to monitor every last thing I do... And some people really need to mind their own business and not worry what their neighbors do..
Look you guys or whatever have perverted this whole thing . I simply said nosey are good for lawful neighborhood. If your house was being broken into you would you want someone to call the authorities?

Also an anecdote is a short and AMUSING story, use of a proper vocabulary helps promote or take away from you perspective.

If you feel that someone who grow weed on a large scale, for profit, is some kind of Robin Hood, good for you. I see him or her as someone drawing undesirables (in this case killers) into a quiet neighborhood where a child was gunned down.

But all is not lost, all involved went to jail for murder and accessory murder. End of story, end of thread for me.