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Cops at front door

Armac, I'm not saying that at all. Anyone who has people come into his house with AKs is probably a pretty sketchy individual. I would be inclined to call the cops if I felt someone was a threat. But growing weed in and of itself doesn't make someone dangerous any more than brewing beer or making wine does, or growing peppers.
Armac, what happened and what you saw was absolutely atrocious. I wouldn't wish that on the worst people in this world. Neighbors have every right to fear gang violence and things like this. We would like to prevent these kinds of things everywhere we can and I completely understand you on that.

The fact of the matter is that a police raid is often times more harmful than a marijuana grower himself. There have been countless cases of an innocent adolescent or animal being shot and killed simply because the police think that there is marijuana present in the house. There is no need to cause further tension and ruin someones evening on nothing but a suspicion. I'm sure that if you were raided and they killed your sleeping dog on the way to find your pepper plants because it 'looked aggressive' you would be mad as hell.

A baby being killed by an AK-47 round going through a wall is a 1 in a million circumstance. Of course we would like it to be avoided, but more people die in plane crashes than a stray AK-47 round. I understand your emotional attachment to this issue but the legislation that made it profitable for those people to raid that house is what caused the violence, not the plants inside of the house.

The fourth amendment is there for a reason and I should be allowed my right to my property without a nosy neighbor trying to take me down just because of a glint of suspicion. That being said all I really would ask for is that the neighbors come and talk to me before calling the cops right away. Yes, drug violence is something that should be taken seriously and shouldn't be ignored, I just would like a quick conversation and I'd be happy to show you my plants (or aquarium if I had one) and even give you some of my harvest for being such a good sport.
Heh, one of my friends lives in an apt with a neighbor with grow lights and lots of plants in the window, and refers to them as her pot-growing neighbors. I wonder why that's the first thing people think. I really doubt anyone growing pot is setting it out in their front window with lights advertising it all night. I'm pretty sure that's why the real sign of a house growing pot or cooking meth is blacked out basement windows, and apartment dwellers tend to hide it in a coat closet.

I'd be pretty pissed with my neighbors if they called the cops on my little seedlings without bothering to just talk to me first. Pfft! Invite the cops over for your parties to sample salsas or spicy bbq sauces and don't invite the neighbors, just make enough noise that they'd call the cops if they weren't already there making the noise. ;P
Look you guys or whatever have perverted this whole thing . I simply said nosey are good for lawful neighborhood. If your house was being broken into you would you want someone to call the authorities?

Also an anecdote is a short and AMUSING story, use of a proper vocabulary helps promote or take away from you perspective.

If you feel that someone who grow weed on a large scale, for profit, is some kind of Robin Hood, good for you. I see him or her as someone drawing undesirables (in this case killers) into a quiet neighborhood where a child was gunned down.

But all is not lost, all involved went to jail for murder and accessory murder. End of story, end of thread for me.

Whatever, maybe you should Have attended the baby's funeral. Then you could spoued your nonsense to the mom.

I simply said an interested neighbor makes for a safer neighborhood.

Then you came along with weird rationale about legalizing dope.......

Maybe you should moderate your consumption of intoxicants while trying to post on legitimate threads. Your paranoia is shining through.

The growers didn't cause the baby's death. The people who robbed them did! It could very well of been electronics or whatever. What you are doing is blaming the victim! I loath nosy neighbors. I had neighbors think I was smoking something illegal call the police on me when I was smoking tobacco out of a pipe I made. I was just going for a walk smoking my pipe. Then the police searched me and harassed me.
One last comment, having worked in LE for a long time, and reading the majority of the comments here. DO NOT ever inquire with your neighbor if you feel they are involved in any type of illegal operation. If their dog is peeing in your yard, work that out, anything invovling illegal activity, leave that up to the cops, for your personal safety.

Not eveybody is growing peppers or are good folks.
One last comment, having worked in LE for a long time, and reading the majority of the comments here. DO NOT ever inquire with your neighbor if you feel they are involved in any type of illegal operation. If their dog is peeing in your yard, work that out, anything invovling illegal activity, leave that up to the cops, for your personal safety.

Not eveybody is growing peppers or are good folks.

But also remember that Not everybody growing peppers are necessarily good folks and there are many others who may be growing/something or doing something illegal that are good folks.
I can't stand busy-body neighbors either. We have a neighborhood busy body. He's all into the neighborhood watch idea, except his idea of watching the neighborhood is to warn people they shouldn't leave their garage doors open...because a skunk might get in. No kidding! Then he took it upon himself to take down the street signs to repaint them and took a month to get them all put back. Busy bodies might raise crime rates, because one of these days, he's going to get on someone's last nerve and become a victim.
Well Megahot it happened.....as I was getting the oldest ready for bed tonight "knock knock" on the door.... it was the cops. See our plants are set up in our office which is in the front of our house the window right by the front porch. Well no one reported it. They were driving through the neighborhood like they do frequently and the saw the glow of the lights. So I guess they called backup or something cuz there were two cars and four cops wanting to see what was growing. I let them go look. They said definitely not what we thought it was. I almost wanted to say "no shit Sherlock" as I was holding our 6 week old son. Whatever they were apologetic just said "sorry we were just doing our job" I almost asked them if they want to try some Pure Evil.........................
She texted me telling me I had to move them...:crazy: Why would I move them? Let them come back then insist on them trying the pure evil. Duh! Plus, if it annoys our neighbors that's not a bad thing, right?
We don't have to move them I just wanted to so we could avoid more people noticing like the pot smokers in our neighborhood that wait for us to leave and try and break-in or some crap. Would be funny when they see peppers not pot but don't want to chance the break-in. Guess it's good I am stay at home mom. Neighbors don't care half of them are growing actual pot.
It's unfortunately just part of the culture. People assume, because, well, frankly, you don't run into a lot of intensive grow setups. It's kind of like when doing a google search, the marijuana pages are always the first to pop up, even though I've never grown, or used in a long time. Seriously, google, get a grip. I realize that anyone in my young 20-something demographic that is looking up indoor grow information is probably looking for pot, but by now they should have caught on to the fact that I grow peppers. PEPPERS.

I am honestly shocked that neither of my neighbors have called the cops on me yet, especially since they both have young children and my housemate has her friends over frequently. My indoor grow is setup is in my closet for sake of convenience, so it just looks suspicious. I try to keep the blinds closed but admittedly it's hard to ignore the glow at night...

Still, I would perfectly understand if the cops were to show up at my door. They're just trying to do their jobs. Nosy neighbors are annoying, but you can't blame the cops for checking out the blatantly obvious...
Well Megahot it happened.....as I was getting the oldest ready for bed tonight "knock knock" on the door.... it was the cops. See our plants are set up in our office which is in the front of our house the window right by the front porch. Well no one reported it. They were driving through the neighborhood like they do frequently and the saw the glow of the lights. So I guess they called backup or something cuz there were two cars and four cops wanting to see what was growing. I let them go look. They said definitely not what we thought it was. I almost wanted to say "no shit Sherlock" as I was holding our 6 week old son. Whatever they were apologetic just said "sorry we were just doing our job" I almost asked them if they want to try some Pure Evil.........................

Wow! I know how you feel! lol
The way I see it, when those cops knock on the door, their experience has taught them that they are about to step into a sh*t storm. Their adrenaline is going and they are ready for just about anything. Then BOOM!, they end up standing in front of gorgeous, well-loved, pepper plants and meeting interesting, usually laughing, pepper growers! As a cop, wouldn't that just make your day?!?! You awesome indoor-pepper-plant-ambassadors might just be converting those cops into chile-heads.....and not even know it!!!!! hahaha
The way I see it, when those cops knock on the door, their experience has taught them that they are about to step into a sh*t storm. Their adrenaline is going and they are ready for just about anything. Then BOOM!, they end up standing in front of gorgeous, well-loved, pepper plants and meeting interesting, usually laughing, pepper growers! As a cop, wouldn't that just make your day?!?! You awesome indoor-pepper-plant-ambassadors might just be converting those cops into chile-heads.....and not even know it!!!!! hahaha

I think it would make their day. However, I'd make them get a warrant.
That's what I was thinking too - Probable Cause, or some such thing. No matter. Pepper plants are pepper plants. If ya got grow lights - keep your bongs off the coffee table!!!! hahahaha Just kiddin'! :) I was just thinking it would be a cool way to brighten their day. Better to have a cop rooting for you, than gunning for ya!