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Costco Rant

And don't start on the amazon pushing out the small guys, I am not paying $5 for a can of beans when a reasonable price is .79 to $2... some of these "gourmet" shops by me are ridiculous. You should see their beer prices! But I digress. I do shop mom and pops. For hardware and lots of other stuff. I am stoked to have a chain grocer. :)
The Hot Pepper said:
And don't start on the amazon pushing out the small guys, I am not paying $5 for a can of beans when a reasonable price is .79 to $2... some of these "gourmet" shops by me are ridiculous.
Just wait until the next time you try and buy some GOYA beans.. That POTUS "Stamp of Approval" ain't gonna come cheap!

EDIT: Sorry, the daughter was pushing the beans...
That whole Goya thing pisses me off in the way it was also twisted for politics.

That CEO dude by his own statements just strikes me as old Skool ,have respect for the president mentality. Whether the person in the office really deserves it is not an issue for him.

My standard for boycotting a company is fairly high, because the consequences to the vast array of those it employs can be devastating.

A dumbass CEO,CFO etc saying some dumbass thing really doesn't qualify. If it is proven they are doing something actively evil, that is where I try.

The problem is some of these companies are so massive with tentacles everywhere that it sometimes becomes impossible to track every pie they have a finger in.
stettoman said:
Well fukk, so much for the costco discussion.
Talked to UPS yesterday, learned a bit. But apparently I hijacked my own thread in the first sentence....
.........nevermind....... :silenced:
Im sorry about that. It was probably my fault. I was drunk posting funny pictures about masks.

Online ordering anything (grocery especially) sucks in my experience. Pretty much always. Its like having some kid that can barely make a pop tart selecting all your meat and produce. Or it is just stores getting rid of their near expiry crap? Probably both.
boutros said:
Im sorry about that. It was probably my fault. I was drunk posting funny pictures about masks.

Online ordering anything (grocery especially) sucks in my experience. Pretty much always. Its like having some kid that can barely make a pop tart selecting all your meat and produce. Or it is just stores getting rid of their near expiry crap? Probably both.
Like having Home Depot pick and deliver your order. Seems like you get the most twisted, knotty, scarred up lumber that they have.

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The about-to-expire thing is just common sense. The shoppers are going to grab from the front of the shelf not dig into the back for the new stuff like we do lol! And why would the store train the shoppers to dig for those? More labor, and yeah, not getting rid of that stuff. I understand what you mean. It sucks. But it's also common sense that the shoppers are grabbing the stuff right in front. Efficiency. So yeah, there are negatives to food deliveries but overall for me it's worked out. 
Same goes for Home Depot. I've spent 20 minutes there looking for a non-warped 2x4. Do you think shoppers should be paid to do that for you? No. If you really want quality wood use your local lumber yard.
I wonder if it depends on the store or service.
At the store my wife works for , the staff who do the online orders are trained on how to pick the best, fruits,veg or meat.

I don't think they check dates beyond making sure within exp. or B/B though.

I wonder if some places or services pay by orders fulfilled instead of hourly
No idea but the Whole Foods stuff I get has not been an issue for expiry really.
They can chat when shopping too. "This item is out of stock, will you accept ______?"  Accept | Decline | Chat box
Last time the BBQ chips I wanted were out of stock I chatted to the shopper to get what I wanted and he chatted back he found them. Cool! However other times shoppers have totally ignored chats. The first time he chatted back I was like oh wow this really does work and all those other shoppers were ignoring chats lol.
Lol. I remember Grant had a shopper he could request by name at Publix because he liked the quality of the product she would pick.

With Donnalee working in a grocery store it is mostly a non issue, but skipping the line using online pickup order option at the liquor store is pretty sweet.

You get some dirty looks from that long masked socially distanced lineup to get in the store when you stroll right past them. Lol
boutros said:
I'm thinking about getting one of these.  Not only can I get in to Costco, but maybe it will help disperse those damned people clogging up the aisles looking for a small cup of sample Cheez-Its, raisins, bacon bits with ranch, etc.
Fun fact - Michael Myer's mask is actually the face of Shatner's Captain Kirk.  It's painted white.
I've seen the real mask with my own eyes.