chinense CPI Bhut Variation

PepperLover said:
true Charles, the first patch of seeds were great back then, i think as  the demand increased the CPI contracted other growers, sources which resulted in such variations.
some of us were lucky to receive the good looking huge pods  
My pods loook alot like yours, and I have bhut jolokia seeds you sent me aswell. This year I think I'll grow them side by side to see the similarities/differences. When the Bhut Jolokia came out around '06, I had never seen any strain like the ones pictured in this topic until I came to THP and saw there are many different sizes and shapes (smooth/rough, long/round) of the Bhut. Variations of the 7 pod on the small island of Trinidad are many. Variations of the Bhut in an area the size of mainland asia could be immense and ongoing, not to mention an army of chiliheads growing them all out across the globe.

The two middle pods are CPI bhuts from seeds purchased in 2010, and grown out in 2011, nearly 3" long. All of them had tapered tops and bottoms with a bulky waistline.
The top pod is an F1 Hab x Bhut cross from one plant, the bottom pod is also an F1 Hab x Bhut cross from another plant (the crosses were not sourced from CPI though).
^^ yep, those also look like over-ripe late season pods like mine were; cracked skin near the calyx etc. The leaves even seem like lighter colored autumn leaves too .... less green with a touch of yellow.
From what i have read, CPI seeds are notorious for taking a long time to sprout, i know mine did.
Jetchuka said:
^^ yep, those also look like over-ripe late season pods like mine were; cracked skin near the calyx etc. The leaves even seem like lighter colored autumn leaves too .... less green with a touch of yellow.
From what i have read, CPI seeds are notorious for taking a long time to sprout, i know mine did.
And these look really different from some of the others.  I wonder if it really is the case that if you got your seeds early on, that they tend to look like the gnarlier phenotypes in the above pics.  Or if it really is the case that they expanded their seed suppliers which led to more phenotypes appearing...
Mt bhuts from late season last year (actually brought the plant down to the grow room in October where the pic was taken)
Seeds were from Judy. I grew 3 plants last year. pods all looked the same.

Based on Judy's comment above, I assume these are originally from CPI
PepperLover said:
Hey Jon, i will be more than happy to send you some for sure.
they are very productive, huge plant producing huge pod 
i have noticed they move from green to orange then red, some bhuts just go from green to red. 
Judy, are you selling seed of these in your store?