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Craigslist - Pepper Sale

How many people here sell/sold pepper plants on Craigslist small time? If so, what was your experience? Recouping soil expense and my lighting bill expense would be nice. I'm not interested in any real business venture. if doing it, are you licensed or need to be? Here little boy, wanna try a Trinidad Scorpion 'Morouga Blend'? lol.

HI CHRIS i dont htink many people will know the TS so first you have to make sure your expected buyers are awear of your product ... keep it in mind we here are way ahead in time and knowledge when it comes to speices, heat level,taste... and other characteristics. so i dont know the public will know what your talking aboput when you offer some thing like Trinidad scorpion ......
I can simplify and say hotter than molten lava. lol. Often used instead of gas in the execution chamber. More painful than biting into roofing nails. I know what you mean PepperLover.

I would think that there will be only two kinds of buyers of the plants. That would be people who actually know about it (which would be rare) or people who are going to buy it as a novelty.
i'd buy peppers from ya chris. I think people are starting to get more aware of the pepper varieties now adays it seems.
Hey Nate I got your pods w/ stingers you want. I've got red, yellow, and chocolate scorps. I tried selling seed on craiglist a few years ago and only got one serious dude that was buying for a chilehead friend of his so I never found out what became of the crop, bummer. Only here will people know what a Douglah is? I got a bunch of square container from a nursery last year and never took them their plants because they were the back-ups and looked the best. I'm going to try those flat rate postal service boxes and ship pods around the US this year as I still have pods from last year. Obviously I am a better gardener than chef so why not. Why would you be worried about selling a few plants on craigslist? Let us know how it turns out.
PRF, we just moved our pepper giant from hydro to outside. It's an experiment so to speak. Anyway it had one tiny little red pepper on it. Charles cut a teensy slice off the bottom. OMG!!!!!! I told him that's the brain strain, he says yeah it strains your brain to eat it. He hit the milk right away, can only imagine what a large one will do. Anyone questioning those 7 pods look out, brain strain is HOT!!!!!!!
I had good luck with Craigs list on my first experience with them....sold to probably 25 0r 30 people that were buying anywhere between 5 and 10 plants at a time....a couple bought 30 or so....to me, it is how you advertise your product...at first I advertised Bhut Jolokia seedlings and had no responses....then I went back and edited the title to Bhut Jolokia seedlings, also known as the "Ghost Pepper" and got a bunch more interest...

I don't know the law where you are Chris but as far as legalities go, you have to pay taxes an anything you sell...I got my state tax number and registered my business name with the state and county...when you get your tax number, it will be for a specific item...such as vegetables (peppers and tomatos)...rules for selling plants vary with the plant you are selling...peaches and other fruits can be a bit tricky from what I have read but veggies (peppers and tomatos) are very simple...
I posted on Crag's list last year offering B.J. seedlings. Had a blurb about them being in the GBOWR. Had one interested party contact me. I ended up selling him a couple but by the time we got done talking I had cut my price by half. He contacts me on a semi-regular basis and often stops by here. He didn't have any luck with them last year. This year he stopped by and I gave him some seeds. Last I heard they were doing OK.

I believe you have to make a minimum amount of money before the tax man comes looking. That could very well vary state by state.

Good luck with it Chris.