seed-plant-vendors Crazy Hot Seeds

This should be interesting, as I bought three Reaper and 3x "Chocolate Bhutlah" plants from this vendor the other night, having clicked through AJDrew's website ...
They had a (727) area code for a phone number, and the pictures on their Facebook page seemed "nice" ...
Basically they have to be St. Pete/Clearwater, FL or so, so they can't be too far away ...
The site says they are certified by the state ...
The return policy is acceptable ...
Their policies seem appropriate ...
I don't think I'm aware of them as being a THP member, but it looks like there's some drama elsewhere on the net, where they might not be selling legit chocolate bhutlah - we'll see about that soon enough, I guess.
I'm starting some seeds myself, anyways, but I was happy to pick up a couple of plugs to have fresh pods sooner than later since I haven't been able to source any yet, still ...
I bought their Top 10 seed bundle w/ the half-dozen plants, because I only had the TS and Reaper seeds from that list already, so it'll be interesting to see how this one pans out ...
USAF, gonna share some experiences that I think will sum up:

White Ghost Pepper - I've grown white ghost pepper before the 2016 season.  Thing starts off green, transitions threw a French vanilla look into paper white and stays that way till it rots.  I was at Pepper Lover's site and for some reason was reading her description of her white ghost pepper.  She said her strain of white ghost pepper stays white like the ones I have been growing, but mentioned that there is another white ghost pepper that transitions green, white, and then finishes red.  So I had two white ghost peppers to grow in 2016.  Then I think I included Pepper Lovers in a follow up order for this season bringing me to three different peppers by the name of 'white ghost pepper'. 

Butch T Scorpion Pepper - Been growing Butch T scorpion for a bit.  Been culling and selecting for that Butch T scorpion look complete with tail.  Have plenty of seed stock.  Dont need more.  In fact, I sell my extra online.  But when I had the opportunity to purchase Butch T seed stock from Butch T, oh hell I had to do that.  Thing is, the Butch T Scorpion peppers on Butch T's website do not look like the Butch T that I have been growing.  To be clear, the ones I have been growing look like the ones from Hippie Seed... the traditional Butch T look.  So this year, I am growing two strains of Butch T.

Chocolate Bhutlah - This year I got in some Chocolate Bhutlah PL from Pepper North.  This despite already growing a Chocolate Bhutlah from the UK and another from Italy which I suspect is the same as the one from the UK only many generations later.  I got my first Chocolate Bhutlah seed from the UK a bit ago.  Not sure if it is the one that the breeder changed the name to brown or not, but about to order that one in from Jim Duffy.  Is that four?  Lost track.

Do I think Crazy Hot took you for a ride?  My opinion is not unless you think Mr. Butch Taylor took me for a ride.  DNA is so diverse that often two peppers by the same name are different.  Got another one for you and then some sincere advice.

Carolina Reaper - I forget the years on this one, but it the story is in order of how it happened.

I forget where I got my first red 7 Pot Primo peppers.
I ordered in some of the first red Carolina Reapers from Pepper Joe who got them from Puckerbutt.
I ordered in some Yellow Carolina Reaper from a place in Italy.
Someone told me the Yellow Carolina Reaper is the same as a Yellow Primo.
I ordered in some Yellow Primo to compare to the Yellow Reapers from Italy.
Now people are claiming the original Reaper is the same thing as the original Primo.

So do I have four different peppers or only two?  I honestly do not know.  Did anyone take me for a ride?  Well, if they did it was a fun ride and that is my advice.

I started selling off my extra at $5.00 for 20.  I think that is about average.  The big boys are sometimes twice that, but other folk are less than that.  So lets run with it.

Some folk love to go on and on about seed folk misleading people as if it is some giant money grab.  I frigging LOVE growing peppers.  Five bucks vs. the volume of joy I get from growing something new is a great deal even if just for the entertainment of doing it.  I paid more for a coke when I took my baby boy to the new Star Wars movie.

Hell, last year I got white and yellow bubblegum out of some seed that I bought as red.  Small pathetic non grown out, likely red bubble gum x ???.  Might produce similiar off spring might not.  It was cool.  If I spent five bucks on it, oh hell it was more fun that that large coke.

So did Crazy Hot take you for a ride?  I don't think so.  I think you got a lot of fun for your five bucks and the guy from Crazy Hot got a few bucks for his labor.  Ye, there are a few huge companies making bank, but most of us that do business are doing it cause we love to grow.  That is why I dont mind mentioning the business I have done with the folk I have mentioned. 

Sorry I rambled so much, just dont want to see someone who lives so close fall to the dark side even if they do have cookies.  That and oh damn these pain pills are giving me that 'I love you man' thing.  Love the pepper!
I do not know whether the Chocolate Bhutlah seeds I bought from CHS last year were the real deal, but, I do not know they were not.

However, as I posted earlier in this thread, (and I am in no way professing to be an expert by any means), to my eye, they were virtually indistinguishable from the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia I grew from seeds I bought from Refining Fire Chiles.

Regardless, the pods were very, very hot. I was not disappointed in that regard, although, the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia were comparable.

Bottom line; since I do not know either way with any certainty, I believe I will decline to make another purchase from CHS, until such time as conclusive proof of authenticity is available.
Ajdrew, I get it. $5 for a whole season of enjoyment. 95% of what I grow is for the love of the hobby and the flavor. I've got 10 different breeds planned this year that range from Cayenne to Bhut. But I'm a pepper enthusiast too and it matters to me deliberately tries to mislead me. It also matters to the people who put a lot of work into developing pepper breeds.
Alkhall, I guess won't be returning what's already been shipped just based on the reservations I've been harboring having read this thread. I'll grow them and post the results online here. A couple of guys at work and I can discriminate the hottest peppers and will comment on both heat relative to what else is around and the flavor.

Thanks guys for your time!
Grant, lived in Germany for a few years.  First time I complained about a bug in my salad, server removed it and said yes it is fresh.  Organic vs. Nuking has ups and downs.  Organic generally means some losses due to pests.  For pods,not an issue cause the damage is seen and pests wash off.  For plants, not so good.  Very glad Crazy Hot was stand up and refunded the purchase.  Working on that infamous stamp (dont make fun).  If I get it for selling plants, I just about have to nuke the things.  Kind of feel like a sell out but from what I gather, plant buyers really hate bugs.

Alkhall said: "I do not know whether the Chocolate Bhutlah seeds I bought from CHS last year were the real deal, but, I do not know they were not."

Kind of confused but think it is where my point is.  What is the real deal?  Like with the Butch T, of course what Butch T sells is the real deal despite not looking like what virtually everyone is selling as Butch T.  My solution to the Chocolate Bhutlah is to say what I bought for original seed stock and show a photo while explaining there are at least five strains by the same name.

If you will take a wee bit of time and send me improvement suggestions along with your mailing address, I will send you some of what I got from the UK as a thanks - Click here for how I am dealing with this one.

Ben - You are right.  If someone deliberately misleads me, I do resent it.  I was thinking more along the lines of the great surprises from ebay sellers who dont understand isolation or those who do isolate and nothing is perfect. I love happy surprises. 

Everyone - My main thing is produce.  Online it is peppers and some seed sales, but mainly pods.  Might do plants this year, kind of up to the state of Kentucky.  If I say something that is flat wrong in the online catalog, tell me, help me improve and I will be very thankful.  Customers are the folk who let me keep my farm.  So even if I didn't love growing peppers, you gotta figure I like having a place to live.  I gotta figure other folk are the same way.  Hard for me to think folk are trying to rip you off.  So please dont think I am an idiot for thinking the best of other seed sellers.

Crazy Hot has been very good to me and he doesn't even know the address I order from.  So I am sure I wasnt singled out for better service.  Sometimes mistakes happen.  Same is true for Pepper North, Buckeye Peppers, Pepper Lover and anyone member of THP I might have missed.

Standbyandfire did say that the Butch T was the third pepper in his cross.
So, what is what?
I suppose anyone could call anything by any name they choose. As long as it is not used to intentionally deceive someone, I suppose there is no real harm.
However, when there is money involved, you know there will be controversy.
So I've been lurking this forum for awhile now, been growing peppers for only a short while, just now getting serious about it. I was ready to order 3 reaper plants, and the full top ten catalog from CHS but decided to Google for site reviews, hoping I'd see a THP review knowing I could trust the knowledge of the users here. Regardless of whether or not the chocolate bhutlah is the real deal, the way CHP handled the honest review, and proceeded to tell a customer they were being dishonest and trying to get free product. I will find another company to do business with. Shame too because it was a convenient way to get several of the seeds on my list all at once. Customer service is key to me especially if I'm going to drop nearly a hundred bucks on seeds and a few plants.
Pier, yes, yes and YES to putting SM behind the pepper name!  I think if we all start doing that more there will be much less confusion.  That and with this pepper I understand those initials have a whole different meaning.
I think its an easy way to distinguish the developer.  whether they are the creator or it was an accidental cross and they discovered it, they played a part and if their pepper is truly different than the other versions then initials are an easy way to tell. 
Pier, again yes, yes and yes.  Not sure why people do not get it.  My wife and I have two children.  One is a boy.  One is a girl.  So right off, you know they look different, think different, act different.  Male and female brains are physically different.  Just the way it is.  Oh, but they have the same mother and father.

First we have the deep gene pool of all types of peppers making it so that when the same types are combined there are different results.  Then there is growing them out.  Same two people with the same starting point will often grow different peppers based on how the individual chooses to cull and save. 

The name of a pepper is often more like a category.
I don't want to get too OT, cause this is about Crazy Hot Seeds, and not about Chocolate Bhutlah.
But i think what is unfair is that multiple Chocolate Bhutlahs appeared after we all got impressed by some reviews we've seen on standbyandfire's strain.
At that time, Semillas was already selling Brown Bhutlah, and i think Judy had her Chocolate Bhutlah too, but always very clear about the fact that was a different strain from Steven's.
Some people rode the fame that Chocolate Bhutlah gained after those reviews, and spread confusion by using the same name.
Thing is clear: Chocolate Bhutlah is (Bhut Jolokia Red x Douglah) x Butch T, you can either get seeds from Steven or wait its release from Puckerbutt, else you'll get a Chocolate Bhutlah ( I had Judy's and i can only say good things about it), but not the one you're thinking of.