food Crisol del Chili

Scov, this looks GREAT. Can I invite myself for good bread dipping into this chili?:lol: I promise I'll bring some goooooooooooooooooooooood breads with me.
Please do. Your bread is a meal in itself. Want some chili with your bread?
I think when my grandpa was young in Mexico, he had it in his head that poor people ate corn tortillas, people with a little money ate flour tortillas, and the rich people ate Wonder bread.
He never allowed corn tortillas in his house. He also believed until the day he died that the moon landing was a farce.
Please do. Your bread is a meal in itself. Want some chili with your bread?
I think when my grandpa was young in Mexico, he had it in his head that poor people ate corn tortillas, people with a little money ate flour tortillas, and the rich people ate Wonder bread.
He never allowed corn tortillas in his house. He also believed until the day he died that the moon landing was a farce.

Well.I'm about to go back to my kitchen,roll up my sleeves and whoop up some chili. I have some yummy ribs in the oven right now but what a heck a pot of chili wont go to waste.
Your grandpa was a wise man. :)
Well.I'm about to go back to my kitchen,roll up my sleeves and whoop up some chili. I have some yummy ribs in the oven right now but what a heck a pot of chili wont go to waste.
Your grandpa was a wise man. :)
hahahhaha Got any pic's of them ribs? I'm pretty sure when you signed up to THP, it said you now have to eat with a fork in one hand, and a camera in the other! LOLOLOL
Ribs and chili, and your bread.... hmm sounds like pure heaven at your house tonight!!!
Scov,I'm spent for today. I have made a pork and beef ribs,than wings,than, zucchini fritters,than bread,than tortellini and now there is a darn chili cooking for tomorrow.It's your fault. :P Must be honest It is called cooking ADHD :rofl:

I hope no one would ask me about when I’m going to make a cake. :rofl: No ribs pics, the growling teens got to hold of them before flash went.:rofl:
:P Must be honest It is called cooking ADHD :rofl:

Ela, maybe it's OCFPD..obsessive compulsive food picture disorder

Typical OCFPD behavior includes the uncontrollable urge to immediately cook whatever yummy-looking food images the patient sees on THP or other websites.

;) :lol:

Scovie, that's some good looking chili-without-beans! I'm definitely in the mood for some chili or spicy beans soup, whatever you want to call it.
Scovie, that's some good looking chili-without-beans! I'm definitely in the mood for some chili or spicy beans soup, whatever you want to call it.

Chili w/o beans is... chili... stop trying to get TB mad again :lol:
where's the :bigstickstirringinacaulderon: smilie?
Found an interesting article:

"The oldest known chili recipe is "Pappy's Chili Carne" and is dated 1845, the year of Texas' statehood. Pappy was a 3rd generation chuckwagon cook that sold his chili on the trails of San Antonio, feeding ranchers, cowboys, and workers. He would cook the chili in Dutch Ovens with hot coals and would ring his lunch bell when the chili was ready to serve, usually after about four hours of cooking. The recipe included the controversial ingredient beans, as well as beef, tomatoes, onions, various spices, and chili powder labeled "Mexican Chili", believed to be ancho chili powder. Pappy started selling his chili to local watering holes by the pot, and would accept four mugs of beer as payment. The name "Chili Carne" started to spread all over Texas, and a local newspaper printed his recipe, with his permission, however, they forget to list the beans. This article was reprinted throughout the state, and Pappy was elated when he learned of the error. The lines at his chuckwagon tripled after the local establishments that started serving chili "forgot" the beans! Many believe Pappy purposely left them out of the printed article."
Found an interesting article:

"The oldest known chili recipe is "Pappy's Chili Carne" and is dated 1845, the year of Texas' statehood. Pappy was a 3rd generation chuckwagon cook that sold his chili on the trails of San Antonio, feeding ranchers, cowboys, and workers. He would cook the chili in Dutch Ovens with hot coals and would ring his lunch bell when the chili was ready to serve, usually after about four hours of cooking. The recipe included the controversial ingredient beans, as well as beef, tomatoes, onions, various spices, and chili powder labeled "Mexican Chili", believed to be ancho chili powder. Pappy started selling his chili to local watering holes by the pot, and would accept four mugs of beer as payment. The name "Chili Carne" started to spread all over Texas, and a local newspaper printed his recipe, with his permission, however, they forget to list the beans. This article was reprinted throughout the state, and Pappy was elated when he learned of the error. The lines at his chuckwagon tripled after the local establishments that started serving chili "forgot" the beans! Many believe Pappy purposely left them out of the printed article."


Sounds like my grandpa's brother's name was "pappy". HA! Grampa couldn't cook up a good scheme, he would get bones in toast.

Seriously, if you like the beans IN your chili... put them in! This is America!
BUT... If I catch you putting beans in MY Chili pot, expect a serious face spanking. period.

I think that article is actually pretty accurate. as silly as that sounds, sure explains a lot about my the family.
Doggone heathen's and traitor's of all 'thangs chili and Texas.

(I don't trust wiki all that much but on short notice)

While some may say chili began with beans, it did not.

If ya'll have done your research, then ya'll know this to be true.

Don't mess with Texas!

I love Texas because much like my time in Alaska, the feeling was not about me and I and what are you going to do for me, but about us[/i ]and we together. That's right you're not from Texas but Texas wants you anyway. C'mon now and let me serve you a proper bowl of red.

If not me, then mi amigo Alabama Jack.
I don't see what all the bruhaahaa is about beans or no beans. Seriously, does it make one bit of difference while you kiss your loved ones and go to work in the morning? Add the beans, don't add the beans. To me they are only one ingredient...just like green peppers.

PERSONALLY!!!!!.....I don't like green peppers, so does that mean if I make a chili/soup without green peppers and with beans it wouldnt't be allowed into a contest in Texas? Or if I make it without ONIONS...(God forbid!!!))) It would not be entered???? That's lame!

Make what you like, eat it and enjoy it. Let others do the same. Unless you're cooking in a 5-star restaurant and have to maintain a consistency from day-to-day, the only judges you have to worry about are those actually eating the dish.

The "right/correct" recipe for anything is the one you like to eat.

Heck, we make a fettuccine alfredo dish with sour cream!!!!! GASP! :eek:

(I don't trust wiki all that much but on short notice)
Where do we look? Over on the right where it says chili is:
Chili Peppers

Wiki said it, it must be true-
How could I have missed that?
Looks absolutely delicious! send over a bowl!

As for the beans, no beans... well, beans do taste good. I just prefer mine without. for some, in my mind it's a whole other dish when you add beans. :)