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breeding Cross Country Nurseries Superhot Smackdown

The three plants I mentioned above being somewhat yellow colored... it turns out they must have been getting a little bit cramped in their containers, because now they're showing darker green new growth after being out in the ground for a couple weeks. The plant that was in the worst shape appears to be recovering as well.

Have received another 12 plants with CCN's sale (of those, 10 for myself) and have three left to transplant. The new batch is actually doing great right now. Something (I think the high winds the last few days) ripped two nice-sized leaves of my Fatalii from the last batch. :(

And BTW, both shipments were done through UPS...

I really hope that this is the case for my plants from them. I got over 42 plants from them total and of them 6 Bhuts and 6 Naga Morich were all yellowing (the whole plant is really just green-yellow and a few others as well. They have been in the ground under a week so hopefully they get better.
Bummer to hear that DarkTrak. If I remember right we ordered only a day apart or so and I received mine on 6-3. Where are you located?
And yes, I have tried to contact them. They don't answer the phone so I sent an email on Saturday. Well it's Tuesday and no answer.
I really hope that this is the case for my plants from them. I got over 42 plants from them total and of them 6 Bhuts and 6 Naga Morich were all yellowing (the whole plant is really just green-yellow and a few others as well. They have been in the ground under a week so hopefully they get better.
Just give it a couple weeks; if three of my 30 plants did it, there's a good chance six of your 42 have the same problem considering they're from the same supplier/growers. The old leaves that are already light greenish-yellow are still that color, but the new leaves are looking good. It's not very noticeable for a while, but after a couple weeks the healthy new growth should be clear.

By the way, it seems based on the destination location they must ship through every service imaginable...
UPDATE: Got in touch with Janie @ CCN...She is gonna make this right...stay tuned for the resolve..DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAA......
yeah, she said she shipped it on tuesday cuz of the holiday monday. so they have been in a box since tuesday morning. NOT looking good.
I don't understand why they would ship something via USPS. Plants should be shipped by USP or FEDEX 2 day service. The postal service SUCKS. If any of those plants survived, you are lucky. maybe CCN will refund you some money. Good Luck.
Here's CCN's last email:

"It is hard to say whether the plants will arrive in good condition or
not. We have had plants live in the box for 3 weeks, and be ok. For that
we will just have to wait and see.

Everything is marked as Sold Out on the site - we are now closed for the
season and are no longer accepting orders.

We still have the items from your order available to ship. Won't even
consider shipping until next Monday however.

So here is my idea... let's see if the order arrives. If it is not ok,
we will reship. If it does not arrive, we will reship. Sound like a


Looks like darn good customer service so far!!
Awesome DarkTrack. Now go grab a quality ale and relax. It's good that they are trying to correct this.

I agree with chilehead70301... it doesn't make much sense to use USPS for the delivery of something that requires fast delivery. Maybe they'll fix that as a result of your bad experience. The banged up box via UPS I received was nothing compared to what you're going through.; at least, thanks to their packaging, most of the plants looked completely unharmed.
DarkTrak ...... I hope your plants show up in good shape. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. As for CCN .... myself I think they're a great place. I got plants from them last year and was well pleased. This year I got 80 plants from them , 6 were tomatoes and the rest peppers. Still very pleased with them.

As far as customer service goes for me Janie is great. She added to my order at the last minute. She's always answered my e-mail , sometimes a day or two later I admit , but I can understand that. They have to have their hands full at some times of the year I'd think.

As a musician and silversmith I've had places make me pull my hair out with their lack of customer service. Made me wish I could get my a hand through the phone line or cyberspace and grab a neck !! To fight back I simple don't give them my bucks any more.

Shipping is something that no seller has control of. If they do their part and pack your order in a timely fashion and use some common sense , like not shipping when there's a holiday or shipping on a Friday so the order sits on the dock over the weekend...... that's all they can do. It's then in the shippers hands. It's their fault if things get screwed up. I don't understand the use of USPS , maybe something to do will regulations and shipping live plants to you ? Don't have a clue ... Janie would have to answer that one. I think my order came UPS.

Anyway .... Peace & good luck,
P. Dreadie
DarkTrak ...... I hope your plants show up in good shape. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. As for CCN .... myself I think they're a great place. I got plants from them last year and was well pleased. This year I got 80 plants from them , 6 were tomatoes and the rest peppers. Still very pleased with them.

As far as customer service goes for me Janie is great. She added to my order at the last minute. She's always answered my e-mail , sometimes a day or two later I admit , but I can understand that. They have to have their hands full at some times of the year I'd think.

As a musician and silversmith I've had places make me pull my hair out with their lack of customer service. Made me wish I could get my a hand through the phone line or cyberspace and grab a neck !! To fight back I simple don't give them my bucks any more.

Shipping is something that no seller has control of. If they do their part and pack your order in a timely fashion and use some common sense , like not shipping when there's a holiday or shipping on a Friday so the order sits on the dock over the weekend...... that's all they can do. It's then in the shippers hands. It's their fault if things get screwed up. I don't understand the use of USPS , maybe something to do will regulations and shipping live plants to you ? Don't have a clue ... Janie would have to answer that one. I think my order came UPS.

Anyway .... Peace & good luck,
P. Dreadie

Yeah, she is top notch, I understand the situation and harbor no hard feelings towards her or CCN as a business. She hinted towards doing away with USPS next season but at an increase in shipping cost...well worth it for healthy plants in my book.
I had a feeling that they would have great customer service for this type of thing. I sent them an email about accidentally ordering 3 of the same plant instead of three different ones and it was corrected immediately. By the email you got it sounds like my instinct was right. Hopefully the plants are fine when they arrive and you won't have to wait on a new package.