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breeding cross polination prevention

I bought some netting to keep my habs and bhuts from crossing. Just haven't figured out the best way of covering them with it. Any ideas?
Are the holes in the netting small enough to keep bugs out? Other wise you're wasting your time.

I've used tulle, the stuff they make wedding veils out of, to isolate individual pods and it's worked well. It is a pain in the hiney to do though. If I were to isolate anything again I think I would got with covering the entire plant. I believe Pepperlover is doing this with the plants she's using to provide pure seeds for her seed selling site. You may want to talk with her, she may have some advice for you.

Isolating pods I've found that it's easiest to make a sack from the tulle and some thread. Wrap it around the buds before they flower and tie it off. Make sure there is plenty of room in it for the buds, leaves, flowers and pods to grow. Good luck.
I have had terrible luck with the tulle to isolate seeds. I get nearly 100% flower drop with it. I have used it to cover entire plants as well as the individual buds. I have had the most success with just putting a drop of elmer's glue on the bud before it opens. Probably get at least 50% to set using that method.

the netting I bought is designed to prevent bugs from getting in. I was thinking of covering the whole plant, just trying to figure out the best way to do it.