breeding Cross pollionation questions

How common is cross pollination among hot pepper plants and what are the ways of reducing this so I can use my own saved seeds in the future without the risk of growing mutant peppers?
Very common, if you're really keen on having pure seed for your next gen you should isolate.

Edit: You can cut your flowers just before they open and pollinate via brush, or isolate your plants as a whole in a mesh. Either way you'll need to do it by hand.
This question has been asked many, many times. You might try using the search function.

Here's what I found when I tried it:

Found a total of 84 results.

Good luck.
Not a problem N_S welcome to the site. Raelacea has a point about adding thehotpepper to the end of any pepper growing google. It's amazing how many times I google a pepper related question to find most of the links lead right back here.

Good luck with your season.
It's amazing how many times I google a pepper related question to find most of the links lead right back here.

+1 that's how I would up here in the first place!
:welcome: to the forum NS.
Good to have you along for the ride,
Good luck with your season!