food Crushed Candied Habaneros

I also dust them with confectioner's sugar, but some use corn starch. Next time I make them, though, I am going to try not dusting them, but instead put them into a container with a food-grade dessicant. I may be using too much powdered sugar, but the thing is I don't like when I manage to inhale a bit when putting a candied pod into my mouth. Yeah, yeah.... I know..... learn to chew without breathing!
Just finished my first batch with windchicken's Scotch Bonnets (thanks, WC!), some chocolate habs and some habanero de arbols. With all of them in the same sugar cooker, they're all blazing hot, crunchy and really sweet. But I am out of practice. One candy SB and I'm knocked on my rear here pretty quickly. Still feeling it half an hour later.

Thanks for the original recipe, and I can't wait to take these to some family members over T-Day and see if they dig 'em.
Nice! And yes, be careful ~~~ I like fataliis so much, I'd just sit there and eat the candied ones without thinking about it, since the sugar cuts into the heat. But after a few - ZOWIE!
geeme, have you ever thought about coating some of them in Dark or milk chocolate? Sounds like it might be a great combination. I'm going to be making some of my Dragons Eggs soon so i might give it a try.
geeme, have you ever thought about coating some of them in Dark or milk chocolate? Sounds like it might be a great combination. I'm going to be making some of my Dragons Eggs soon so i might give it a try.
Strange as it may sound, I'm not a huge chocolate fan. I don't dislike it, per se, but I'm very particular about it - neither Hersheys nor Mars are anywhere close to being on my list of chocolates I like to eat. Plus, I'm somewhat allergic, so don't eat it very often. For the same reasons, I haven't really thought about coating them in chocolate. However, now that you mention it, it does sound like the right chocolate coating the right pods could be a really good mix. Hmmm.... the highly-citrusy aji habanero with a good dark chocolate would be downright amazing. You'll have to let us know how the Dragons Eggs turn out!
Yes, it's that time of year again, folks! Candied what I think is my 3rd batch of pods for the season tonight, and they're drying in the oven low and slow. I'm still on the quest for the perfect candied pepper - not just crunchy, but also with high color. (You'll notice many of the candied pods on this thread are nearly black, or at least dark brown. I'm trying to retain more color than that - a LOT more color - while still keeping the process simple.) I had this nutty idea tonight to use some of the leftover syrup and mix it with makers mark. Mmmmm. That is all. Mmmmmm.......
Well, candied the last batch for the season today, and learned something I already knew but wasn't really thinking of: the type of sugar you use can make a HUGE difference. The last time I bought sugar I was thinking I didn't want to buy a 5-lb. bag, and the only small bags they had were in the store's brand. That's fine for most purposes, but I recommend staying away from it for candying. Try to find pure cane sugar instead. Why? Let's start with melting time - I usually start off melting the sugar at a medium-low temperature. This took a lot longer with the cheap sugar - easily 3x as long. Not only that, but the sugar started to caramelize before it even came to a boil. Not good. By the time I put the pods in, the sugar was definitely brown. By the time the pods were translucent, the sugar was becoming a dark brown, more like it was burning. I suspect I'm not going to care for this batch, and will end up tossing it - lesson learned.