• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

D3monic's 2015 Glog. Lots of Pods.

I had a great 2014 growing year and can't wait to get started on 2015. Had some issues with overwinters and aphids but I ditched them and nuked the basement. Here is last years Glog link
I just went through and cataloged my current seed list. Built up a bit of a collection over the course of the winter. 
Edited seed list to just a drop box file on 1/31/15 CLICK HERE FOR SEED LIST If you have anything on my wanted list feel free to give me a shout. 
I will keep this first page updated as I add things to the grow. Many still to get germinated.
Currently Growing List:
                                                       Member I received seeds from
Bhut Orange Copenhagen                               pier_man0909
Jays Peach Scorpion                                     pier_man0909
Bonda ma Jaques                                          Ajijoe
Butch T Yellow
Sweet Datil                                                    pier_man0909
Bulsa de dulce                                               pier_man0909
Aji Omni-color                                                 Ajijoe
Aji Limon                                                        Ajijoe
Fidalga Roxa                                                   Ajijoe
White Bullet Hab                                            Juanitos.
Paper Lantern Hab.                                         B.Ford
Jamaican Hot Chocolate hab.
White Fatalii                                                   -jcw10tc
White Bhut jolokia                                           -jcw10tc
Urfa Biber                                                       pier_man0909
Inca Berry  -                                                    Ajijoe
Caribbean Red Hab                                          B.Ford
Aji Pineapple  second season                           Ajijoe  slight chance at a 7pot cross. Lost track of crossed pod.  
BG7                                                               Ocho Cinco
Orange Wild Brazil                                           Ajijoe
Goatsweed                                                      Ajijoe
Chocolate Habanero                                         B.Ford
Mystery Hababhut?                                          Nursery
Scotch Bonnets                                               Nursery
Taquila Sunrise "Hot"                                       Ajijoe
Fooled you jalapeno                                         Ajijoe
Yellow Primo                                                   jcw10tc
White Devils tongue                                         jcw10tc
7pot Yellow brainstrain                                     jcw10tc
Trinidad Giant yellow congo                              jcw10tc 
Bahamian goat                                                jcw10tc
Aji Crystal                                                      Capcom
Cumari do Para                                              Capcom
Carolina Reaper                                              R.Roland
7pot Yellow                                                                  No Germ
Yaki brown                                                     juanitos
Xalapa Jalapeno                                             Capcom
Pink Tiger                                                     pier_man0909
Criola Sella                                                   mpicante
7pot White                                                    smileyguy697
Tepin X Lemon drop (iso)  F2                         smileyguy697
Aji Amarillo                                                    mpicante
MOA Scotch Bonnet                                      smileyguy697
Champion (baccatum)                                    smileyguy697
Large Thai Orange                                         Romny 6  (Growdown throwdown)
Yellow Bhut                                                  Pier_man0909
Australian Lantern Habanero                          ajijoe
CGN 21500                                                                      
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate                              chocolatescotchbonnet
Red Savina                                                  chocolatescotchbonnet
7pot Chocolate                                             chocolatescotchbonnet
Carbonero                                                    Pepper T Sherwood
 Also doing a few Pineapple ground cherry tomato plants. Taste just like tiny pineapples and will be great for a salsa verde with ajis and maybe the bonda ma jacques
Here is my Currently wanted list. I will keep it updated and change it as things pop up. If you have any of these seeds and would like to trade for something on my current seed list please let me know. Line through it means seed trades are underway. 
Seeds Wanted:
Lemon Habanero
Murupi amarela
Spotted the first  Butch T yellow pods forming

I had this labelled as 7pot yellow brainstrain but i'm starting to have my doubts, it's growth was different than the other ones and pod doesn't seem to be shaped right. I had crossed that flower with Aji Limon but obviously that wouldn't affect pod shape until next generation. 
The only possible chance of mixed up plant was yellow Primo but again not really shaped like one those either. I know it's still young though. What do you guys think, maybe spot on or a possible cross?
Thanks! Now I just need to get the gnat problem under control. Backyard so thick with them can only stand to be outside for a minute. I got a yard treament just need to apply it
D3monic said:
Spotted the first  Butch T yellow pods forming
I had this labelled as 7pot yellow brainstrain but i'm starting to have my doubts, it's growth was different than the other ones and pod doesn't seem to be shaped right. I had crossed that flower with Aji Limon but obviously that wouldn't affect pod shape until next generation. 
The only possible chance of mixed up plant was yellow Primo but again not really shaped like one those either. I know it's still young though. What do you guys think, maybe spot on or a possible cross?
Does not look like either, grew both last season. Then again early growth is not always true. 
Early pods are usually not true to phenotype, but the skin on that pod doesn't look nearly bumpy enough for a Brain Strain.  It looks very Bhut-ish or Naga-like actually.
The 7pot yellow bs next to it looks just like I would expect, the seeds were OP so could be a cross of just about anything. Source said the plant was next to datil so that could be a possibility. Either way its further crossed now lol. 
Speaking of crossed, I just got done raping a few plants in the garden. I hit Aji Amarillo with caribean red hab, Aji Pineapple with Butch T yellow and Lemon drop with Inca berry. About to go hit Goats weed again with some Butch T since it didn't take last time. More about that on my crossing page. 

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Does not look like either, grew both last season. Then again early growth is not always true. 
KingLeerUK said:
Early pods are usually not true to phenotype, but the skin on that pod doesn't look nearly bumpy enough for a Brain Strain.  It looks very Bhut-ish or Naga-like actually.
I just googled datil and judging by the pod shapes there's a strong possibility that is what pollinated it last year. 
Everything is looking great, nice patch man. Question on your pollination technique? are you doing controlled pollination as in covering the flower after pollination until pod set so there is no chance of cross pollination with something else other then you intended cross?  if so what are you using? thanks 
FreeportBum said:
Everything is looking great, nice patch man. Question on your pollination technique? are you doing controlled pollination as in covering the flower after pollination until pod set so there is no chance of cross pollination with something else other then you intended cross?  if so what are you using? thanks 
no i'm not, up until today everything was pollinated indoors so I just turned off the fans and left them off for a few days after. I was just thinking about that today though as I was pollinating and lil sweat bees where dancing around my flowers. Thought "shoot, wish I had something to cover these"
Any recommendations on what to use? It's always windy so there's a chance of pollen on the breeze so it would have to be pretty fine mesh
Here's a clearer picture of the 7pot yellow bs that's not a 7pot yellow bs. Curious to see what color it turns and how it tastes. Hopefully good, I crossed it with aji limon before I knew it wasn't going to grow true so we shall see what the F1s bring

Here's the one next to it that looks to be a little truer
I bought some large pill capsules that I use with a plastic bag for over night pollination. I collect pollen in the larger end of the pill capsule then slip that over the flower after giving it a brush with q-tip. Put a bag over the pill capsule for the night seems to work well so far. On some flowers I use both ends of the capsule by putting a small hole in the end of the smaller side and cutting it with a pair of scissors. I slip the smaller end over the flower like a collar, and add the other end with pollen. that stays on flowers really well and if no rain in sight you don't need the plastic bag over it.  Can take a pic if it doesn't make sense. But I'm also open to new ideas as well it's a little time consuming doing it the way I am. so far I have done a bunch of CAP 455 x pink tiger crosses that have all set pods. 
Nice, it makes sense and sounds tedious too lol. I'm still waiting on the pink tigers to start throwing flowers, there's a couple tiny nubs of them but nothing usable yet. Wouldn't mind crossing with those as well. 
Garden looks real good D3. Couple of questions....what are you doing for the gnats? Didn't have a single gnat inside, but seeing them in some of,y container plants outside. How often will you fertilize now?
Don't think they are fungus gnats, just the regular old holy shit get out of my orifice kind. I'll have to double check brand but it's the stuff you hook up to the hose and soak the lawn with, kills gnats, mosquito, flea n ticks ect. I did order some azmax though for use in the garden. Don't need it yet but I'm sure I will soon
Prolly fert once a week or as they look like they need it. I've only watered once because all the rain we been getting
So many different opinions or thoughts on how often and what to fertilize with. It is actually somewhat confusing, then through in organic, nonorganic etc....and it just gets more confusing. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts on it.
tctenten said:
So many different opinions or thoughts on how often and what to fertilize with. It is actually somewhat confusing, then through in organic, nonorganic etc....and it just gets more confusing. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts on it.
I'm not going to be much help there. I kinda just wing it at this point, I used to have spread sheets, big lists of chems ect.. now it's just dump a little of this and a little of that. I got a mix matched hodge podge of ferts laying around, several bottles of hydro nutes, some bottles of roots organics nutes, calmag ect. My soil outside looked pretty rich and sexy so assuming I won't have to fertilize much out there but I will have to watch coloration and stuff. 
Oh nice, got some unexpected seeds in the mail today from Justin. We had talked about doing an order from semillas but it was never finalized.. or so I thought. BAM surprise package in the mail today. Normally I hate surprises but this is one I can dig :)
Going to be hard to resist the urge to start some of them this year. ... I mean I can get pods to set indoors so why not right? lol
Photo Bomb!
Here's a crap ton of pics of plants with pods
Hydro roots doing good

Butch T Yellow

White Bhut

Yellow Fatalii

7Pot yellow bs

Yaki brown

Urfa beiber

Yellow bhut


I need a bump
Thanks GM
Aji Pineapple


Inca Berry

Tepin X Lemon drop f2

Criolla sella left Aji Limon right




Paper Lantern

My sad sad tiny BOC


Aji Amarillo and a crossed pod with Caribbean red hab

My Not a 7pot yellow bs

Fidalga Roxa