• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

D3monic's 2015 Glog. Lots of Pods.

I had a great 2014 growing year and can't wait to get started on 2015. Had some issues with overwinters and aphids but I ditched them and nuked the basement. Here is last years Glog link
I just went through and cataloged my current seed list. Built up a bit of a collection over the course of the winter. 
Edited seed list to just a drop box file on 1/31/15 CLICK HERE FOR SEED LIST If you have anything on my wanted list feel free to give me a shout. 
I will keep this first page updated as I add things to the grow. Many still to get germinated.
Currently Growing List:
                                                       Member I received seeds from
Bhut Orange Copenhagen                               pier_man0909
Jays Peach Scorpion                                     pier_man0909
Bonda ma Jaques                                          Ajijoe
Butch T Yellow
Sweet Datil                                                    pier_man0909
Bulsa de dulce                                               pier_man0909
Aji Omni-color                                                 Ajijoe
Aji Limon                                                        Ajijoe
Fidalga Roxa                                                   Ajijoe
White Bullet Hab                                            Juanitos.
Paper Lantern Hab.                                         B.Ford
Jamaican Hot Chocolate hab.
White Fatalii                                                   -jcw10tc
White Bhut jolokia                                           -jcw10tc
Urfa Biber                                                       pier_man0909
Inca Berry  -                                                    Ajijoe
Caribbean Red Hab                                          B.Ford
Aji Pineapple  second season                           Ajijoe  slight chance at a 7pot cross. Lost track of crossed pod.  
BG7                                                               Ocho Cinco
Orange Wild Brazil                                           Ajijoe
Goatsweed                                                      Ajijoe
Chocolate Habanero                                         B.Ford
Mystery Hababhut?                                          Nursery
Scotch Bonnets                                               Nursery
Taquila Sunrise "Hot"                                       Ajijoe
Fooled you jalapeno                                         Ajijoe
Yellow Primo                                                   jcw10tc
White Devils tongue                                         jcw10tc
7pot Yellow brainstrain                                     jcw10tc
Trinidad Giant yellow congo                              jcw10tc 
Bahamian goat                                                jcw10tc
Aji Crystal                                                      Capcom
Cumari do Para                                              Capcom
Carolina Reaper                                              R.Roland
7pot Yellow                                                                  No Germ
Yaki brown                                                     juanitos
Xalapa Jalapeno                                             Capcom
Pink Tiger                                                     pier_man0909
Criola Sella                                                   mpicante
7pot White                                                    smileyguy697
Tepin X Lemon drop (iso)  F2                         smileyguy697
Aji Amarillo                                                    mpicante
MOA Scotch Bonnet                                      smileyguy697
Champion (baccatum)                                    smileyguy697
Large Thai Orange                                         Romny 6  (Growdown throwdown)
Yellow Bhut                                                  Pier_man0909
Australian Lantern Habanero                          ajijoe
CGN 21500                                                                      
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate                              chocolatescotchbonnet
Red Savina                                                  chocolatescotchbonnet
7pot Chocolate                                             chocolatescotchbonnet
Carbonero                                                    Pepper T Sherwood
 Also doing a few Pineapple ground cherry tomato plants. Taste just like tiny pineapples and will be great for a salsa verde with ajis and maybe the bonda ma jacques
Here is my Currently wanted list. I will keep it updated and change it as things pop up. If you have any of these seeds and would like to trade for something on my current seed list please let me know. Line through it means seed trades are underway. 
Seeds Wanted:
Lemon Habanero
Murupi amarela
twilliams386 said:
Loving those pots. I haven't ordered yet because shipping is equal to cost, but I'm gonna start looking around for similar deals. Did you compare prices with greenhouse megastore?
No I don't think I did. But I can pick them up local so for me 3.50 each can't be beat. 
Ozzy2001 said:
I have to say that the sticky fly strips have really worked well for me along with peroxide/water. I also enjoy the satisfaction of seeing my vanquished foes stuck on the strips as a reminder to the other gnats as what will happen lol.
lol, i've used them  in the past. They do work good, too good if they happen to touch anything else. I'm starting to see the next round of flies and getting ready with a peroxide solution. The only negative i've seen with the peroxide test cups was that they get dry and crusty much faster than the others. But I suppose that is a positive as well when dealing with fungus gnats. 
Side note, I just got done going through my taxes on turbo tax. I owe 12k federal but getting 3k back state. apparently withholding 15k for taxes wasn't good enough...... Going to see the wifeys attorney about a Bankruptcy. I have my old house in foreclosure, back child support and a few other debts I can lump in as well. Ugh. Any of my Mexico friends need a roommate?
THANKS JW!  I thought that envelope smelled abnormally amazing. Hot damn... going to make me some ramen. Hmm, what powder to try first :)


Soaking the Yellow Primo, White Devils tongue, 7pot Y. brainstrain , Trinidad Giant yellow congo and the Bahamian goat
might have an answer for you with the mg and gnats , m.g. seems to have pests like that . an older veteran grower on here had taught me and told me to never forget this one thing !  NUKE THE SOIL FIRST !  i got a giant plastic bowl fill it up 90seconds in the microwave , kill eggs bugs etc. had gnats the first year when i had to get m.g. thats all i could find in town at the time , i skipped some nukes and low and behold gnats . battled them all winter . now i never forget to nuke and have no bug issues .   hope this helps   .     :onfire:
moruga welder said:
might have an answer for you with the mg and gnats , m.g. seems to have pests like that . an older veteran grower on here had taught me and told me to never forget this one thing !  NUKE THE SOIL FIRST !  i got a giant plastic bowl fill it up 90seconds in the microwave , kill eggs bugs etc. had gnats the first year when i had to get m.g. thats all i could find in town at the time , i skipped some nukes and low and behold gnats . battled them all winter . now i never forget to nuke and have no bug issues .   hope this helps   .     :onfire:
Thanks, I think I read that in one your posts before. Too late for me to try it now, never using MG again. The promix I got at Menards was much better and only a few cents more for a bigger bag. 2cu yard bag was $13 at Menards  It's not the promix 4 but still a good deal. Thankfully these will only be in the house a few months. I'll just keep bottom watering and using the hydrogen peroxide to kill off the larvae for now I guess. 
yes their a nightmare ,  i used strips and ladybug v that ladybug v kills on contact , organic you can spray on plants while lights are on and won't burn . good stuff !  got it thru ecovie eco. 
Planted my seedlings I got from JW.

Transplanting some the better looking seedlings to their won pots and into the promix instead MG

Not ditching the culls yet, going to save them in case my transplants die for some reason. then gifting the culls to my Father to grow out for his garden this summer. What ever he doesn't want is going into the compost bin. 
It's been like 10 mins since I posted. Group hug. Culls/spares hanging up top and all just got hit with a peroxide dip. 

I got a feeling Urfa biber going to be a biggun

100% Germ on the white fatalii though one was a helmet head and looks a wonky.

second Bubblegum 7 popped up. 

It's tough to keep up with everything.  I totally dropped the ball on my glog last year.  Trying to do better this year.
Started a few more seeds soaking today. Debating on if i'm actually going to do the Yaki brown. Not a lot of info on it online. Nice looking foliage but don't want to grow it just for that. 
Aji Crystal
Cumari Do Para - a little excited to try this one
Carolina reaper- just one plant for shoots and giggles
Yaki brown- debating if it's worth it
7 pot yellow again since last ones didn't pop. 
jcw10tc said:
Can I order some delivery?
nah but dinner's around 7 if you wanna hoof it. lol. 
Also prepped some quick salsa. Just a can of diced tomatoes n chilis, orange tomato, Lemon, a habanero, fire roasted the red jalapeno, garlic, white and green onion and seasalt. 


Going to let it marinade over night and maybe add some more green onion and hit it with the food processor. Can't tonight because everyone sleeping already. 

Took a few bites and made the lips burn sadly. 
twilliams386 said:
Oh man are you going all the way, banana leaves and all? I loved that dish. Making it was a blast too.

Get the idea from once upon a time in Mexico?
No banana leaves, was going to but was $5 for a pack. I said f that tin foil it is. Last time I did smoke it in banana leaves it really didn't seem to effect the flavor at all. 
There's a fancy Mexican restaurant I go to that has a killer Cochinita I looked up the recipe after eating there. Mine still isn't as good as theirs. I forgot to pickle some onion for it. Wish I had some purple ones. 
Oh you smoke yours? Nice! I wrapped mine in the banana leaves then put it in a roasting pan and covered with foil. Amazing. Still trying to find somewhere that makes it. Maybe when I go to Cancun this summer