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damping off...are some peppers more susceptible. ?

Ok so when everything is going 100% according to plan and you go camping for 2 days and come back and one of your Big sun Habs is lying down and you realize that the skinny stem is damping off do you panic? Nope your fan is running and everyone's soil is dry for the first inch and the lights are warm and drying so you should be fine. Day 2 and another Big Sun Hab is lying down!!!! OK what's going on? I still don't need water in any of my seedling. I know that when there dry they weigh 180g...that's right I weigh every solo cup to make sure there dry before I give them water. So now what it's only the two plants both Big Sun Habs. Maybe there more susceptible to damping off? Maybe the seeds had some spores in the package. When I transplanted them from the peat pelts to the solo cup I soaked them perry good and they stayed wet long enough that first time for the spores to develop. Anyways I'll be keeping an eye on things and if anyone else lies down especially another verity then I'll bust out the peroxide. For now I will go to watering from the bottom and keep the fan going.
Are some more susceptible to damping off than others? Yes, those grown by newbies are more susceptible than those grown by more experienced people.  :D
On a more serious note, are you sure it's damping off? The surface of the soil in the foreground does have that more-brown look to it that comes from the damping off fungus, but that could also just be normal for what you're using. If you scrape off the top layer of some of those, does the soil color seem darker underneath? Also, did you give the seeds a bath in hydrogen peroxide (or a mix of h2o2 and water) before sprouting? If another falls over, it might help to pull it out, wash off any collected soil and post a pic.

here a pic close up with the soil pulled back from the stem. This is not showing any sings of damping off to me. The soil is pro mix coco peat vermiculite. I can see the brown ting on top of the soil like you were pointing out that could be the fungus. I thought it was just the vermiculite.

This pic shows the brow tinged soil behind the seedling. I believe that this is the fungus maybe.

Here's what I believe to be a classic picture of damping off. This guy probably won't make it.
Two days and no more death. Thanks for the replies. ... watering from the bottom from now on and fans a blowing. Thanks for the replies I do in joy learning new things and right now it's peppers. (Secretly im scared I'll succeed and have to eat a super hot which I've never tried before and cry like a baby). But the hottest peppers I can get my hands on up here in canada is orange Habs and those aren't hot enough to get in my ears anymore and that won't due.
1968dart said:
 im scared I'll succeed and have to eat a super hot which I've never tried before and cry like a baby
Superhots aren't so bad.  In fact, they're almost enjoyable for a short time after you pop them in your mouth.  Sure, it burns, but you are man. You have taken the worst that mother nature can throw at you and have triumphed.  Now, all that's left is to swallow and consign this wimpy little pepper to the walk of shame it deserves for daring to challenge you.
That's when the oil hits your airways.
Whatever happens at that point will tell you a lot about yourself.
The mouth burn is one thing, the stomach cramps are another, but what comes after that will tell your neighbors a lot about yourself :onfire:
But in the end, isn't really all worth while?

This is the same plant that was suffering from the damping off. It's still going and has new growth. Everything this else in the grow is doing great as well.
Are you sure the fan is moving enough air?  Do you not have air conditioning so the ambient room humidity is on the high side?  What depth of standing water do you maintain in your (double cup?) bottom watering method?
I start mine in cups in a plastic tray with ribs on the bottom (so the cups don't create a seal on the bottom), a fan, then top water, let it run out the bottom into the tray but so little runs out that it dries up before the soil has a chance to absorb it back up into the cup.
All my peppers are in standard 16oz solo cups (double cups). There at 4 to 8 true leaves. I water from the bottom with 4oz of water when there dry. I water by weight. Dry is when the cup is under 200g. I only water the peppers that are under weight that way I don't over water. I have 50 pepper plants on the grow. 15 varieties so some are taking in more water then others. The peppers seam to absorb all the water and there's just a little standing water left in the outer cup. There all looking really healthy now with the fan and the watering from the bottom. I started a mild organic fertilizer now with every watering.
^  That may be too much water.  I never give them more than an ounce or two of water at a time at that size.  Just because the soil can hold more, doesn't necessarily mean it will do so without growing fungus.
Good job, I'm surprised it recovered.   However, things like this are why I always start more sprouts than I plan to grow, then when it comes time to re-pot I toss away the smallest or weakest.