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Datils gone bad...

These should be Datils but clearly they're not...
At least they taste pretty good and are brutally HOT.
Any idea? Some hybrid (like red datil)? Totally different variety?




Hey folks, it seems obvious that this thread has some datil fans in it..Got a question..I have both ghost plants and datil plants, all are 4 foot high or more..the ghost peppers are already bearing fruit, but my datils are not blooming yet. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this might be. thanks..Datil Jack
those red datils look awesome... this is one of my datils, that stinks it's not what you thought it was; i had that happen with a few of my plants this year and it's a bit dissappointing

Could be a new advanced genre of advertising for Seiko here. Put the product out of the center, but associate it with something so desirable !


Nice pod.
I'd wager on it being a cross, depending on how reliable your original source is. Datils have always been on the very low end of Hab in terms of heat for me, so anything hotter than that is suspect.

Shape is less reliable as my pods have been anything from squat, blocky, and triangular, to more what Yumyumyellow has. Out of curiosity, do you notice any purple mottling/striping on the green pods prior to ripening? Seems to be a fairly common Datil trait.

Edit to illustrate the point:


Not that this is unique to Datils or anything, they just seem especially prone to acquiring a purple coloration in the sun. I only have examples of blotchy purple spots, but I've seen purple striping on the unripe pods too.
Hi Synclinorium,

after having some mature pods I'm now sure those are not Datils. It was my first time trying to grow 'em but i've already sampled some and mines are superhot level and different taste/color. Also no purple striping when ripening. Closest thing in my limited knwoledge seems Nagas.
Here's a sliced "Bad Datil":


i'll collect some seeds anyway ;)


Still growing this stuff after a couple seasons and i plan to sow fresh seeds again and keep a plant or two for the time coming.
Here's a recent incarnation:

Some shape variation but still very strong citrusy scent and unholy heat, obviously some sort of Naga/Bhut but not exactly like other types i've grown.
The two plants i've grown this year were still very compact which is a plus, mostly superhots grow like trees for me and i'm short on space...
If you got seeds for me labeled "Bad Datil" in the past give it a try.
Not very many seeds in that. And the placenta is not really right for a Naga.
That could be a cross between a naga and a datil? But ended up with more naga traits?
The seeds being sporadic down the center spine aren't right, to my eye. Mine have well formed top placentas.