• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Deadpouk's 2022 Glog

This is the beginning of my 2022 Pepper journey.
I grow my peppers in open fields in Alsace, France. In 2022 I will add a hoop house to my growing arsenal (3 by 6 meters)

2022 will be my 3rd season of starting my chillies from seed. The year 2021 has been rather mixed, mainly because of the weather which has been very rainy all summer, I hope it will be a little warmer in 2022, fingers crossed!
I'm trying to keep my list pretty short for 2022, and the first seeds are already in my aerogarden.

Already in the Aerogarden:
2 x Capsicum Flexuosum Failed
2 x Capsicum Tovarii Failed
2 x Capsicum Lanceolatum Failed

I got my wild chili seeds from fataliiseeds during a promotion he was doing to buy a tractor for his farm.
I'm not a fan of wild peppers, but why not give it a try this year, and if one day I can get my hands on some capsicum cabaleroii seeds... it will be something else!

Starting mid-January/Beginning of February:

In the aerogarden:

3 x Fatalii (18.01.2022)
2 x Lemon Starburst (30.01.2022 - in Dirt, not aerogarden)
2 x Sugar Rusch Stripey (30.01.2022)
1 x 7 Pot Primo (18.01.2022)
1 x Chocolate Scotch Bonnet (30.01.2022)

In seed starting mix:

3 x Madagascar Pepper (30.01.2022)
2 x Piri-Piri
2 x St. Lucia Scotch Bonnet (30.01.2022)
2 x 7 Pot Cinder Caramel F6 (European Seed Train)
2 x 7 Pot Gravedigger Peach F2 (European Seed Train)
2 x Tripple F4 (European Seed Train)
1 x Yellow Scotch Brains (30.01.2022)
1 x Rocoto Montufar
1 x Minirocoto Red (30.01.2022)
1 x KSPS - Courtesy from Nate Fuentes ( Facebook Group)
1 x KSSR - Courtesy form XXX ( Facebook Group)
1 x BBG P.Mamp Red Pheno
1 x BBG P.Mamp Black Pheno

Starting mid-March:

In the Aerogarden:

3 x Farmer's Market Jalapeno
2 x Antep Aci Dolma
2 x Ring of Fire
2 x Joe's long Cayenne

In seed Starting mix:
6 x Matt's Variegated Jalapeno
6 x Gochugaru
2 x Lesya
2 x Lesya Orange
2 x Buena Mulata
2 x Black Hungarian

Plants i'm going to buy:
A few cayenne and orange bell peppers.

I will try to post pictures and updates regularly, I still have a lot to do on my seed starting setup and my field before the season starts!
I wish you a great harvest for 2022!
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As far as the AeroGarden goes, I'd flush the basin out, and add back fresh water. HIt it with some fresh nutrients, but only half as strong.
Thank you, I followed your advice and emptied the tank. filled it with fresh water and nutrients. now I just have to wait and see if there is an improvement. in the worst case I still have time to start over.
I completly forgot to update my glog... peppers are in the ground since the 1st of May. Going to update soon. Still somme peppers going on indoors, a few variegated jalapenos and dreamcatcher.
Looking forward to seeing your plant-outs, @Deadpouk!
Plant out here in the Pacific NorthWest should happen
around third week of May this year.
But not everything is bad, the plants are bouncing back, i've seen tons of ladybugs munching aphids.

Thippaul Threat, but forgot to look at the label.. new leaves growing strong.


same for this madagascar pepper and rocotto plant



first pods on my buena mulata and lesya plants


my pepper rows, most of them are still pretty small, but they really took off this last week.
hope they continue growing strong, little heatwave going on.

I have seen lots of western Oregon climes
on our EU travels. Roughly same latitude,
so makes sense. Some similar Eastern Oregon
type climate in some of the Southern EU countries.
Very interesting to see flora and fauna so reminis-
cent of home!
Weather is really crazy this year, really hot and insanely dry. Probably not even a week of rain since may.
Last few pics before flying to teneriffa and get some rest after this crazy year.


some nice Bahamian goats, really like the shape of those.


Some trippaul threat... but i lost the tag! Mature peppers are yellow and really hot, did eat one in one bite and boy did it burn.
didnt look up the cross before putting it in my mouth. Plant foliage is really nice, really big and bushy plant. I have 3 others plants growing in the patch.
Going to grow the last seeds i got from paul next year.


A little Dreamcatcher i got from mattspepper, didn't have a lot of luck with is variegated jalapeno, the plants with a lot of white got pretty much cooked by the sun.


Last pic of the pepper patch, have already a lot of plans in my head for next year.
Got the new cover for the hoop house, but im going to move it so im not in a hurry to put it on.
When im coming back, going to have a lot work. Processing the peppers and preping the garden for the winter.
Love your landscape in Alsace, reminds me of some
of the areas in Oregon where I live. We are at 45˚ N.
latitude, so I suppose our regions have a lot in common.

The Trippaul Threat looks awesome. If the pods are yellow,
it's probably one of the v2 F3 or 4. They can get to be large
plants, alright!

Have fun in Tenerife!
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