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Dear thief who broke in to my car last night

it sucks that people are so stupid.probally was some young teenage punk that should have had his ass in bed,but mom and her boyfriend were passed out on cheap vodka,and pain pills.

no, that was me - which explains why I didn't wake up to catch him.

- kidding - I don't do pills...but it was raining pretty hard, which is a good noise buffer - my dog usually wakes up at a moth fart, so if nothing else the dude's got the "cat" part of the cat burglar down. The "leaving evidence behind that has my name on it" part, notsomuch.

Was that the phone you used to call me last night?

That would explain why the caller I.D. said OJ Simpson.

No, that was a different phone, but thank you for that - best phone secks I've had in years. How did you know my fantasy was to make sweet love to a Yeti slathered in whipped cream?
cut up a bunch of superhots and then walk around and rub all the window sills, door handles, etc.... it don't bother us cuz we're immune.... but it'll only take one attempt and the work will spread...."DON'T try that house!"

Sorry to hear about the car, but yeah, amusing in it's own way.

I wasn't so lucky one year a while back - a bunch of party-goers on drugs and alcohol decided to damage my car. Yep, just rip into it like it was no one's business. Nothing stolen, just mangled everything they could get their hands on. I didn't know any of them and they didn't know me - even the cops were puzzled as to why they went after my car the way they did, other than simply the drugs. Fortunately, someone heard the glass breaking and called the cops, so every last one of them were caught in the act. Still..... not how I intended to spend the day after Thanksgiving that year, making alternate transportation arrangements and filing a police report. Damn..... THANKS for the reminder! ;)
I was wondering about what would happen if he decided to go back looking for his phone. Once his bout with cranial rectal inversion is over and becomes aware of wht he did, changes his underware and stars to think there's no telling wht his dumb a$$ might do. Nice to see that Lucky's a good dog and as for that other part does that also include protection by noted professionals like Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson? Dumb people do dumb things, smart people, well, they're smarter than to do it in the first place.
Darnit. I drove all the way out there to come up on some hot sauce and after seeing none I told my 5 year old daughter to just grab that 47 cents and run. My daughter wants her hello kitty phone back and her barbie big wheel back that she stashed in your bushes.
does that also include protection by noted professionals like Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson?

Bingo. While Lucky's 60 lbs and has a border collie's work ethic & lab's bark, and while I have no doubt he'd bite an intruder, it's too easy for a dog to get hurt.

So my agreement with my dog is that he alerts me, and I confront the intruder. And I would be much much much more likely to bring the .357 with me than say, a pair of scissors. :cheers:
I had someone break into my truck a few months ago. Only thing they took that pissed me off was an old Marlin lever action .22 I just redid for my daughter. I Test fired it and forgot it in my truck and as luck would have it,that was the night they hit my neighborhood. My house is also protected by dogs and S&W.!
Sorry to hear LDHS, I'd eBay that phone if worth anything. At least they didn't throw a rock through your window for .47.
Went to NorCal for Thanksgiving, poured a little hot sauce in your honor on my taco bell burrito while passing your Hayward exit off the 580.
Glad karma came quick for this douche, hope it works out.
Haha - my buddy turned me on to that - I'm not a Taco Bell guy, but he came over with a bunch of tacos & was ranting about how the LDHS made them aste like "real Mexican food".

He wasn't far off - it was good!
I brought some hot sauce that I made with me to Thanksgiving, after telling people what was in it, no one, not one person would at least try it. They all just stared at me while I ate it, as if I was going to spontaneously com bust. I'm more of a Del Taco guy, their hot sauce actually has a tiny kick to it.
On a side note, be prepared for that Taco bell/Del taco to come full circle when road trippin for 12 hours. Crack a window.