• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


*Information about added varieties on page 3*
Hey everyone! Long time lurker here... been using this site as an incredible resource for my everlasting search for face-melting heat. Decided to finally put all the knowledge I've gained to use, and grow my first super-hots!
This year was my first ever outdoor garden (and things went great!) along with many typical garden veggies, I grew some Thai chili's and orange habanero's. It's so awesome seeing all your hard work end up at the kitchen table. That being said... I've got growing fever now! Our outdoor season here in Idaho ends in Sept. - Oct. if you're lucky, and doesn't start back up until April-May'ish. That leaves me all winter with nothing to grow. So I decided to move things indoors to hold me over. I've always been fascinated with hydroponics and figured this would be the perfect time to dabble.
Enough with the boring background... and onto the juicy part: details and photos!
My grow includes:
Two 7 pots: Brain Strain and Douglah 
Thai Chili (saved seed from summer plant)
Nature's Bites: a cherry tomato (had some new seeds I wanted to try)
I had some storage under my stairs that I was able to convert into a makeshift grow room. I am using a 600w HPS bulb, and General Hydroponics Flora 3 part nutes.
In addition to my grow, I decided to conduct a mini experiment on seed starting... I read tons of stuff online about soaking seeds to speed up germination. Especially when soaked in a mild Hydrogen Peroxide solution. There was much debate whether soaking made any improvements so I though the best way would be to answer the question myself. I planted 12 seeds of each variety, 6 natural and six soaked for 24hours in a H2O2 solution. The "Natural" (un-soaked) seeds went in 11/13/13, and the soaked went in 11/14/13.

11/18/13: my tomatoes popped (no difference between soaked/natural)

11/20/13: my first Thai chili's popped (natural first)

11/25/13: several Brain Strain's and Douglah's are up (mixed between soaked/natural)

12/02/13: starting to see some real progress in the seedlings!

12/07/13: even more growth all around

12/07/13: first look at my grow area

12/09/13: first transplant! (Needless to say I nuked those poor plants with a blast furnace right above them) Its a learning experiment, right!? Good thing I started way more than I needed for backups.

12/27/13: after several rounds of trial and error I was able to get my plants to take in my new grow room

Brain Strain-
11/22/13: 1st sprout up (Natural)
11/25/13: 4 H202 sprouts up, 2nd Natural
12/2/13: 5/6 Natural + 6/6 H202, first set true leaves on couple plants
12/3/13 First fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/6/13 Second fertilizer soak (diluted)
11/25/13: 3 Natural sprouts, and first tip of H202 sprout up
12/2/13: 5/6 Natural + 3/6 H202, first set true leaves on couple plants
12/3/13 First fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/6/13 Second fertilizer soak (diluted)
Nature's Bites (tomato):
11/18/13: 6/6 Natural + 5/6 H202 (over weekend)
11/22/13: Most plants have first true leaves (still small)
11/25/13: First fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/2/13: Multiple sets true leaves
12/3/13 Second fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/6/13 Third fertilizer soak (diluted)
Thai Chili (Hybrid? saved seed from summer garden):
11/19/13: First glimpse of sprout (Natural)
11/22/13: 5/6 Natural + 2/3 H202
12/2/13: Most plants have established true leaves
Fertilizing (nutes): General Hyroponics Flora Series 3pt (Grow/Bloom/Micro):
Waited to add any nutrition until first true leaves had formed, but added fertilized water immediately after since rockwool is sterile and inert, I figured the little plants would get hungry fast.
While plants were still in the propagation tray I would flood the bottom with nutrient solution and allow the rockwool to soak up as much as it could, and drain out whatever water was left. I would do this as often as the rockwool felt dry: initially about once a week, moving to multiple times per week as the plants grew larger. At this point I was using 1ml grow + 1ml bloom + 2ml micro / gallon water. ~300ppm
When plants were first moved into their grow buckets, I used 2tbsp grow, 1.5 tbsp micro, and .5tbsp bloom / ~4 gallons water. ~7-800ppm
    -May be a little high for some varieties, Thai and tomato loved it, 7pots got some serious nute burn. Maybe try 500ppm
First signs of blooms/blossom drop on tomato nutes were changed to 3tbsp bloom + 1.5tbsp micro + .5tbsp grow / ~3 gallons water. ~880ppm
Tap water here is about pH8+ so I was being lazy at first, and not testing or adjusting my pH. Once I noticed some iron/magnesium deficiency symptoms in my peppers, I realized I needed to be checking my pH as some nutes were getting locked out. After testing, and realized I needed to add about 1/2 cap full of pH Down to each nute refresh and check to make sure pH was starting around 5.5 and climbing over the time it was used. This cleared the symptoms pretty quickly.
12/9/13 first transplant: WAAAAYYYY too early, absolutely fried those things. Need to wait much longer 3+ true leaf sets, and keep the light high until they plants are used to it.
Thanks fella's!!

Still no color change on the first brain, but it's getting huge! Much bigger than the pics lead on. Between the 4 plants, had to refill about 2 gallons today to keep water levels up. They're really drinking now.
Thanks fella's!!

Still no color change on the first brain, but it's getting huge! Much bigger than the pics lead on. Between the 4 plants, had to refill about 2 gallons today to keep water levels up. They're really drinking now.

Leads me to another question, when you refill are you using just water, or do you have to do another nutrient solution?
thirdcoasttx said:
Leads me to another question, when you refill are you using just water, or do you have to do another nutrient solution?
Weekly is when you will change out your nutrient solution (less often when the plants are small) but when I'm just topping off all I add is pH adjusted water. Since my water is like 8.0 I add a little bit of pH Down to it before I top off to help keep wild swings in check. If using tap water, I would definitely recommend the same. Also letting it sit for 24-48 hours to let the chlorine dissipate. I didn't do this at first, and the plants lived... But I've been doing it lately and think it helps. Definitely doesn't hurt! I just fill a couple old gallon milk jugs and let them sit out w/o the lid and then you have easy tip-off water handy.
stc3248 said:
You got me price checking Root Spa systems!!!
Uh oh, tempting you eh?! I like the sound of that! ...Hopefully it doesn't get you into trouble with the boss-lady! ;)
Cool. So I picked up the nutes they recommended and they are botanicare metabolic grow 1.0-0.5-1.0 npk and metabolic bloom .5-.5-1.0 npk he said to mix at half or quarter strength to start out with. I also bought a digital ph tester, ph up and down with the dropper tester, and I have a tds meter on order anything else I should consider before giving it a shot this weekend?
thirdcoasttx said:
Cool. So I picked up the nutes they recommended and they are botanicare metabolic grow 1.0-0.5-1.0 npk and metabolic bloom .5-.5-1.0 npk he said to mix at half or quarter strength to start out with. I also bought a digital ph tester, ph up and down with the dropper tester, and I have a tds meter on order anything else I should consider before giving it a shot this weekend?
Depending on how early your start fertilizing, I would start at 1/4 strength (first true leaves) then up to half as a couple more sets show up, or as symptoms indicate the need for more food. Never had any experience with those nutes... but will be watching to see how they work out!! I think that's about all you'll need since you already have lights and timers and stuff (and all the hydro bucket supplies) correct?
One thing about the pH up and down... start with VERY small amounts. Like 1/2 cap of pH Down was enough to correct about 3 - 3.5 gallons of water. Also, I read somewhere you don't want to be adding up, then down, then up, then down... you want to do it in as few steps as possible. My guess would be you will rarely ever use UP... I haven't ever.
Yeah ive got everything else I need I was playing with the dropper ph tester the other day my tap water ph is 7.1 I put about a cap and a half of down in a gallon of water and it dropped down to like 4 so im gonna be really careful with that stuff.
thirdcoasttx said:
Yeah ive got everything else I need I was playing with the dropper ph tester the other day my tap water ph is 7.1 I put about a cap and a half of down in a gallon of water and it dropped down to like 4 so im gonna be really careful with that stuff.
Haha yeah, thats wayyyy low. And you don't want to add a bunch of UP after that. I usually drop mine to somewhere between 5-6, and then it will slowly climb (and possibly even drop back down) over the course of the plants uptaking water and nutrients. This is called pH drift, and it is a good thing. Makes certain nutrients available in the pH ranges:
Ok buddy ph in the solution is 5.4 had to add a little down to get it there from 7. Original ppm in the store bought ro water was about 38 ive added about 5 tsp of the grow nutes to a little less than 4 gal of water and it is now at 95 ppm. How high should I go? Directions say 1-3 tsp per gallon.
thirdcoasttx said:
Ok buddy ph in the solution is 5.4 had to add a little down to get it there from 7. Original ppm in the store bought ro water was about 38 ive added about 5 tsp of the grow nutes to a little less than 4 gal of water and it is now at 95 ppm. How high should I go? Directions say 1-3 tsp per gallon.
Moving forward, nice! So you decided to go RO water after all? Since I'm not familiar with those notes, and If you plan to continue keep using the RO water you might want to consider supplementing some calcium and magnesium (ask your hydro guys what they think with this nute combo) but then again you might not need that until the plants get a little bigger. Definitely by flowering/fruiting tho. 95ppm seems a little bit low... How big are the plants currently?
thirdcoasttx said:
Yeah ive got everything else I need I was playing with the dropper ph tester the other day my tap water ph is 7.1 I put about a cap and a half of down in a gallon of water and it dropped down to like 4 so im gonna be really careful with that stuff.
I guess you figured out that they weren't kidding on the label where they say to use sparingly. :D
Nick, plants all look great. How is the tomato plant coming? you should have some ripe ones by now I would think.
Moving forward, nice! So you decided to go RO water after all? Since I'm not familiar with those notes, and If you plan to continue keep using the RO water you might want to consider supplementing some calcium and magnesium (ask your hydro guys what they think with this nute combo) but then again you might not need that until the plants get a little bigger. Definitely by flowering/fruiting tho. 95ppm seems a little bit low... How big are the plants currently?

Seedlings on the 3rd set of leaves
I bumped up the ppm to 200 so well see how it does from there.
Jeff H said:
I guess you figured out that they weren't kidding on the label where they say to use sparingly. :D
Nick, plants all look great. How is the tomato plant coming? you should have some ripe ones by now I would think.
Thanks Jeff. Tomato is coming along great. I've harvested somewhere between 20-40 tomatoes off of it (they're just cherries) but its been putting out alot of new growth, and has quite a few flowers again now too. Some of the flowers are already even turning into baby toms!
thirdcoasttx said:
Seedlings on the 3rd set of leaves
I bumped up the ppm to 200 so well see how it does from there.
200 sounds perfect. I started mine at 300 and the Thai and Tomato loved it. The super-hots looked a little "overfed". Just keep an eye on them and if they show signs of nute poisoning, drop it down a little. If they show signs of being hungry, bump it up slowly.
Devv said:
Seem like you have this down to a science for sure!
Really like the PH chart too!
Thanks Devv!
I did another nutrient solution refresh today:
All the plants continue to do well, but I keep thinking I'm over-feeding. Sometimes, less is more. So this time around I decided to tweak the nutes a bit by lowering them all a little and changing the concentrations by either boosting the 'Bloom' nutrients, lowering the 'Grow' nutrients, or both. Since all the plants are heavily into bloom now, and requiring frequent trims to keep them manageable I hope this works out a little better.
Tomato: 1.5 tbsp micro, 2 tbsp bloom, .5 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~925ppm - 5.5pH
Thai'brid: 1.5 tbsp micro, 3 tbsp bloom, .5 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~1000ppm - 5.5pH
Douglah: 1.5 tbsp micro, 2 tbsp bloom, .5 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~940ppm - 5.5pH
BrainStrain: 1.5 tbsp micro, 3 tbsp bloom, .5 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag ~1140ppm - 5.5pH
Brain got some more trim, I've left one stem on the outside of the room (not too close to the light) at the plants full height, now taller than me almost 7ft!!! the rest have been trimmed to fit under the light, and make the plant more manageable. More pods keep showing up, there's now at least 8, with 6 of those larger than a quarter size already. Still no ripening. Roots continue to increase as well.
Thai now has easily over 100 pods (and twice as many blooms) in various stages from over 3 inches long to just forming. The weird thing is that many of them are really twisted an curly (nothing like the original plant). Again none ripe yet.
Douglah got a major trim and continues to set and drop lots of flowers. Upon closer inspection today I saw the beginning of what I think are 2 pods forming!! :dance:
Tomato also needed a trim today. Tons of new flowers, and lots of new baby green tomatoes now forming as well. I did notice a very odd looking set of leaves with some funky discoloration, and necrotic areas (lesions?). I also notice my FIRST EVER symptoms of BER today on one of the larger green tomatoes at the end of the vine, not sure what that is all about, but I hope it's not a sign of things to come. :think:  
All in all despite some minor issues I would say things are progressing quite nicely. I just wish some of these damn pods would start to ripen already!!!  :pray:

Tons of new flowers and tomatoes coming in!!

Scary looking leaf issues?

First ever BER. Major bummer. Hopefully its just a one time deal. :doh:

Roots are UNSTOPPABLE!!!



Even with me stretching, this thing now has me beat. Whole plant would be 7ft+ if I didn't have to trim it for the light! :eek:




I would be really interested if anybody had any input/feedback on the tomato leaves, and or the Blossom End Rot situation.  :think:
I'm also curious, from experience how long do some of these super pods take to ripen after reaching full size?
Thanks for stopping by!